Gye Rim Dang is a traditional Korean house located on the hill nearby Riverwood.
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Version 1.5
The leaves of the bamboo trees sway in the wind. Some minor texture issues were corrected.
Version 1.4
The NavMesh was corrected to allow your follower to follow you into the room. The Korean styled Stone lamps were added. New bamboo forest is added in the back yard.
Version 1.3
The broken meshes of some bamboo branches were corrected. The fence was added to the bamboo garden.
Version 1.2
The collision mesh of Nu-ma-ru (the deck terrace) was corrected. You don't have to jump to get to the terrace. The south-side doors of the floor can be opened. The left room, An-Bang has a door, which is locked for future update. The window doors of the Sa-Rang-Bang (right room) can be opened. The new slide doors were added in the Sa-Rang-Bang. Some bamboo trees were added.
Gye Rim Dang is a traditional Korean house located on the hill nearby Riverwood.
Gye means a small river or stream, Rim means forest or wood, and Dang means a house. So Gye Rim Dang is a house of Riverwood.
To get to the house, go to Riverwood by fast travel or go out of Riverwood to the west gate. You will find the Korean traditional house on the hillside.
Sa-Rang-Bang (room for men or guest) at the right side is opened for entering. You can also get to the Noo-Ma-Roo, or the deck terrace to enjoy view from the house.
Sit in the Sa-Rang-Bang, and feel the atmosphere of a Korean traditional house.