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Author - TheLootist - Port by Markus179

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About this mod

"Delve into the depths of an underground swamp in the aid of a priest in order to heal the Heart of the Reach. Including a new quest, weapons, ring, spell and more."

Permissions and credits

Heart of the Reach is a quest mod that sends you into the Ever-Bog, an underground swamp in the reach in order to help a priest who is searching for help. You can either choose to side with or against the priest through the quest and have different rewards/ending depending on your decision.

Mod is now out on xbox: | Heart of the Reach - New Quest - Dungeon - Weapons - 3 Creature Variants - Ring Mod

Read about the mod in this article by GfinityEsports or watch this video by Zero Period Productions

The mod comes with the following content:
  • 2 new bows
  • 1 new sword
  • 1 new spell - Summon new Spriggan
  • 3 new creatures - variants of Skyrim creatures
  • New ring - Quest reward from certain choice.
  • Voiced NPCs
  • New flora and ingredientsIf you enjoy, please consider endorsing as it helps more people find the mod. Thank you!
If you enjoy, please consider endorsing as it helps more people find the mod. Thank you!

To start the mod you will need to talk to an NPC named Gwilym in the Silver Blood Inn located in Markarth. He will start you off on your journey into the Ever-
Bog. Gwilym can be seen below normally lingering around the fire place in the Inn.

Recommended level: 10-15+

A big thank you to the following as the mod would no be possible without you!

Archon - 3D models - Creatures, Environment
Ali - 3D models - Environment
tumbajamba - 3D - Weapons
Kane Hocking - Voice Acting - Gwilym
Zachary E. Davis - Voice Acting - Vinillian
Caro Tuts - 2D Concept art
Fishfiend - Quest Implementation advice
Doigsong - Blender and 3D implementation advice
Gees - chief colour picker

Bug Reports

-If you find my ports of value, feel free to show your appreciation and donate any amount you feel is equal to the value I have contributed to your modding experience, here. At the very least please endorse/share. :)