Dark Saturday - Anima Nera - The Daughter of Coldharbour

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  1. serkethetyt
    • premium
    • 452 kudos
    This set is a continuation of Dark Saturday - Anima Nera - Lord911's Necropolis Citadel. I dedicate this showcase to the dear Mariam and Cesar for the wonderful work with the shrine of Molag Bal and all the Daedric Shrines
  2. Jena84Plissken
    • member
    • 43 kudos
    1. serkethetyt
      • premium
      • 452 kudos
      Grazie amico!
  3. MaxRage808
    • supporter
    • 188 kudos
    Gloomy and epic pictures, Larys!
    It looks like Molag Bal has found a worthy candidate to be his Grand Champion. True Daughter of Coldharbour
    1. serkethetyt
      • premium
      • 452 kudos
      Thank you so much, dear Max! I'm glad you liked!
      I think Molag Bal can have trouble with his rebellious kid, as Serana is not very found of him and will show it well in my universe. For now, he is without Champion and anyone who want to claim that "honor" must face Lady Volkihar in battle
  4. UnusedSadness
    • premium
    • 24 kudos
    This is dark indeed.
    I really like how it is all in a shadowy, wraithlike colour palette with only her dead-pale skin and the deepest-red blood as highlights.
    And although all the structures and surfaces are clearly drawn they still melt into a unit.
    It all conveys the stern, old and grim harshness and arrogance I expect from vampires.
    Really impressive!
    1. serkethetyt
      • premium
      • 452 kudos
      Thank you so much for your very kind feedback, my friend! Much appreciated!
      And I agree with you about the harshness and arrogance of the vampires, and is also something I think is praised by their high lord Molag Bal, as there is no place for the weak and for fails. Thank you again, I'm glad you liked the set and the edits!
  5. deleted110069433
    • account closed
    • 23 kudos
    From Nera/Serana, this set is my favorite
    I was quite impressed with the fight with Harkon, it's very well choreographed
    Also, that plus with the facial expressions in his vampire lord form, I had no idea that in that form they had expressions, always think that the face was a "block" "you always learn something new" 
    I love the last 3, I feel they are very intense!

    Bloody DS/showcase, sis!!
    1. serkethetyt
      • premium
      • 452 kudos
      I need to say that is also mine! I am super happy with the result of this set and I'm very glad you liked, dear bro! Thank you so much!
      And thanks about the fighting! Tried some poses on Nera I've downloaded for action scenes and I was also surprised with the expressions of Harkon in vampire lord form. My way tol take those screenies is to let the enemy attack and pause them with tai, so I pose my character and put everything together with Jaxonz, in the mean time I saw that he was changing the expressions and was surprised by it because I thought the same about the blank expression HAHAHA
  6. SomewhatWindy
    • premium
    • 148 kudos
    I think Cold Harbour officialy became one of my least favorite places ,..  You did a great job in achieving that with this cool set.
    She  has this this more animalistic vampire side to her that you show of realy well here.
    These subdues tones are also perfect for the whole atmosphere of this set 
    1. serkethetyt
      • premium
      • 452 kudos
      Thank you so much, dear Erwin! I'm glad you liked the set and the edits in this!
      In fact, Coldharbour and Molag Bal as well are one of my least favorites, tho as a place and character it is a very interesting concept. I love works such as Anne Rice's "The Vampire Chronicles" and her romantic vampire nobles, but for my tale and my Skyrim I liked to think more in the animalistic vampires, such as the ones that appear in Penny Dreadful. I think they fit well the savage Skyrim while the noble type could fit better in Cyrodiil, like Vicente Valtieri in Oblivion game.
    2. SomewhatWindy
      • premium
      • 148 kudos
      Oh,.. you're absolutely right and you should definately continue exploring on this path. You do a great job at it
    3. serkethetyt
      • premium
      • 452 kudos
      Thank you kindly, my friend! I will try my best to portray them as interesting and deep as possible, as characters/individuals and the group of them as a danger to the heroes will need to sweat a little to deal with! The interactions with Serana too will not be that peaceful as they are in game, so let's see how Aslög and Gogrek will deal with her and her own goal.
  7. Excellentium
    • member
    • 354 kudos
    Dark, grim and astonishing in a nice mix of awesome details, dread and hatred! Wonderfully done and although I really like whole set, I'd say the very last capture is my favorite. Her sudden instinct of loss and sorrow for a father fallen by her hand...
    1. serkethetyt
      • premium
      • 452 kudos
      Thank you so much for your very kind words and observation, dear Rick! I'm glad you liked the set!
      Indeed, in my view of Serana (and how she will be portrayed in AST when the time comes) she is a very troubled person with all the issues not only after her transformation, but since childhood. She is never in peace and sometimes have a very aggressive behavior and is an umbrageous person, making herself unpredictable as an animal when hurted, tho she is pretty rational in most of time. The death of Harkon represents a lot for her, not just the fulfillment of her goal, but also the death of her own illusions about Harkon as a person and him as a father. His death leaves a void that she doesn't know how to deal with, as her main objective now no longer needs a resolution, and while she is not without purpose, the necessary changes are never easy and so are emotions, and the lack of them. Dead Harkon represents a vanquished enemy, a defeated threat, but also her father, the one she knew and the one she idealized, and in that also a part of Serana's very essence and identity.
  8. thesarantis
    • premium
    • 200 kudos
    Absolutely magnificent set sis!!!
    Loved the desaturated color scheme and the great staging and poses selected!
    Nera is just majestic and the fight scenes in the end fantastic!!!
    Awesome work from Mandragorasprouts and Xtudo with the statue also!!!
    1. serkethetyt
      • premium
      • 452 kudos
      Thank you so much for your very kind words, dear bro! Always happy to read your precious feedback!
      I'm glad you liked the fight scenes! I've downloaded some stuff to try more shots of duels and group fights, inspired by our lil bro Manu! I think I don't do much of this so is always nice to learn more and improve, it will be good for AST in future. Mariam and Cesar are the top team to bring us awesome content! I'm so glad that both work so hard to make our Skyrim even better!
  9. frank213
    • premium
    • 825 kudos
    really big cinema, you would say with us. It's incredible what you get out of your Skyrim. just awesome dear Larys.
    1. serkethetyt
      • premium
      • 452 kudos
      Thank you so much for your very kind and supportive words, dear Frank! I'm super happy you liked this set and so touched by your words, my friend! Thank you so much for this, means a lot!
  10. AnnaMary
    • member
    • 213 kudos
    Ah, dear Larys...  It is an Other Outstanding Super-dynamic and terrifically-Gorgeous showcase!!! Each picture is a Top of Art at a specific dark fantasy... I is frankly admiring by Your overall skills and technique, knowledges and advertence about this immense game world... And congratulate on every deserved viewer's Delight!!!;=))))) (*__________*)

    1. serkethetyt
      • premium
      • 452 kudos
      Thank you so much for your always supportive and lovely words, dear Marianna! You're one of the jewels of this community, always saying such nice and friendly things to everyone! I'm very glad you liked the set, thank you for your precious comment and such beautiful gifs!
  11. ista3
    • premium
    • 1,115 kudos
    Horror at it's best Larys :))
    Love the body blood effect from CM (I think) :))
    1. serkethetyt
      • premium
      • 452 kudos
      Thank you so much, dear Izzy! I am having a lot of fun with Clanggedin's Auras, there is a lot of amazing effects in it and very easy to use!
    2. ista3
      • premium
      • 1,115 kudos
      Ah my mistake I thought the blood effect on her face was from Colorful Magic :)
    3. serkethetyt
      • premium
      • 452 kudos
      No problem! I still need to test the Colorful Magic, I have it in my files but time is short