About this mod
The essential mod bundle for anyone who wants to play as a reclusive Necromaster thirsty for the occult knowledge of the dark arts, featuring 2 new themed outfits, weapons, artifacts, powerful shadow and bone magic, and a themed player home. Raise and subjugate the dead to your will and use their remains to extend your power over the living.
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- This mod compiles my Necromaster Skills (LE/SE-AE) with my Shard of an Ideal Master (LE/SE-AE) and Necromaster Robes (LE/SE-AE) mods, replacing the first one, being an expanded version of it, and including the second one, but not replacing the third one, just adding similar content (the 2 sets of Necromaster Robes) within the player home. If you use the Necromaster Skills and Shard of an Ideal Master, this bundle will naturally replace both, and you must remove their individual .esps, but you can continue to use the Necromaster Robes mod if you wish;
- If you use, like and value my work, please consider giving an endorsement. I've worked hard for years to offer you the best of me for free, and the only thing I ask in return is this gesture, which increases my relevance and engagement on Nexus, and motivates me to continue;
- I do not inspect or have any influence over translations of my mods (including those linked directly on my pages), nor do I have any power over patches or add-ons made to my content. So, before using any unofficial add-ons for my mods, make sure they conform to the latest version of my official release, and never use these if they don't. The same applies to Xbox ports;
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- Do you have any doubt? Read my Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).

The essential mod bundle for anyone who wants to play as a reclusive Necromaster, thirsty for the occult knowledge of the dark arts, featuring 2 new themed outfits, weapons, artifacts, incredibly powerful shadow and bone magic, and a themed player home.
Raise and subjugate the dead to your will and use their remains to extend your power over the living. Conjure terrifying armies of the undead, cast powerful walls of dark magic, wield giant bone swords and transform yourself into a dark skeletal abomination. You can now decimate the battlefield by mercilessly desecrating the bones of the departed.
The dead are a great resource to be manipulated and exploited by those willing to go beyond the moral line determined by most societies, as nothing is prohibited for those who seek to master the dark arts. The Necromaster Skills mod adds two powerful artifacts, which bring a new type of tactical gameplay to Skyrim, allowing you to create bone constructs during battle and make use of them to dominate your enemies and strengthen your attacks, each with special abilities. Additionally, you can overwhelm your enemies with destructive dark spells that explode into mists of shadow, create giant bone totems that drain the vitality of your victims, bring from the void a schythe-like arm of a terrifying Gravelord to use as your weapon in combat, and envelop yourself through polymorphic magic into a protective and terrifying Bone Tyrant form, transforming your appearance into the exact physical definition of terror.
When playing as a Necromaster, you must carefully position yourself and your creations strategically for maximum effect, giving these new abilities an especially tactical yet deadly playstyle. All of this, of course, requires mastery of Conjuration (lvl.100) and expensive amounts of magicka, but, especially when transformed into the Bone Tyrant form, you will gain a huge boost that allows you to use the other skills more easily, skills that are made with the intention, obviously, of being used together in the same playstyle. Whatever your role, Necromaster Skills brings powerful new dark tools to your dark wizard experience.
The new artifacts are:
Amulet of the Necromaster
"Become the master of Shadow and Death."

(the ingame value of the object is affected by the character's level
and skills, so do not take it into consideration, as it is variable)
When using the amulet, the following conditions are applied to your character:
50 extra points increase in Magicka;
Magicka regenerates 100% faster;
Health regenerates slowly;
Stamina no more regenerates;
A dark energy effect is applied to your character;
Ring of the Bonemage
''Control the bones of the dead, summoning
them as terrible abominations."

(the ingame value of the object is affected by the character's level
and skills, so do not take it into consideration, as it is variable)
When using the ring, the following conditions are applied to your character:
100 extra points increase in Conjuration skills;
50 extra points increase in Magicka;
Health regenerates slowly;
Stamina no more regenerates;
When equipped, they give you the following skills/spells:
(the first 3 skills are given by the amulet, and the last 3 skills are given by the ring, all requiring lvl 100 in Conjuration)
Necromaster Transformation (conjuration)-
"Take the form of a dreadful Bone Tyrant."

You transform yourself through the polymorph spell into a Bone Tyrant for 3 min (can be used as many times as the player wants per day). As my suggestion, use this transformation first, and then the other skills while transformed. To return to human form before the end of the 3 minutes just cast the spell on yourself again.
When transformed, the following conditions are applied to your character:
You receive an armor rating of 700 (similar to a medium lvl set of heavy armor with legendary upgrade stats, and affected/increased by your perks);
All poisoned stats get cured;
All diseases get cured;
You become immune to toxins and poisons;
You have 50% extra resistance to Magicka;
Your Magicka regenerates 70% faster;
You have 300 extra points increase in your Magicka;
You have 100 extra points increase in Conjuration;
You have 40 extra points increase in Destruction;
You have 60 extra points increase in One-handed;
You have 40 extra points increase in Block;
You have 300 extra points increase in your Health;
Your speed is reduced (but not considerably).
Necromaster Blade (conjuration)-
"Summon the Necromaster Blade, made from the arm of a sinister Gravelord."

Conjure this weapon in combat, and not only kill but soul trap the souls of your victims with this sword made of the bones of the fallen. The Bone Tyrant form gives you special skills to use this weapon more deadly. Despite heavy, and consequently relatively slow as well, the sword has a big damage input value.
The conjured blade has the following conditions:
100 points of base damage (and increased/affected by your perks);
Max lvl of soul trap enchantment;
Extra chances of critical hit (and increased/affected by your perks);
Reach superior to most one-handed sword due to its lenght.
Necromaster Shadowbombs (conjuration)-
"Project explosive shadow spells that will embrace and destroy your enemy."

You can cast shadowbombs that will explode in mists of darkness and will deal area damage to your enemies, damaging both their health and magic. They are slow, but you can launch a huge number of them at the same time in several directions, creating real minefields.
The conjured shadowbombs have the following conditions:
50 points of health damage per second for 4 seconds, a total of 200 points of damage per explosion to health;
25 points of stamina damage per second for 4 seconds, a total of 100 points of damage per explosion to stamina.
Necromaster Minions (conjuration)-
"Summon an army of pesky Bonelings to outnumber your enemies."

These small skeletons are reanimated constructions created from the remains of children. You can conjure small clusters of bones on the ground coated with necro magicka, and when they touch the ground they will transform into Bonelings. Weak, but easily capable of overpowering your enemies when in large numbers, you can create as many Bonelings as you want, which will only dissipate when destroyed, unlike a common summon. However, they will follow you like normal summons, which will allow you to take with you a true army of death.
Necromaster Servant (conjuration)-
"Conjure a powerfull Bone Colossus to aid you in combat."

This skill works in a similar way to the spell that creates Bonelings, but this skill creates a much more powerful Necromaster Servant (Bone Colossus variant). Another difference is the fact that each casting only creates one of them, but you can create as many as you want by just casting the spell multiple times. Like the Bonelings, the Bone Colossus will also follow you.
Necromaster Totem (conjuration)-
"Raise a terrifying Necromaster Totem that drains the vitality of your victims."

As in previous cases, this skill projects a bone cluster onto the ground shrouded in darkness from which an imposing Totem made of bones rises. These Totems are static and work by causing area damage, draining the life of your enemies. Like the Necromaster Servant, each cast generates only one Totem, but you can cast the spell as many times as you want.
The overhaul also features:
A necromancer-themed potential player home

Corvanius' hideout can be used as a player home in Soul Cairn after you defeat its former
owner and minions. It is divided into 3 spaces (Corvanius' Hideout, Corvanius' Catacombs
and Corvanius' Ritual Chamber), and has an alchemy and enchantment table, as well
as 3 non-respawnable chests, a table and a coffin where it is possible to sleep.
2 sets of necromancer-themed armored robes

A true master of necromancy needs an armor that matches his evil mind. Made of pure ebony metal shaped in a terrifying design, adorned with fabrics decorated by dark arcane writing, and enchanted by powerful magic, whoever wears the Necromaster Robes will make even the inhabitants of Soul Cairn tremble. Its enchantments resemble those of Archmage Robes, minus the restoration bonus, offset by a higher conjuration bonus. In addition, they are armored robes, that is, they offer protection. It is categorized as light armor, and its weight is between that of the glass cuirass, and the dragonscale, as well as its defense. In addition it can be improved using ebony ingots. It exists as a counterpoint to Archmage Robes and the righteous path, being a viable option for dark oriented characters. The set greater defense aims to compensate for the necromancer's fighting style less focused on destruction spells. Regarding how to acquire the 2 color variants of the set, while one is dropped by Corvanius himself who uses it while in human form, the second is in the locked chest outside the Ritual Chamber, and its key is also acquired by looting Corvanius.
A necromancer-themed Staff of the Soul-Absorbing Orbs

Suck your opponents' soul energy using the dark orbs emitted by this staff.
60 points per second absorbed from your victim's Health and Stamina.
Obtained from Corvanius' human form loot after he is killed.
A ritual spell that allows you to cast the Shard of an Ideal Master

A master-level AoE spell created especially for necromancers, the power to conjure an Ideal Master's crystalline shard to absorb the life force and magic of your enemies in combat. But remember, the Ideal Masters of Soul Cairn are cunning and greedy, so be careful, or you may end up paying too high a price for such dark powers. The only available spell tome is inside a chest next to the Word Wall of Soul Cairn. The spell requires lvl 100 mastery in conjuration, and the conjured shard, when it enters combat, emits magic and vitality-sucking rays in a considerable radius, sucking not only the energy of enemies, but also victimizing everyone around, with the exception of the player, and his direct associates. It absorbs 100 health points per second, and 200 magic in the same period. The shard can be destroyed in combat, but it has good regeneration, as it absorbs the life extracted from victims. It does not kill enemies, but only absorbs their energy until it leaves them in a "bleedout" state, with only a small portion of their hp left, so the last blow must come from the player or another actor.

The story behind the artifacts is related to the Black Worm Cult. A Breton vampire named Corvanius Wormfather (a descendant of Thallik Wormfather, first appeared in ESO), was an important man of Mannimarco, and after the latter's defeat, he began a journey to overcome his fallen master. He ended up negotiating with the Ideal Masters, who gave him the knowledge he desired and a place to live and do his experiments;

Corvanius' base is located in Soul Cairn, and is divided into 3 areas. You can find it near the main path leading to the main mausoleum, and is easily distinguishable by the large Black Worm Cult banners. The entrance is guarded by a Wrathman, and I suggest using torches inside. The second area is guarded by a large Bone Colossus, which holds the key to the Necromaster's Ritual Chamber;

Corvanius Wormfather forged a replica of Mannimarco's Necromancer Amulet and a replica of the Ring of the Necromancer also used by the Order of the Black Worm, in order to create the Necromaster Artifacts, which use shards of the Ideal Masters' own crystals as the origin of the skull-shaped gemstone that they possess, and when you find the Necromaster, he will be in the process of mastering the necromaster skills even more deeply;

He is a boss fight in 3 phases, the first one in his human vampire form, when he uses very powerfull
shock magika, life drain, alteration and restoration skills, and will raise the dead on his chamber;

After defeated, in the second phase he turns himself definitively in the Bone Tyrant form, and by giving his human
body as sacrifice he can attain a much bigger form than you can if you just use the form as temporary transformation
and with lesser experience. This form is melee based, but he can also create armies of Bone Minions to aid him;

If you manage to destroy the Bone Tyrant form, he will turn into a third form, a Shade, a dread ethereal form that
you can't attain even using the artifacts yourself due to requiring life-sacrifice. This shade is fast, and only uses
dark magicka. After you kill him, you can loot the artifacts, and use them yourself.

- 7 new spells: Necromaster Transformation, Necromaster Blade, Necromaster Shadowbombs,
Necromaster Minions, Necromaster Servant, Necromaster Totem, Conjure Shard of an Ideal Master;
- 4 new pieces of armor: Necromaster Robes (variant 1), Necromaster Robes (variant 2),
Amulet of the Necromaster and Ring of the Bonemage;
- 1 new enemy NPC, Corvanius Wormfather, divided in 3 stages:
Corvanius Wormfather, Bone Tyrant Corvanius and Corvanius Shade;
- 3 new creatures (conjurable): Necromaster Minion,
Necromaster Servant, Necromaster Totem;
- 2 new weapons: Necromaster Blade (conjurable), Staff of the Soul-Absorbing Orbs;
- 1 new area and potential player home, divided in 3 parts: Corvanius' Hideout,
Corvanius' Catacombs and Corvanius' Ritual Chamber

So far no incompatibilities have been found between this mod and other mods.
(OBS- If by chance when installing several of Mihail's mods at the same time you are asked about files overwriting those of other Mihail mods or other authors mods, don't worry because they are just the same files shared between mods. I recommend that on these occasions always give preference to the files contained in my mods, and among mine always give preference to the mod you are installing last.)

Unique and immersive powers, spells and enchantments for your character to be the most amazing, talented and feared mage in Tamriel.

Bone Tyrant model, textures and animations;
Boneling, Bone Colossus and Bone totem models, textures, animations and sounds;
All creatures effects and playable spells;
Necromaster Robes model and textures;
Writing of the B. Tyrant voice lines;
New artifacts, weapons, banners, areas and game implementation;
The Shard of an Ideal Master uses the vanilla Ideal Master crystal model and textures,
but re-textured by me to 4k (available in the mod as standalon version, not affecting the original vanilla version);
Conversion and 4k retexture of Castlevania's candle clusters;
Conversion and 2k retexture of Witcher 3's decorative skeletons;
Voice Actors:
Amin Khani- voice of the Bone Tyrant Corvanius;
Some assets used on this mod belong to:
cALAMIN- for the hd cubemaps;
AeonVita- for the purple torches;
CD PROJEKT RED- for the models and original textures of the decorative skeletons and for the new areas soundtrack;
Konami- for the models and original textures of some of the candles (STATEMENT ON USED KONAMI ASSETS: one or more of the assets used in this mod belong to a game developer and were initially officially made available in one or more games released by the same company. They are now also available here in a fan-made non-official creation with the permission of the company, which requires a formal declaration made by the modder clarifying the terms for the use of these assets, which follows: Part of the assets used in this mod, specifically the ones mentioned above on the Konami section of this mod credits, legally belong to the Konami studio, these assets being part of the game "Castlevania: Lords of Shadow" and "Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2", with credit belonging not only to the Konami studio, but also to the director Enric Álvarez, producers Dave Cox, Jose Raluy and Hideo Kojima, artists Juan Antonio Alcázar and Jose Luis Vaello, and developers MercurySteam, Kojima Productions and Climax Studios, and all the other artists and programmers who participated in this project. My thanks to Konami for permission to use their assets or part of their assets in my non-profit fan-made mods, as clarified by the company's terms of use, and as acknowledged by the Nexus. To paraphrase the terms, the company has no problem with fans using their game assets in non-commercial mods, as long as that use makes clear the rules below, which of course this work is committed to following. There is, however, an exception, for materials that may belong to third parties, such as brand logos of sponsors and the like, which should not be used to avoid copyright issues with assets that transcend the company's own copyright. Therefore, I declare that: This mod is not endorsed by Konami or its associates, or is in any way officially related to their games; It's not made for commercial use, it's completely non-profit, like all my work, including my fully authored work; And I don't own any legal or intellectual property over the Konami's third-party assets used in this mod, so I don't challenge the company's and associates' copyright on their content; Some of these resources may be modified or improved by me to suit the lore, mechanics, animations and other goals of my mod, modifications that however do not give me rights over these assets, and that I always make with responsability, in order not to damage the image of the company and franchise, being allways part of the serious, mature and responsible work done at MihailMods. Users: if the assets or part of the assets of a mod of mine that you want to use on your own mod have this statement, and my permission to use assets contained in the specific mod is open, you may use them but please post this statement on your own mod page and follow the same usage rules as I did.);