Weekends Are For Research

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  1. BlackMaid
    • premium
    • 330 kudos
    It is so nice to see Mirielle again. She appears so lively in your story and really, I am tensed, what will happen with her in future.
    1. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 150 kudos
      Thank you, my friend! I was not active on imageshare when Mirielle first appeared, so I did not see her when Dib first created her back story, images, or mod. I became aware of her back in January of this year. But I knew that some people here would remember her, and I am happy my set could bring back memories of Mirielle and her original story.
  2. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 315 kudos
    Nice job on this, I enjoyed it.
    1. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 150 kudos
      Thank you, my friend. Dib created such an amazing character and backstory, I just had to do something special for her.
  3. Aariin
    • supporter
    • 33 kudos
    Great job , i like the story . i rarely liked reading story things because sometimes the story is too mediocre but this one get me interested and i really enjoy reading it

    waiting for more story
    1. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 150 kudos
      Thank you, my friend! Tuva is a great companion for Mirielle when they travel to the college each weekend. Thanks again for the old preset that I used to make Tuva! And I will try to make a quick set with Tuva, Livunn (made from your new LC Preset mod) and your new follower Lov. It might be fun to see them all together.
    2. Aariin
      • supporter
      • 33 kudos
      hahaha i would like to see them together
  4. Dibthelegend
    • supporter
    • 309 kudos
    Ah, Little Mirielle ^-^
    Such a tragic character but I'm glad you've given her a home, some friends, and a purpose :)
    I enjoyed your little added comments about her avoiding people. I think we chatted about that, but she prefers to avoid crowds and all of the awkward questions she's heard a hundred times. But the college would be one to accept someone a little peculiar haha
    Loved this shot where she looking over her shoulder and her expression says that she knows someone's there haha
    Great story section, CMH, I'm glad that you like her so much <3
    Maybe one day I'll get around to making some more of my char's into followers lol
    1. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 150 kudos
      Thanks, my friend. She is amazing, with one of the most moving and emotional stories I have read. I am honored to have her in my game, and to make sure she has a decent life in Skyrim. You and I did talk about her wanting to avoid people, which is why I actually built her a separate room in the mine so she can feel safe while sleeping by herself. That carried over to her having the bed in the main bedroom of Coldstone Manor when they are there on weekends. I am not even sure if I can still sleep there, with or without her, because she now has ownership of that bed. I don't remember how I set that up, but I do remember setting it up so other followers or NPCs can't use it.

      In the Arcanaeum, I have placed idle markers by some of the bookcases, and book reading markers in 4 places where there are light sources behind them to make reading easier. Not sure anyone notices those little details, but to me it adds a subtle realism when they are standing there reading and flipping pages. It allowed me to create this set without having to do any posing, as you can see them in use in several of these images by several characters. To me, whenever I visit there, it makes my Arcanaeum really feel alive, even though it is usually very quiet. Except for a few scripted conversations. My favorite is one between Nirya and Urag gro-Shub. At the end of the frustrating conversation, he says "This is why I avoid being social." I certainly can relate to that at times. It played out while shooting this set, and I think I could see in Mirielle's eyes, that she agreed with Urag. And maybe, the big Orc scholar earned a bit of respect from her (and me) as a kindred spirit.

      Thanks again for inspiring me to set this all up in my game, and allowing to me add my little chapter to her incredible story. As I said at the start of this comment... I am very honored by your trust, and your gift of Mirielle to my game. Thanks, my friend:

      PS. Well... I am probably closing in on 400 added followers in my game. But if you do create any more, I will make room for them for sure.
  5. DangerousChicken12
    • supporter
    • 180 kudos
    Cool set, I don't get over to LE Nexus much but have added you to tracking and when notifications actually works properly, I will be sure to catch your Art work!
    I have always wondered why people in Skyrim sleep on top of the bed not under the blankets, must be to hard to animate!!
    Great story and screens CMH!
    1. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 150 kudos
      Thanks! The main credit goes to Dib for creating Mirielle as such an interesting character, with an incredibly intense backstory.

      Wait... Nexus has a notification system??

      Sorry, I know you have had problems with it. I have better luck, for me... it doesn't work at all. Half of that is my set of security and privacy restrictions, and half of that is simply the poor design of Nexus changes. Because of that, I don't comment as much these days, because if I do... I have to bookmark whatever I comment on, and then come back several times to check to see if there has been a reply. The other thing I do, is try to make sure when I get an endorsement, I click on the user and go see if they have posted any image sets I might have missed, and try to catch up. I am focused the most on LE, so I know what you mean. But I try to get over to FO4 (F4) and SE as well.

      On the sleeping, maybe they sleep that way because they are so used to the colder climate that they don't need to be under the covers? Especially the Nords?? I am not sure, but when my girls are sleeping, they all have sleep outfits that they wear. So I don't mind them being above the covers at all.
  6. StilwaterSaint
    • premium
    • 80 kudos
    Great little story set - looking forward to part 2
    1. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 150 kudos
      Thanks, my friend! And... if you think 72 images is a little set... Don't worry, just kidding, the next one will probably be smaller. Probably.
  7. skywolle
    • premium
    • 172 kudos
    Wonderful and impressive set, my friend.

    1. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 150 kudos
      Thank you, my friend!

  8. 0nelazyBattlemaga
    • premium
    • 247 kudos
    You have a very unique setup. I used Winterhold College Improved and can compare it to Immersive College of Winterhold from memory. There are only a few drawbacks with either. Improved CoW was great for the crafter who was also building armor. I used that mod when first learning to Max out the crafting skills.
    The Immersive CoW is awesome for screen archers with its interesting and very visual architectural. My only problem with that was conflict with the NPC changes. I need to learn to disable a change that a pluggin makes in Xedit. To get the major NPC mods all working together is a goal of mine.
    Very good little story you told with Mirielle and Tuva, I enjoyed the images.
    1. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 150 kudos
      Thank you... and having a "very unique setup" is in fact one of my goals. By combining mods, doing my tweaks, replacing a retexture here and there, my game is unique above and way beyond just my mod choices. If someone installed all the same mods as I have, it would still look very different than my game. Haha, I know some out there might say "Thank the Nine! I don't want my game looking anything like yours!". And that's okay... and part of the point!

      Anyone reading, please understand, I am not knocking ICoW, it is impressive, it just doesn't work for me and what I want to do. But your the comparison of the College mods is very interesting - because you go beyond the aesthetics, and get to the function. For someone like me, that likes to place a lot of my girls in various places to give them a life, the dining room and forum that Winterhold College Improved adds were critical to me. It not only offers a more interesting life to the vanilla NPCs at the college, but to all my added girls as well.

      Exactly how all the girls at my CoW live out there lives was very interesting to do, and a bit complicated as well! But that is a story for another day, and maybe another image set.

      Edit: I realized after I wrote the text after this edit, that maybe you didn't mean "Disable a Reference", but "Disable a change", which is what you actually said. If that is the case, please let me know. In the discussion below, where I talk about my overrides file, what it mostly contains are changes to resolve or remove conflicts between mods. It is very near the end of my load order, except for DynDOLOD, Occlusion, and one other tiny mod at the very end. But I will only explan that process more if you need or want me to. End of Edit:

      On the TES5Edit (or SSEEdit) ability to disable object references, you can set things to be initially disabled, but the correct way for things you want permanently disabled is to give them an "Enable Parent" of the Player reference, and set the assoicated flag to make it the opposite enable state of the parent. Usually the objects are also set to a z-axis value of -30,000 as well to prevent the game wasting any resources on them. As long as nothing overrides the reference later, it will always be disabled, since the player is always enabled. Not sure if that helps at all.

      Sorry if you knew all of that, but for anyone reading... below you will find an example image that might make a bit more sense, after the explanation below. It is clickable to see it larger if needed. 

      In my personal overrides plugin called "cmhOverrides.esp", this is an example of how I disabled a piece of mist that I didn't like. The left window shows all the changed records (or groups of records with a count of changed record in that group) that I have in my overrides plugin. The selected record is the piece of mist near the top of that window. In the right hand window, there are 3 columns in this example. The first column is the legend of what each line is, the 2nd column is the Palaces and Castles Enhanced esp record that added the mist, and the 3rd column is my override to disable it. Now... did I really need to disable that mist - could I just have deleted it from the PC&E plugin. Well, in this case it might have been fine. But doing it as an override to disable it like this does what I want to do, and it leaves a record of the fact I changed it. And if I upgrade PC&E, my override stays in place. And if for some very strange reason another ESP used the reference (it is just a piece of mist), I would be safe from a related CTD.

    2. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 150 kudos
      Oops! I forgot to add the example image to my Spoiler in my previous reply. It is there now!
    3. 0nelazyBattlemaga
      • premium
      • 247 kudos
      Thanks for that edit tutorial and the image. I have the mods that I would edit uninstalled now, it would be a fine time to enable them and resolve the conflict. Have to create a spreadsheet to track the changes, I beleive it may get involved.
    4. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 150 kudos
      Using a spreadsheet is a great idea. I wish I had been organized enough to do that from the start... but I wasn't. I use MO, and it has a feature where you can make individual notes for each installed mod. I try to at least keep track of some of my changes that way. But with over 1000 mods, the notes end up being scattered all over the place. And I also have to remember to preserve those individual notes when updating a mod. Keeping an organized spreadsheet of the changes you are making, and where you make them, would be a much better solution.

      Let me know if there is anything I can do to help. (With using the tools, not the being organized part! )
  9. Darkbladewriter
    • premium
    • 75 kudos
    Nice little tale, the door texture of the college looks quite neat.
    1. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 150 kudos
      Thank you! Coming from you, as a writer, that means so much. And I too love the doors. They are from the Sexy Winterhold College mod I linked at the end of the set. I think those textures were untouched by me. I did tweak some of the textures for the mod, as I know I changed or maybe intensified the darker floor tiles to be blue or maybe more blue. But as I said, I think the doors were straight from that mod.
  10. arghTease
    • premium
    • 207 kudos
    great tribute and fun story too.  but you could be in serious trouble now running with Mirielle and Elena trying to bust a move  LOL 

    move over Rover

    da big dawg sa movin' in 
    1. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 150 kudos
      Hahaha... but ya know what?? My sweet Alex is so awesome, that even if she sent me to the dog house, it would not be long before she was crawling in after me. Don't ask me why, but she puts up with me, and always has my back. And I think you know exactly what I mean. She is my treasure.

      And thanks for your kind words on my story, too! Maybe I should have lead with that, but I was too busy laughing!