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Created by
Mihail- SoN6of6TrediS- ex0tekk- Amin KhaniUploaded by
MihailModsVirus scan
About this mod
The dark art of Necromancy contains many sources of immense power for those who practice it with enough courage to become true Necromasters. Among them, transforming into a horrible Bone Tyrant is perhaps the ability that offers the greatest physical power to a necromancer, as well as extremely powerful shadow magic skills.
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- If you use, like and value my work, please consider giving an endorsement. I've worked hard for years to offer you the best of me for free, and the only thing I ask in return is this gesture, which increases my relevance and engagement on Nexus, and motivates me to continue;
- I do not inspect or have any influence over translations of my mods (including those linked directly on my pages), nor do I have any power over patches or add-ons made to my content. So, before using any unofficial add-ons for my mods, make sure they conform to the latest version of my official release, and never use these if they don't. The same applies to Xbox ports;
- In addition to the Nexus, you can also find me on:
- Do you have any doubt? Read my Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).

"The dark art of Necromancy contains many sources of immense power for those who practice it with enough courage to become true Necromasters. Among them, transforming into a horrible Bone Tyrant is perhaps the ability that offers the greatest physical power to a necromancer.
When in this form, the necromancer is encased in thorny armor made of bone that covers his entire body, with a demonic appearance that makes even the bravest of warriors freeze. In it, his black magic power grows immensely, allowing him to summon giant bone weapons that enslave the souls of victims, and create constructions made of bone matter, such as Bonelings, Bone Colossus and Bone Totems (black aegis that drain energy in combat), among many other dark abilities. Furthermore, mastery of the dark arts allows them to transfer their consciousness into their Shadow when their bodies are destroyed, at which point they are able to use even more powerful void energy magic.
The mastery of transformation varies according to the mastery of its user: while some can transform whenever they wish, and then return to their human form, some necromancers do so only once, when they find themselves close to death and spend their last resources and energy to definitively transform into that form, to save their existence.
Especially powerful Bone Tyrants are often known as Bone Goliaths, they are usually larger and their bone matter is bloody. Most Necromasters with absolute control of their transformations choose to remain transformed, reigning in catacombs of necromancers' lairs, being worshiped as almost deities, as they represent the objective to be achieved by the power-hungry necromancers who worship them."
by Beastmaster Mihail *
(*Who is Beastmaster Mihail? He is my avatar/persona within the universe composed of all my mods. He is the ingame author who writes the texts that are usually presented as descriptions for my mods. A former monster hunter, now a dedicated scholar, he is planned to be released as an NPC in late 2022/early 2023, doing the same job in-game as my descriptions do on Nexus.)

- 5 new creatures: Bone Tyrant, Bone Goliath, Necromaster Minion,
Necromaster Servant and Necromaster Totem;
- 1 new ingredient: Black Ectoplasm;
- 3 new areas: Hob's Fall Catacombs, Fort Snowhawk
Catacombs and Fort Snowhawk Throne Room;
- 2 new weapons: Bone Tyrant Sword of Soul Tearing and
Bone Goliath Mace of Soul Devouring.

So far no incompatibilities have been found between this mod and other mods.
(OBS- If by chance when installing several of Mihail's mods at the same time you are asked about files overwriting those of other Mihail mods or other authors mods, don't worry because they are just the same files shared between mods. I recommend that on these occasions always give preference to the files contained in my mods, and among mine always give preference to the mod you are installing last.)

The Mihail Monsters and Animals series aims to create and make available to the community the most complete set of creatures for TES 5: Skyrim, implemented in an immersive and unique way, with respect to the pillars of lore. Instead of pathetically just throwing models and textures in the game reusing 100% vanilla mechanics, the creatures made by Mihail have uniqueness and extreme zeal in their idealization and implementation, which will provide you with an experience that you have never had before in this area.

Bone Tyrant model, textures and animations;
Boneling, Bone Colossus and Bone totem models, textures, animations and sounds;
All creatures effects and spells;
Bone Tyrant sword model and texture;
Writing of the B. Goliath and B. Tyrant voice lines;
New areas, loot and game implementation;
Conversion and 4k retexture of Castlevania's candle clusters;
Conversion and 2k retexture of Witcher 3's decorative skeletons;
Bone Goliath model, textures and animations;
Voice Actors:
Amin Khani- voice of the Bone Goliath;
ex0tekk- voice of the Bone Tyrant;
Some assets used on this mod belong to:
CG Treat Studio- for the bone mace (used by the bone Goliath) original model and texture;
CD PROJEKT RED- for the models and original textures of the decorative skeletons and for the new areas soundtrack;
Konami- for the models and original textures of some of the candles (STATEMENT ON USED KONAMI ASSETS: one or more of the assets used in this mod belong to a game developer and were initially officially made available in one or more games released by the same company. They are now also available here in a fan-made non-official creation with the permission of the company, which requires a formal declaration made by the modder clarifying the terms for the use of these assets, which follows: Part of the assets used in this mod, specifically the ones mentioned above on the Konami section of this mod credits, legally belong to the Konami studio, these assets being part of the game "Castlevania: Lords of Shadow" and "Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2", with credit belonging not only to the Konami studio, but also to the director Enric Álvarez, producers Dave Cox, Jose Raluy and Hideo Kojima, artists Juan Antonio Alcázar and Jose Luis Vaello, and developers MercurySteam, Kojima Productions and Climax Studios, and all the other artists and programmers who participated in this project. My thanks to Konami for permission to use their assets or part of their assets in my non-profit fan-made mods, as clarified by the company's terms of use, and as acknowledged by the Nexus. To paraphrase the terms, the company has no problem with fans using their game assets in non-commercial mods, as long as that use makes clear the rules below, which of course this work is committed to following. There is, however, an exception, for materials that may belong to third parties, such as brand logos of sponsors and the like, which should not be used to avoid copyright issues with assets that transcend the company's own copyright. Therefore, I declare that: This mod is not endorsed by Konami or its associates, or is in any way officially related to their games; It's not made for commercial use, it's completely non-profit, like all my work, including my fully authored work; And I don't own any legal or intellectual property over the Konami's third-party assets used in this mod, so I don't challenge the company's and associates' copyright on their content; Some of these resources may be modified or improved by me to suit the lore, mechanics, animations and other goals of my mod, modifications that however do not give me rights over these assets, and that I always make with responsability, in order not to damage the image of the company and franchise, being allways part of the serious, mature and responsible work done at MihailMods. Users: if the assets or part of the assets of a mod of mine that you want to use on your own mod have this statement, and my permission to use assets contained in the specific mod is open, you may use them but please post this statement on your own mod page and follow the same usage rules as I did.);