Bleached teeth are a lot of things, but they aren't natural. Teeth need to be clean to be healthy, they do not need to be white as a pearl.
This is a misconception based on not on science, but on truisms going back to the Victorian era. A few things you need to know about that era. *First they had lots of fads ranging from novel and actually correct (if not always for the right reason) to downright unhealthy. *Second, there was smog everywhere, it got so bad previously some white-colored species became black through natural selection, solely so they could blend in with the soot stained walls that were *everywhere* *Third, Queen Victoria started the White Wedding Dress craze that persists to this day. She started it because before modern techniques, white clothes were nigh impossible to clean. In an era where it wasn't unusual to only own one dress at a time, this was a statement of pure wealth. It said "I'm so rich I can wear a dress this intricate and expensive, for one day and then never again" That kind of waste sort of boggled the mind at the time. *This combined with the tradition of associating holiness with the color white and just a bit of old time-y racism, meant that Victorian era people were fricking goddang *OBSESSED* with things being white. This is ultimately where we get the less healthy white bread, the completely useless bleaching of eggs and many more thing that do nothing but add cost to production of a product. (we know its bunk now, but companies persist because its either expected or to make a bit more money off something)
...Well, that and the hygiene industry loves finding new ways to convince the public they were actually filthy, unsanitary beasts all this time, and that everyone knew and were judging you for years. Usually over something completely unnecessary to our health and hygiene: Looking you douching
Anyways, this isn't actually related to your mod. If you want your Khadjit to have white teeth more power to you. (seriously, go for it!) I just wanted to explain some cool history & do my part fight Big Beauty Product >:)
I really like this mod. However I did not so much like how reflective the teeth become in dark areas. I am savvy enough myself to change this in an image editor, but perhaps it would be a good idea to offer an alternate version with less shine?
Now my memory is foggy since it was months since I did this... but I'm fairly sure I just removed the all-white alpha layer in the diffuse texture.
The alpha layer in the diffuse texture has nothing to do with the teeth shiny-ness. You might be thinking of the alpha layer in the normalmap texture? However, this mod's normalmap seems to be identical to the vanilla teeth normalmap. So this mod should not make teeth look more shiny/reflective. This mod might, however, make teeth look slightly brighter (slash whiter).
I am not sure why I responded to this comment 2 years after it was made. But, well. Someone might find it useful?
This is a misconception based on not on science, but on truisms going back to the Victorian era. A few things you need to know about that era.
*First they had lots of fads ranging from novel and actually correct (if not always for the right reason) to downright unhealthy.
*Second, there was smog everywhere, it got so bad previously some white-colored species became black through natural selection, solely so they could blend in with the soot stained walls that were *everywhere*
*Third, Queen Victoria started the White Wedding Dress craze that persists to this day. She started it because before modern techniques, white clothes were nigh impossible to clean. In an era where it wasn't unusual to only own one dress at a time, this was a statement of pure wealth. It said "I'm so rich I can wear a dress this intricate and expensive, for one day and then never again" That kind of waste sort of boggled the mind at the time.
*This combined with the tradition of associating holiness with the color white and just a bit of old time-y racism, meant that Victorian era people were fricking goddang *OBSESSED* with things being white.
This is ultimately where we get the less healthy white bread, the completely useless bleaching of eggs and many more thing that do nothing but add cost to production of a product. (we know its bunk now, but companies persist because its either expected or to make a bit more money off something)
...Well, that and the hygiene industry loves finding new ways to convince the public they were actually filthy, unsanitary beasts all this time, and that everyone knew and were judging you for years. Usually over something completely unnecessary to our health and hygiene: Looking you douching
Anyways, this isn't actually related to your mod. If you want your Khadjit to have white teeth more power to you. (seriously, go for it!)
I just wanted to explain some cool history & do my part fight Big Beauty Product >:)
Now my memory is foggy since it was months since I did this... but I'm fairly sure I just removed the all-white alpha layer in the diffuse texture.
I am not sure why I responded to this comment 2 years after it was made. But, well. Someone might find it useful?