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  1. ZckeZckT
    • premium
    • 147 kudos
    Holy sh** this totally triggered me. Can you tell me where this pose is from?
    I want try to use it as default sit animation.

    Sonya looks hot as always. This is Melodic Mystique right? I'm using it right now too.
    1. thenewgame
      • supporter
      • 125 kudos
      It's from Fuwa poses. Check this page.
      The animation you need - Fuwa pose 2/ section 9/ pose 80.
      Thanks for kind words. Yup, it's Melodic Mystique. One of my faves.
    2. ZckeZckT
      • premium
      • 147 kudos
      This is great.

      It's a shame that I can't get any further when I press the dwnload button. I will try again later.

      Many thanks.
    3. ZckeZckT
      • premium
      • 147 kudos
      Thanks for kind words.

      You're welcome. I also like using the outfit. The panty is hot.
      I'll ask at LL for a link. I can't find anything.

    4. thenewgame
      • supporter
      • 125 kudos
      The link doesn't work for me too. I thought that's just me.
      Found the list of pose mods (but most of pages i tried to open don't work) on LL and i've seen your request.))
      I remember i take it from the page of haloposer's author and it doesn't want to open too.
    5. ZckeZckT
      • premium
      • 147 kudos
      I ported the hkx files from the SE version to LE and am now incorporating them into my
      Public Poser mod. Learned something again thanks to the dead link. First I have to check
      whether the files work at all, so I shouldn't get excited too soon. Port me a few SE Idles too.

      Thanks again.
    6. thenewgame
      • supporter
      • 125 kudos
      If you know how to port you might look at this. Pack of pose but for SE.
    7. ZckeZckT
      • premium
      • 147 kudos
      Thank you, I'll check it out. That's a huge thing
    8. thenewgame
      • supporter
      • 125 kudos
    9. ZckeZckT
      • premium
      • 147 kudos
      Ah I see, AiO. Well, thanks to you I'll never need pose mods again.
      One less thing to worry about. Well done. Ty
    10. ZckeZckT
      • premium
      • 147 kudos
      It just works

      Thx again. You rock.
    11. thenewgame
      • supporter
      • 125 kudos
      Glad i could help. Have fun.
  2. KshahdooKZ
    • supporter
    • 112 kudos
    Классные кеды!
    1. thenewgame
      • supporter
      • 125 kudos
      Вообще-то кроссовки. А хотя чёрт его знает, не эксперт в этом.
    2. KshahdooKZ
      • supporter
      • 112 kudos
      Блин, и правда кроссовки. Меня сбил с толку их цвет и раскраска
    3. MinigunKiller911
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      Эх, не на кеды надо смотреть, бро)))
    4. KshahdooKZ
      • supporter
      • 112 kudos
      Да ладно, кеды тоже классные