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Little workaround for those who can\'t stand having their characters eyes messed up after using any Invisibility related spell.

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As the user r5r4y suggested, I tried to switch the normal shader of the Invisibility skill with a different one. For this, I completely disabled the "refraction" effect in the game (which cause the eyes glitch so you won't see it again using this .esp) and added a more simple "alpha" status to the spell.

Of course it won't look as cool but using pre-made shaders you can obtain nice effects.

Anything related to the Invisibility branch should be already edited but let me know if there's something wrong.

It also fixes the Shadow Warrior Perk.

Version 0.3 Uploaded

Now vampires, spriggan and normal NPC have the effect too. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Version 0.4 Ready

Added alpha effect to the first person for more immersion, might still needs some timing tweaks but nothing big.

Version 0.5 Ready

Fixed a bug with shader effects being permanent after using Potions and Spells.

Chameleon version uploaded

CharlieToogood asked if could modify the way the Invisibility ends after interacting with something.

So I added a Chameleon like spell that last 15 seconds and it shouldn't deactivate upon hitting or touching something.

You can buy the tome from Devis Neloren in the College of Winterhold. You need to have at least 75 in Illusion skill for it to be available. Let me know if it works correctly.

0.8 Online

Just changed the sound FX for the Shadowcloak of Nocturnal.

0.9 Up

Clean effects version up, now the particles effects are gone and the visuals are less invasive.