Lady Eleanor

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  1. AnnaMary
    • member
    • 212 kudos
    Another Enchanting set, dear Les!;=))))) Now I am again not so much active commentator here, but I really like to observe and read Your racy creations...every of them is Precious. Thank You sincerely - for enjoyable sharing this with us! Awesome lively pictures, I can not to select the best... And the music - taking you into some alluring distance...  (@__________@)
    Have a Fairytale Time You too!!!


    I am dare to ask such appealing thing... 2 years ago You were publishing here very special set for one from my modest art-invitations, crowned with this memorable painting......and You're also put there some absolutely Delightsome song - mainly for me. Unfortunately, together with that set I lost it and even do not know, who is the author... It was something absolutely touching for us, about the childhood, with very lovely video-representation. I would like a lot to find this musical treasure...if You're realize, about what I plead - could You to give me the link, please?
    1. lesjones
      • premium
      • 159 kudos
      Hello my dearest Marianna! It is so lovely to hear from you again and I want to tell you that I enjoyed your recent set of images with your handsome "Eric The Darling", I was hopin g to make some nice comments about your very manly character, but you did not allow the comments

      Thank you so much for your very kind comments about this set and I am really happy you liked the images and also thank you for the beautiful pictures you gave here in your comments.

      About your request, yes I remember that image, I used it in two different uploads, but I only kept one of the videos I made. It was about some views of the landscapes in Skyrim, but I am not sure if it is the one you are looking for. Here I publish it again for you to look at, please tell me if it is the video you wanted or if it is not the correct one:

      Thank you 
    2. AnnaMary
      • member
      • 212 kudos
      Many Thanks, dear Les!..Your candid comments are the same Darling, like all of Your exalted captures with thorough description...I am just happy, that You are loyally here, during of all these years...
      And I am so glad, that You're like my recent silent showcases... For me is enough, that some kind viewers see it!

      And my heart always is full with gratitude - to get some precious gift from You......but in fact, I meant one vocal song, about what now I only remember - some from Your long soulful favourites, not modern but immortal song...alas, I even forgot - its singer is man or woman - but the video-clip was created with a lovely animated cartoon children with the sun and flowers...and 2 years ago You're put this song specially for me together with Your Skyrim painting and many divine compliments about my humble personality. It extremely touched me. And I so sorry, that did not added given Angelic song to my You-tube favourites... 

      But also - soon I again will be to offer here one tiny cooperative theme, and for final set of which already want to attach namely this nice composition Views of Skyrim;=3 Thanks a lot for it!!!
    3. lesjones
      • premium
      • 159 kudos
      Hello, my dear Marianna.

      I am sorry about my delay in replying to you, but I have been looking through all my files and older sets to find the one that you are looking for, but I regret to say have to say I cannot find it. In fact my memory of it has also faded and I cannot remember it at all, I'm sorry.

      I will keep searching for it, but at this time I cannot find it and as I said, my memory is not so good as I get older and it breaks my heart that it meant so much to you and I can't find it.. If you can remember any other clues about it please let me know.

      I apologise again, my dear friend.
    4. AnnaMary
      • member
      • 212 kudos
      Ah, my dear Friend...there is not a reason for apologize, please - do not worry at all!!!

      It is such a fabulous fact - that we here share with each other not only some own art-materials, demonstrating our individual game world, - but also give to each other something even more especial, something never-to-be-forgotten - as much as it's possibly to be in a vast web-space...

      Even if currently I quite sorry about many of suddenly disappeared images (mostly attached Gifs), which composed my monotone sets of previous years, - I realize sanely that we all were enjoying by them in its Time. Like that we had enjoy by every from publishing by You here a diligent set. A million Thanks - for all-all-all!!!
  2. NelaWitch
    • member
    • 65 kudos
    Beautiful music, a wonderful woman, to go with the weekend. What more could you want. Well, maybe a bottle of good dry wine. Have a great holiday Les 💋
    1. lesjones
      • premium
      • 159 kudos
      Thank you Nela, you are very kind.

      I've always liked Uriah Heep's "otherworldly" songs as I felt they made for exactly the atmosphere I wanted and in fact this song was the inspiration ofr my original creation of the character. But you are right, I think that she would appreciate a good dry wine, it would work with her.

      Thank you again.
  3. gurleygirl
    • premium
    • 380 kudos
    Great character design, Les.
    Gorgeous setting.
    Lovely lighting.
    Beautiful imagery.
    1. lesjones
      • premium
      • 159 kudos
      Thank you so much, dear Gurley, I'm really very happy you liked this.

      I hope all is well with you and yours.
    2. gurleygirl
      • premium
      • 380 kudos
      I'm doing well, Les.
      Had a total right hip replacement about a month ago and I have recovered nicely.
      I'm walking unaided pretty normally.
      I get soreness in the new hip after a lot of walking and light duty but that is to be expected.
      I'm doing so well that my surgeon told me that I did not need outpatient rehab; just need keep doing what I'm doing.
      I was taking hydrocodone at night for a couple of weeks but now I'm just taking acetaminophen as needed.

      Hope you are enjoying your retirement and that you and your family are doing well.
      Warmest regards,
      Old Gurley
    3. lesjones
      • premium
      • 159 kudos
      Hi Gurley,
      That's quite an operation even though it's no longer considered unusual by any means.
      It's really great to hear that you are doing so well as to not need outpatient rehab, that's really a great outcome and I'm glad you have very little post-op pain.
      We are getting along well, thanks for asking, just doing the usual retirement stuff, working in the garden now that the better weather has started.
      Big hugs to you.
      All the best,
  4. arghTease
    • premium
    • 207 kudos

    1. lesjones
      • premium
      • 159 kudos
      Hi RT,

      Many thanks for the alternative music, which definitely dates back to "my" generation, although the Lindisfarne track was the song which inspired my creation of my character.

      Although the only Eleanor I ever had the hots for starred in "Gone In Sixty Seconds"!

      The problem is, when I hear songs like these I want to lapse back to the days when we described them as "hip" and "far out, man", which just goes to prove that there ARE dinosaurs still roaming the planet!!!

      Cheers mate. 
  5. Morticia01
    • member
    • 23 kudos
    Great work, especially her impressive facial expressions, a kind of toughness, which is very attractive for me. The light reflexions on her ebony armor are very remarkable.
    1. lesjones
      • premium
      • 159 kudos
      Hi, dear Tish, I'm very pleased you see her as possessing an underlying toughness as that is what I had hoped to achieve, although truthfully I think in some of the images her lips seem to be formed into an almost hidden smile of contempt for the world she sees around her.

      The shine on the ebony armour is due to the AmidianBorn  Book of Silence_Armors mod, which provides some excellent high quality replacement textures for the vanilla offerings, although I suspect you probably already know of this mod. 

      Thank you very much for your kind comment.
  6. BlackMaid
    • premium
    • 330 kudos
    Lady Eleanor ... the name sounds in my ears like a strong northern lady with a feminine component. And so she looks like ... a harsh beauty. Her outfit is like a warriorness  and her poses are feminine. I like this contrast
    And as you started with her as a vampire ... there is the seductive part of her. A very appealing mixture.
    You presented her in your masterly style of the old masters with the perfect work with strong shadows of light.
    A pleasure for my eyes
    1. lesjones
      • premium
      • 159 kudos
      Hello, dear Heike, I'm pleased you felt her name suggests a strong, yet feminine Northern lady and I think your description of her as "a harsh beauty" is what I had hoped to achieve in her looks, in my game she does not suffer fools gladly and as a former vampiress, she has a strong sense of the difference between right and wrong.

      And I would like to think that she has retained a strongly seductive and hopefully sensual air from her life as a vampire.

      Thank you very much for your huge compliment about my use of light and shadow, I really love the old masters method of using supremely dark background tones in order to push the central image foreward.

      Thank you again, dear Lady.  
  7. chickmetalhead
    • supporter
    • 150 kudos
    Lady Eleanor is a great looking lady, both the new version and the old. in your older images, she looks elegant and classy... and I love her black fingernails. In your newer version, although in theory she is older, she seems younger. Maybe because of her outfits. Not skimpy (by Nexus standards, anyway), but more suitable for some action and adventures. Haha, since she is cured... I assume it is a different kind of action!

    Fantastic lighting, which seems to be a trend for you. Indicating to me that you took great care, and time, in composing these images. Well done!

    PS. Haha, when I first typed "Well done, it came out Well dine! I could have left it that way... but since she is cured it didn't seem as funny. Made me laugh at myself though before I edited it!

    Have a great weekend!
    1. lesjones
      • premium
      • 159 kudos
      Hi CMH,

      The black nails are from the Kaw Claws mod and it states that they have a unarmed buff already contained, but I have found that they will take another ability (such as one-handed) via the enchanting table without any trouble.

      Actually, I hadn't realised the difference in the apparent ages between the older images and the newer images until you mentioned it, but there definitely seems to be an age difference between the two...maybe the strain of vampirism puts the years on quicker!

      I'm very happy you liked the lighting, I do like the effect and interplay of shadows in the interiors of the buildings, and in truth I try to keep my interiors realistically lit (in my opinion), so it sort of works itself without too much effort from me, other than to pose the characters for what I hope will be the best effect.

      Hah! I think "well dine" works well enough even for an ex-bloodsucker, although I assume that as a "natural" Nord Eleanor would prefer to follw Alex's preference for chocolate these days!

      Cheers, old mate and thanks for your kind comments.
  8. Blass1912
    • supporter
    • 113 kudos
    A real woman of Skyrim !
    Very atmospheric, my friend :)
    1. frank213
      • premium
      • 824 kudos
      I fully agree with you
    2. lesjones
      • premium
      • 159 kudos
      Thank you very much, my dear friend Pavel! Given my respect for your character creations as both strong and lovely women, I feel you have given me a very great compliment in calling her "a real woman of Skyrim"...thank you!
    3. lesjones
      • premium
      • 159 kudos
      Hi Frank, old mate!!

      Thank you so much for your kind compliment, old friend!
    4. DangerousChicken12
      • supporter
      • 180 kudos
      I agree!
    5. lesjones
      • premium
      • 159 kudos
      Many thanks, Mike mate...I'm glad you liked it! Cheers!
  9. ista3
    • premium
    • 1,114 kudos
    Looking a beauty Les :))
    The HPH does make a big difference 
    Never heard Lindisfarne for yonks ;)
    Have a great w/end too .)
    1. lesjones
      • premium
      • 159 kudos
      Thanks so much, Izzy dear, and yes the HPH works very well, I think, although in some of my characters I have to leave the vanilla head in place if I want to keep the more angular facial shapes.

      I've liked Lindisfarne since the old days, I always felt there was a kind of "earthiness" to their songs that worked extremely well. But yes, it seems like almost a millennia since I listened to Lady Eleanor!

      Many thanks again!
  10. PatrickTheDM
    • premium
    • 175 kudos
    Bring them all together for "The League of Intensity."
    1. lesjones
      • premium
      • 159 kudos
      That's a very nice idea, Patrick mate, thanks for suggesting it. "The League of Intensity"...hmmm, I like the sound of it, although given the number of vampiresses I seem to have stabled it might be better to call them "The League of Iniquity"!!

      Thanks again mate!