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About this mod

A simple patch to change the location of the Kukri knives in Dragonsreach if you have Palaces and Castles Enhanced installed. So they do not end up on the floor, kicked by an NPC, making them harder to find.

Permissions and credits
A simple patch to change the location of the Kukri Knives in Farengar's room in Dragonsreach, if you have the mod Palaces and Castles Enhanced installed. So they do not end up on the floor, kicked by an NPC, making them harder to find. PCE modifies the room where the Kukri Knives are placed in game, so the original table is not there, causing the weapons to end up on the floor. This mod moves them to the table where PCE has placed it.

For LE, this mod replaces the "V_KukriGold_Dark.esp" plugin file from the Kukri Knives_LE mod. This was done to save you a plugin slot, for those that have many mods installed. The Kukri Knives_LE mod is still required for other assets.


Q: What is the load order?

A: The plugins should be placed in this order:

Palaces Castles Enhanced.esp
PCE - No Custom Music patch.esp - Optional file from Palaces and Castles Enhanced,

If you use that 3rd plugin, it needs to follow the two main plugin files. It is an optional PCE file that I hope you do not use, because the music that Palaces and Castles provides is beautiful and amazing!! But if you do use it, it needs to follow the other two.

Q: Why did you place the two knives the way you did? Why not just put them together side by side?

A: Because there is a lean marker on the table, possibly used by a certain NPC during a quest, and I did not want to risk having that NPC cause any issues.

Q: What? What NPC might do that?

A: Open the spoiler if you really want to know...

It is Delphine. Depending on how you play the game and the order you do things, she may use it during the quest "Bleak Falls Barrow".


volodavkaa - For the Kukri Knives_LE mod
SetteLisette -  For the Palaces and Castles Enhanced
ElminsterAU and the xEdit Team - For TES5Edit