I need help

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This user's image description contains 3 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. BlackMaid
    • premium
    • 335 kudos
    My main problem is, that all my collections will disppear here on this site, when the hoster for the links to my pictures goes offline.

    For this reason is my first intention saving the sets for the right order of the pictures. Then I am able to restore those sets of storytelling, which are important for me ... if I want, I can use a new uploader and make new links with the pictures, which  I have on my hd.

    The best would be  akind of migration from the old uploader to a new one with the old links ...

    The old provider told me this:
    "Es gibt von unserer Seite aus leider keine Möglichkeit, die Bilder zu
    retten. in persönlicher Tipp von mir wäre, nach einem
    Programmierer/Webentwickler zu suchen, der ein Skript schreibt, das die
    auf abload.de gehosteten Bilder auf euren Seiten automatisch ausfindig
    macht, auf einen anderen/eigenen Speicher lädt und die Verlinkungen
    austauscht, sofern das rechtlich usw. in Frage kommt. Weitere
    Informationen kann ich dazu aber leider nicht geben.
    Tut mir leid, dass ich keine besseren Nachrichten habe"

    "Unfortunately there is no way from our side to view the imagesrescue. A personal tip from me would be to look for oneLooking for a programmer/web developer to write a script that...Images hosted on abload.de are automatically located on your pagesmakes, loads it onto another/own memory and the linksexchanged if this is legally possible etc. MoreUnfortunately I cannot provide any information about this.Sorry I don't have better news"

    Now i´m searching for an IT specialist, who can do this.
  2. Spunzelhund
    • premium
    • 28 kudos
    Hallo Heike, ich sitze im gleichen Boot. Ich habe schon vor Wochen angefangen, Sets und Storys, die ich auf dem PC nicht mehr finden kann, von Nexus selbst herunterzuladen. Vor allem deshalb, damit ich die Reihenfolge der Bilder wieder richtig hinkriege. Ich weiß nicht, ob das angesichts der Menge deiner Storys für dich in Frage kommt. Aber ich mache das so: Auf dem PC Ordner anlegen mit dem Namen des Sets, dann die Bilder aus dem Set per Rechtsklick "Grafik speichern unter" mit 1, 2, 3,... usw. versehen auf dem PC speichern. Später kannst du dann bei einem anderen hoster (ich nutze jetzt auch imgbb) wieder hochladen und die Sets editieren. Ist eine mühselige Arbeit, aber auf diese Weise könntest du wenigstens die wichtigsten Sets wieder herstellen.
    1. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 335 kudos
      Oh, Du auch ...
      Ich habe seit meinem gestrigen Hilferuf schon gelernt, wie ich die einzelnen Sets erst mal sichern kann ... auch mir geht es eher um die richtige Reihenfolge passend zu den raren Textpassagen.
      Man kann oben den Titel blau markieren so wie Du auch einen Text zum Kopieren blau hinterlegst. Dann gehst Du ohne die linke Maustaste  loszulassen zum ersten Bild nach unten und dann an den unteren Seitenrand. Dabei wird alles automatisch nach unten gescrollt und blau hinterlegt. Wenn Du am Ende angekommen bist, linke Maustaste loslassen, alles bleibt blau. Dann  rechts-klick und in dem aufploppenden Kasten auf Auswahl Drucken gehen. Da erscheint ein weiterer Kasten ... speichern als ... pdf.
      Du musst Dir nur vorher einen sinnvollen Speicherort suchen. Der Name des Sets erscheint dann automatisch.
      Das geht ziemlich schnell,  wahrscheinlich einfacher als Deine Methode. Das Ganze sieht dann nur nicht mehr so schön, wie auf der Nexusseite aus, doch für die richtige Reihenfolge ist das OK.
      Falls Du dazu Fragen hast, gebe ich gern meine Erkenntnisse weiter
    2. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 335 kudos
      Ich habe Kontakt mit dem "Besitzer" von Picr.de aufgenommen. Er kann sich in mein/unser Problem einfühlen und arbeitet an einer sehr eleganten Lösung des Problems. Es soll so laufen:
      1. Beitrag im Forum (Nexus) öffnen im Editiermodus2. Komplett kopieren3. Bei Picr in ein textfeld einfügen und "Anpassen" drücken4. Picr extrahiert die Bildadressen von Abload, zieht sich die Bilder, ersetzt die Domain5. Fertig modifizierten Beitrag kopieren und im Forum (Nexus) wieder einfügen & speichern6. Fertig.
      .Das wäre   einfach nur genial. I hoffe, daß er es  eine Weile vor dem 30.06. schafft, damit wir noch etwas Zeit  haben, um unseren Teil zu leisten ;
    3. Spunzelhund
      • premium
      • 28 kudos
      Das ist eine gute Lösung und sehr nett von ihm. Vielen Dank auch für deine Mühe. Ich habe jedoch alle meine Sets (sind ja nicht so viele, wie bei dir) bereits gesichert und tausche sie nach und nach aus. Bei imgbb geht das ziemlich flott und auch das austauschen kann man "auf einen Rutsch" vornehmen. Dann noch eventuell vorhandenen Text an die richtige Stelle schieben - fertig.
      Diese Methode funktioniert natürlich bei der Menge deiner Sets nicht. Daher ist das Angebot von Picr.de wirklich außergewöhnlich!

      Edit: ich habe mir die Seite mal angeschaut. Sieht wirklich gut aus. Ich hoffe nur, der macht nicht auch in ein zwei Jahren zu, weil ihm die Arbeit zu viel wird oder die Spenden ausbleiben.
    4. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 335 kudos
      Auch wenn Du es nicht mehr brauchst, wollte ich meine Info's weitergeben. Freue mich, daß Du auch einen Weg für Dich gefunden hast
      Ich denke, daß es bei jedem uploader passieren kann, daß er abschaltet oder plötzlich (Löse-)geld will.
      Mir würde eine Lösung, die ich in der Hand habe, deutlich besser gefallen. Ich bin nicht gern abhängig ...
  3. TheManaVault
    • premium
    • 402 kudos
    Although this is not a direct solution to your problem, I would suggest that you somehow store your screenshots on Google Photos, or Drive, or something similar, that won't just close down from one day to the next, so you'll never have to face this issue again.

    Incredible screenshot work in Skyrim, by the way!
    1. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 335 kudos

      I have all my pictures on an external hd and so they are save.
      With the good advices of this community I was able to save all my collections on a hd too.
      Sadly there  is the  deadline of the 30.06.
      and all links of my pictures  will disappear.
      I hope, that I can find a solution. 

      I'm really glad, that you like my pics and that you took the time to watch it and that you wrote
    2. TheManaVault
      • premium
      • 402 kudos
      My pleasure, keep doing what you do, it's wonderful!
  4. tornado7
    • member
    • 75 kudos
    Cannot help you Heike but i had the same trouble a few years ago. I lost all my 2016-17 Skyrim screenshots with characters from HDD and then my image hosting also dissapeared from the web. But now i don't regret for this because now i see how primitive  they were. Never regret anything
    1. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 335 kudos
      Somehow it helps to know, that others had similar problems.
      After one week of thinking, I came to the result, that this situation will be the possibily to restart. I think  tjat I can save my stories for myself on my hd, but it is too time consuming to recreate the old stuff..Better is, to use the time for looking forward..Playing a new game and sharing new things. 

      Thanks a lot for your empathy
  5. RoaringLight
    • supporter
    • 81 kudos
    That's terrible news I wish I could assist somehow, I love seeing your posts, I hope you are able to find a way to preserve your wonderful work..
    1. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 335 kudos
      Thanks a lot for feeling with me.
      I hope to. After saving all works as pdf's I have two month to find a solution ...
  6. lesjones
    • premium
    • 162 kudos
    This is the most awful news! I'm sorry, dear Heike, but I have  very little knowledge of how to save all your superb work, but it seems that WolfGrimDark's suggestion might be a viable way of preserving them, at least...it would be up to you which, and how many you might wish to re-upload later.
    1. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 335 kudos
      Dear Les,
      to know, that you feel with me, means a lot.
      I made a sticky post about my intentions.
      As far, it was a great help, that I found a way to store the collections on my hd. I do it on the way, which told John. I make pdf's.
      This needs a lot of time.
      The next step, will be, to restore the most important collections.
      Perhaps I find a image hoster, who has a general idea to transfer my pics?
  7. chickmetalhead
    • supporter
    • 160 kudos
    This is not good news! I am not familiar with abload.de, but it seems like there should be a way to download all your images from abload.de, and then upload them to a new service. If you are more organized than I am, maybe you have all the images on your hard drive organized as sets?

    That would be the easy part... because you would also need to change all the pages on Nexus as well, to point to the new service.

    As you know, I am really busy right now. BUT if nobody gives you a better solution, please let me know in a few weeks. It seems like you could turn off bbcode on Nexus, copy the raw bbcode data, and run that text through something that would replace the abload.de site with whatever your new one is, than paste it back into the nexus page. I am not sure if that made sense or not - and it would still be a lot of work... but it would be an option. I am really scared now to look and see how many image sets you have made over the years... Checking... oh! Over 1200! Well, even with my methods you would probably need to choose your favorites.

    Hopefully somebody has a better idea. But if nobody does, let me know in a few weeks and I will think more on this. Your work and images are way too important to lose.

    The important thing for now, is to make sure you have all of your images from abload.de safely on your HDD/SSD if you do not already.

    This makes me very sad.

    1. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 335 kudos
      My dear cmh,
      I made a sticky post to explain, how my situation is at the moment.
      For first I will save the postes to save the order of the pics. Then I have to reupload every single pic witha new provider ... this needs a lot of time ... or ... I find someone, who can transcripts the old with new links before I loose everything ....
    2. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 160 kudos
      If this was me, I know how I would do it because I know how I do things. But everyone is different.
      So I have a question for you, using O Fortuna as an example:

      I know this may be confusing. Especially with English not being your primary language, but it is the only one I can use.

      That image page has 9 images. The images have the following file names:

      So my question is, are those names that you created, or are those names that abload.de assigned to your images when you uploaded them?

      I would guess that those are names that abload.de assigned to them. If they are your names things are simpler.

      If they are not your names, we would need to find a way to download all of them with the abload.de generated names.

      The next step would be to upload them to a new service, and this is the really important part of my suggested process. You need to find a service that allows you to upload images with your names, not something they generate. Then things are relatively simple - but still a lot of work. By simple, I mean the process below is simple to use, once you understand it and do it a few times.

      If you find a new service that will let you upload using your names, then all you need to do is to change the front part of the image links on Nexus. For example, if you find a new service called mynewimageservice.de and when you upload your images they end up in a folder called blackmaid, the new link for each image might be something like:


      In that case, using one of the images in the example set, you would need to change the old link into the new link on the nexus page, to change the link from


      and then to repeat that for each image. BUT we can do that a different and easier way... safer too so you aren't typing them all in.

      What you would do is to Edit your image set on Nexus, click the BBCODE button to see the raw bbcode version of your image set. You would copy all of that bbcode text into something like notepad or another text editor. Then you would do a replace function to change all occurences of:




      Finally, you would copy the now modified bbcode text with your changes back into your nexus page for the set, replacing the old bbcode with your new version. When you click the bbcode button again, you will get the preview with the images to make sure it worked. If so, you would save the set normally.

      But that all depends on you finding a service that allows you to upload images without changing the actual file names of each image.

      And being able to download all your existing images from abload.de

      If abload.de doesn't give you that ability, and you don't have the images on your computer with the file names that you used on Nexus, there are other ways of doing that. The browser firefox has an addon called DownThemAll that allows you to download all the images on a web page. To avoid downloading all the user images in your comments, you could use a filter to only download abload.de images, or maybe do it while editing your image set in Nexus while in preview mode, meaing the way it is before you press that bbcode button. After downloading all the images for the set, you would upload them to your new service, and then do the above process to translate the link information for the new service. And then repeat it for each image set you want to keep working. That process can continue as you have time. But if you need to download all the images with the abload.de generated name, you would need to do that before the end of June, obviously.

      Once again, this all depends on finding a new image hosting site that keeps your image names unchanged from what you upload.

      Okay, that is probably very confusing, or maybe not - I don't know your skill set, and I am not sure I am explaining this well.

      I can give you a visual tutorial on how to do this if you are not familiar with the raw bbcode version of image sets. I always create my image sets in raw bbcode, but I may be the only one that does that!

      If any of that makes sense, and it is something you want a visual tutorial of, please let me know and I will try to do one.

      Sorry for this situation you are in!

  8. Excellentium
    • member
    • 357 kudos
    I'm so sorry this whole thing has put you in a worrying position, Heike. I remember a similar feeling when Flickr - where I upload my images - decided to limit the image share there unless you became a paying member. In the end, it was easiest for me to do so, because I ahd so, so many images already uploaded and linked back to Nexus. Unfortunaly your dilemma is of another kind if they will shut their site down...

    I'm sure people have already given you good solutions or some hints for help, but if I was in the same situation I would first look at the image site where you store your images and see if they can be downloaded back to your harddrive. If so, you could simply copy and paste all your stories from the Nexus and add them to a file along with the correct set of images. It would of course not keep them up on Nexus, but it would give you an opportunity to upload them again with the full texts.

    I keep copies of all my images on my harddrive already together with any texts I've included in the set, but I'm also quite organised like that and do the same with my writing with lots of folders and sub-folders on the harddrive. This doesn't help you though, but perhaps a thing to keep in mind for the future?

    I do hope you get some help or a speedy solution, otherwise all you can do is download all the material again so that you at least can have it intact on your PC/external drive/USB memory/etc.

    Sorry I can't be of any better help in this, Heike.
    1. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 335 kudos
      yes, this is  quite the worste case situation for me, because I always made my sets directly into the nexus site as original and never made saves of this  ... now, all pics will be deleted soon because the links will be offline.
      The best and fastest thing I can do is saving every post/story fastly as pdf. In this way, I can see the order of  the pics ( which  I have on my hd). So, the stories will be save on my hd but it is a lot of work and time to recover everthing again with new links.
      I think, I will do it for some special stories, but the other things will disappear.
      Or ... there is an IT specialist, who knows, how to transfer old links to a new provider.
      As always ... the hope will never die
  9. hammersmcp
    • premium
    • 116 kudos
    Dear Heike,

    Is this the type of thing you are looking for?


    If so, then I can help you.    If not, please let me know how I can help.
    1. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 335 kudos
      You are very kind.
      I made a sticky post for better explanation of my problem.

      First thing is at the moment solved.
      I convert the posts to pdf and store them on my hd.

      The second idea, to save the posts for the community, is much more difficult :cry:
    2. hammersmcp
      • premium
      • 116 kudos
      Dear Heike,

      I really don't like having to say this but I believe the suggestion in your sticky may not be possible - unless the specialist works for Nexusmods. 

      To do what is suggested, you would need access to three databases - Nexus Image Share, your current image host and your new image host.  I haven't done any programming in the last 10 years and so, I know there have been advances since I was writing ETL (extract, transfer, load) programs with the SQL language.   It may be possible for a web programmer to create a script/program to do something like logging you in to both image hosts and copying or transferring your images from the old host to the new host.  But, you are also going to need to interface with the Nexus' database.  This is the part that makes it nearly impossible.  

      I asked (on the Nexus Support forum)  about whether there was an API (Application Programming Interface) for the Image Share and there doesn't appear to be one.  You would need an API to, essentially, mimic the  login, read and write to the Image Share database that you can now do manually.  I'm guessing that Nexusmods has some proprietary method for this, so that's why I said you may need your specialist to be an employee of Nexusmods.

      Since you are now making PDFs to save the images in the proper sequence, my suggestion would be this:  Copy/store the PDFs in the cloud somewhere (Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.) and then just provide a link to the PDF in the "about this image" section - like I did in the first response.  For your most favorite posts, edit them manually to replace the images from the old host with the ones from the new host. 

      Of course, I could be completely wrong about everything, so keep looking for that specialist.

      Regardless, do you already have all the PDFs made?  If not, I can help you create them and then share/send them to you.
  10. NelaWitch
    • supporter
    • 99 kudos
    I can't help you but feel your pain and I put an announcement on the SSE website.
    I really wish someone would find a positive solution to your problem.
    1. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 335 kudos
      You are a very kind soul and it is more than I thought, that you would transfer my problem to SSE. Propably t can happen to everyone, that the hoster will finish ...
      You will see and "hear", what will happen.

      Wish you a witchy night

      It is Walpurgisnacht ... a very special night ;I
  11. wolfgrimdark
    • premium
    • 896 kudos
    Sorry about such sad news. I had a similar situation when Flickr changed and I lost thousands of images. Only the main image and some text remained on Nexus.

    I was determined, however, to save all my Skyrim stories of Grimulfr Fenrirson and his adventures. I went into each Nexus post, before the images were gone, and saved everything into a PDF files. Each story post, with images, was saved as a PDF. I then combined them into books by chapters and currently have them as downloadedable PDF's on nexus with my own back up copies.

    It took a lot of work, and a friend helped me in the process, but saved my main stories at least. Only thing I can think of. Not perfect as the images were reduced in the PDF files, but at least the text, smaller images, and stories were saved.
    1. PatrickTheDM
      • premium
      • 179 kudos
      This. I did the same thing for some that I wanted to archive. I just selected the whole post and copy/pasted it to a word document (Open Office Writer) and it worked well.
    2. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 335 kudos
      I have absolutely no idea, how I can save this as PDF files or how I can copy and past it into a word document.

      Can you tell it step by step?
    3. PatrickTheDM
      • premium
      • 179 kudos
      Just open the post and while holding the left mouse button down, drag the cursor and highlight everything you want to copy. Then hold CTL and press C to copy it. Open a new word document and click in the top left corner and hold CTL and press V to paste.

      You can hold CTL and press A to select everything on the page too and then paste it.
    4. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 335 kudos
      I have tried to print it and saved it as pdf. Seems to work.

      It will be a lot of work, but then not all is completely lost and I can restore is, if I want and have the time
    5. PatrickTheDM
      • premium
      • 179 kudos
      Good deal.
    6. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 896 kudos
      OpenOffice, GoogleOffice, MS Office ... most text advanced text editors, that will display images in the document from links, should work. They all should have a "print to PDF" option as well. It may sound complicated but its really pretty easy to do once you have done it a couple of times. You wrote back to Patrick that you think you did it - but if you need more details let me know.
    7. UnusedSadness
      • premium
      • 28 kudos
      I hope you don't mind a maybe stupid question:
      I save mine as HTML's.
      I also made a test where I saved an older set and then deleted the linked pictures on IMGUR as well as the whole set here on Nexus.........and I can look at it (online, as well as offline).
      Does anybody know if there is something wrong with this method?
      I prefer this as it keeps the appearance of the site.
      I would appreciate your opinions as I want to help BlackMaid with this colossal task.
    8. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 896 kudos
      For me it saves to many additional files, which is why I prefer a PDF - it is all self contained. When saving as HTML and it has pictures it has to save the structure of the html and stuff in it. The pictures have to be saved locally as well - as otherwise the links would not work if they were removed from the place the links pointed to.

      It is a great idea though if Heikie isn't worried about the extra files saved and structure. It will save the comments and everything as well, and is far faster to just "save as html" then doing a PDF with word. This might be quicker and simpler for her. Just have to be careful about maintaining the structure of everything if moving around. Not a big deal really.

      Another plus is the images are downloaded from the original site in the saving process so you get to keep the original image - well the one used in the link anyhow - which I think would be a plus for Heiki.

      it is only a personal preference that I wanted it in a self-contained PDF format. Simply made managing better plus I wanted to combine them all into a sort of "book" format, which wouldn't work if I were maintaining the nexus formatting. I needed to clean things up.

      For Heikie I don't think this is needed, just a desire to save the post themselves as is seems more important.
    9. UnusedSadness
      • premium
      • 28 kudos
      Thank you so much for your response.
      I know about the additional stuff and fully understand that this would be too much ballast for you and only a hindrance to what you want to do with it - but I had to ask since I was wondering why no one here suggested doing it as HTML's.

      You seem to be skilled with all this IT stuff - can you imagine any scenario where an HTML would be 'unreadable'?
      Except for messing up the content of the added file - is there a chance that it will not be usable in future?
      For example: is it depending on a special Browser format or operation system?
      I can't imagine a reason but I am only an average user without a deeper understanding of the matter.

      Again - Thank you so much!
    10. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 896 kudos
      I don't think there would be a problem as long as all the folder structures remain intact. Worst case, if they break, you still have the images themselves and the text. External links could break of course but that would happen no matter what.

      Browsers change but not so drastically or quickly that I see a problem. Eventually but by that time I don't think it will matter for this use case scenario. Who knows if a PDF will last that long for that matter. Tech changes rapidly. Still I think for this scenario saving as HTML is the best method myself. It may require more disk space and don't know if that is a concern or not. I would also suggest planning out the main folder structure before hand to keep things organized and minimize broken links if things need to be moved.

      Total made up example here:

      :Master Folder
         -> Character One
              -> All files and folders
         -> Character Two

      And so on and so on. Or maybe group by year/date. Or story set. Or simply have a master folder then make a subfolder for every individual nexus post saved, perhaps by game like:

      :Master Folder
       -> Skyrim
      -> 2024-01-19
      -> 2024-02-23
      -> etc.
      -> Fallout 4
      -> 2023-10-17

      Whatever, what matters is to have some organization planned out in advance. My advice anyhow but I am rather OCD about being organized lol :P
    11. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 896 kudos
      PS - One other thought is what does Heiki plan on doing with the saved stuff? Is it only for her to look at? Does she want to share it? If sharing how - online? With friends?

      I made PDF files as they are super compact and easy to share - email, web server, etc.

      To share HTML with others you need to ZIP up the related files/folders then share. It also means viewing everything individually, versus in a "book" format.

      I also saw the reply to Bernt ... sometimes you accept you can't take things with you and you start fresh, maybe just keep a few very special ones you want.

      I didn't try to save 10,000 in images when Flickr purged them. Most weren't worth saving. I hardly ever go back to look at old post or images. I only keep a few very special ones - nostalgia, exceptional looking image, favorite character.

      I regularly purge/delete images on my PC. People save thousands of images and do what with them exactly? I try to only save ones that will key off special memories or that I felt were so good I would want to continue using them as wallpaper or share with others as examples of my best work.

      The main reason I saved all Grim's stuff is that my writing for Grim was a prototype, a test case, practice, for writing some actual books I want to write when I retire (heh maybe, that's the plan) and maybe publish. So, I want them for reference. Also in case someone else wants to read them (and that is more my ego then anything else) which is why I put copies on Nexus.

      Bottom line, for me, is I don't have time to go through over 10,000 images so I let them get purged. I don't even have time to go through a 1000 when they build up over time on my HD. Usually 2 times a year I go through and mass purge off my HD 95% of my images and keep the top 5%.
    12. UnusedSadness
      • premium
      • 28 kudos
      First of all: Sir, you are the best!
      Thank you for this very detailed and thoughtful reply.

      I talked with her on the phone and I am not completely sure what she wants to do with them but I feel her pain when thinking about losing all these carefully created sets - so I reckon, first of all, it is about keeping them and then later decide what to do with them.
      I for example, also didn't delete my sets when I deleted my old account here on Nexus in rage and sadness (and I go back to them now and then).
      Anyway - she wants to keep them and I want to help her to do so.

      I know that I already wasted a lot of your time, and I had no intention to waste any more - but maybe you can help me once more:
      I ran into an odd problem.
      As I said, I did a test with one of my older sets here and everything worked well (laptop with Windows 10 and Google Chrome); so I went to my new PC (Windows 11 and Firefox browser) because it is much faster - and after saving over 50 sets I thought I want to check it ..............and instead of the complete website, I had this nearly white page with text on the left side.
      Any idea what went wrong?
      Probably a setting either in Windows or in the browser.....but I am clueless.

      A final thank you for your help - it's so much appreciated!
    13. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 896 kudos
      It could be settings as I am on windows 11 and use Firefox and I tested it with this page (just now) we are on and it worked fine. I don't know if there are special settings for FF or not. I am using the defaults.  I did a google search on the phrase "how to save a web page as HTML in firefox on windows 11" and saw a variety of posts and guides - maybe you can find something there. I read a few but most were thesimple "file -> save page as ..." and pick a location. It makes the HTM page and a folder that goes with it, and in the folder are all the required images, text, java code, etc.

      Maybe try a different browser? FF worked good for me on a few pages I tested. Could be security, view preferences, something that is different on your PC maybe.

      Wish I could help more but I am not familiar with the process beyond the basics like yourself. I checked settings on my firefox and saw some color settings but doubt that is it, as that is more about light/dark theme for the browser and overrides you can set. Could try fiddling there.
    14. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 335 kudos
      I follow this conversation, but I have nothing to add ... those are 7 secrets for me

      At the moment I save everything as pdf. So I can save the right order of my pics in my stories and can be able to restore them ... if I have the time and if I have the patience to do it.
      And ... perhaps nobody is interested on the old forgotten stories ...

    15. UnusedSadness
      • premium
      • 28 kudos
      You helped more than one could expect and I have nothing but gratefulness for this.
      Thank you for all your efforts!
      Will fiddle around with some settings........ not only for Heike but also for me, since I love to save guides and instructions this way (I don't want to have internet at my new flat).
      Thank you!