Miss V - On Fire

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Another creation of my very talented friend ML. Viren, both fearless and very charming Dunmer.

Thanks for stopping by! ;)


  1. ForgottenB
    • member
    • 217 kudos
    For the one who keep saying, it is edited, altered.

    I cannot fake this one, can I?
  2. bernard54
    • member
    • 62 kudos
    That's  a very nice shot,Duci. Good to see you found your motivation.Funny thing:I'm loosing my...
    1. ForgottenB
      • member
      • 217 kudos
      Thanks a lot my friend, after all I've just listened to your advice, and it is working.... while is not the same feeling as if the author was around more often, then I'd be probably even more motivated!
      I have something finely tuned, for you to focus on, to keep you motivated, expect a PM, today or tomorrow
    2. gun805
      • premium
      • 86 kudos
      Still waitin'....
      And yes ,I don't feel comfortable  here for the same reason...'all' gone.Atm I have no ideas for new things ;nothing more to say.Will visit you from time to time.
      Hope you are doin'well and I'm glad you still have both eyes.
    3. ForgottenB
      • member
      • 217 kudos
      I feel terrible... as I cannot keep my head up from all the work, and double shifts.... I feel like I'm cursed sometimes.
      Most of the time I use tablet when I'm there, to stay up to date... and keep my eye on all of you I track here... been almost a week since I used pc.
      I did something for you, but I left it unfinished, and now I feel guilty... wish I had more time to do few more tests. I promise I will, and will send it, as soon as I finish.

      First Lexi, now you... what am I going to do now without both of you here... just when we started having fun again.
      I'm not going to question your decision, you know what's best for you, and if you need a break that's ok, just don't keep us waiting for too long.
      Btw I like your version of Emilia Schüle too, even though it reminded me of someone else at first... but once you mention the name, the similarity between the 2 is obvious
      Also I never got the notification reply on that post, since my notifications were not working that day... had to check it manually.

      I think I'm gonna take break as well, since I haven't done anything in a long time, I started again, but only for a few days... now I go in stealth mode.
      In a meantime, I'm gonna finish what I started, and have it ready for you... as I want to see you making new shots... and hopefully you'll make another Scarlett Johansson for me!

      Much Love
    4. bernard54
      • member
      • 62 kudos
      Come on,I'm not dead (not yet).Let us say I'm just taking a break.If I would continue my work you would only see my special sarcasm and I don't like to do that...Lexi already had problems with that....still have her words in my ear....

      Listen carefully to the last words of "Our Farewell":

      So sorry your world is tumbling down
      I will watch you through these nights
      Rest your head and go to sleep
      Because my child this is not our farewell
      This is not our farewell.

      You are for sure the most nicest guy running around here. one day I have to marry you (first I have to ask my wife). Why do you think you have to take perfect screenies for me.Take a look at my stuff,I call it "Imperfect Perfection".Sure I could take some fancy 1000K shots....but I have my point there!

      Scarlett! Oh my,I'm afraid I'm not skilled enough if it comes to similarity.It would need a HD head to craft such beauties.Here is another fav of me:
      look at this profile.She's a goddess and I'm unable to craft.

      I'm waitin for some sreenies,my friend!Keep up your great work.

      Your friend
  3. vandalist88
    • member
    • 8 kudos
    I really appreciate your offering Miss Lexi here - I'd kinda forgotten how talented she was, and thank you for that! BTW, a few years ago I messaged her about my favorite character, Talira: out of the blue she offered me Talira as a follower - I was totally surprised and honored by that gesture . I have her travel with me often in my roaming (funny how the game aesthetics improves when she's around!).

    Again, TY for this!!!
    1. ForgottenB
      • member
      • 217 kudos
      Yep Tali is awesome too, another Dunmer like Viren, I have her as well.
      But now that you mentioned, reminds me I need to do a photo session with her, I have some pics which were done long time ago...
      I need to re-do it, again, in some more interesting way.
      Thanks for stopping by, glad you enjoyed!
  4. Khermiit
    • premium
    • 73 kudos
    The girl is as beautiful as the others have been. That DOF is the star of the show for me though...that effect is fire!
    1. ForgottenB
      • member
      • 217 kudos
      I always enjoyed taking shots of her ladies, and been tuning my heavily modified depth of field, specially for her girls!
      Turned leaves into fire, without actually setting them on fire... Thanks
  5. arghTease
    • premium
    • 207 kudos

    1. ForgottenB
      • member
      • 217 kudos
      Its okay, she is a Dunmer, fire can't touch her
      Taken outside just between Heimskr's house and Jorrvaskr.... thanks RT
  6. cormell
    • premium
    • 338 kudos
    Nice shoot. I like the lyrics to that song, it's a good one.
    1. ForgottenB
      • member
      • 217 kudos
      Aye, it is my addiction, I thought I could manage this, and play more often, but I was dragged into shooting so quickly.... now it is too late to return on the right path
      I love the song as well, thanks a lot mate
  7. blu377
    • supporter
    • 189 kudos
    Nice shot mate
    1. ForgottenB
      • member
      • 217 kudos
      Thanks Rob
      Found my motivation to enjoy this screen shooting thing again
    2. SomewhatWindy
      • premium
      • 148 kudos
      Told you so,.. 
  8. CelebrateLife
    • premium
    • 141 kudos
    Another beauty! 
    1. ForgottenB
      • member
      • 217 kudos
      Wish I had her skills... only thing I can do atm, is to enjoy making shots of her work... Thanks a lot