Womanly Wednesday - Sofie Thorn-Heart - Falka Armor

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  1. AnnaMary
    • member
    • 213 kudos
    M-m-m... Gorgeous character and Spectacular postures...I love each Epic shot!!! Interesting contrast of cold snowy gray ambience...and of warm captures further - almost as a lighting of a candles in a cozy sweet home... (^L^)

    1. Alenzar1
      • supporter
      • 109 kudos
      Thanks a lot Marianna! Yeah the ambience in this land is like "Oh! Outside is cold and grim and hostile but in the inside is like going back to a safer place" (And this new land mod Northpoint is extremely depresive taht is better to stay in the interiors that the exterior)

      I am glad you like it!
  2. Astra2000
    • premium
    • 160 kudos
    1. Alenzar1
      • supporter
      • 109 kudos
      Thanks Frank!
  3. Darkbladewriter
    • premium
    • 75 kudos
    Yeah Kozakowy does fabulous outfits.  A nice set of poses and imagery here.
    1. Alenzar1
      • supporter
      • 109 kudos
      Kozakowy is an artist with outfits and this armor. And the poses are from Realistic Idle animation + Leviathan animaiton, trying out some stuff with DAR to have them randomized
    2. Alenzar1
      • supporter
      • 109 kudos
  4. thesarantis
    • premium
    • 200 kudos
    I like the new haircut a looooottt! And both Falka armors suit her very well! I think maybe the red one is fitting her slightly better! 

    The coincidence is that i'm preparing to use the retexture on Uthgerd and some hours ago i showed Larys a picture of her in red Falka to ask her opinion about some aesthetic details! Haha!

    1. Alenzar1
      • supporter
      • 109 kudos
      Thanks my friend! And actually the bandana of the hair that is seeing while Sofie is wearing the red armor is also Saskia's bandana (from the witcher 2), so it was a nice coincidence that this hair had that option to match the armor

      And I enjoy this type of coincidences, I am sure Utgherd will look like a true badass with this armor, looking forward to see what you have planned for her
    2. Alenzar1
      • supporter
      • 109 kudos
      Thanks my friend! And actually the bandana of the hair that is seeing while Sofie is wearing the red armor is also Saskia's bandana (from the witcher 2), so it was a nice coincidence that this hair had that option to match the armor

      And I enjoy this type of coincidences, I am sure Utgherd will look like a true badass with this armor, looking forward to see what you have planned for her  

      P.D: Sorry for the double comment, the nexus page is behaving slower for me
  5. skywolle
    • premium
    • 172 kudos
    Glorious, great job Manuel.

    1. Alenzar1
      • supporter
      • 109 kudos
      Thanks Sky!
  6. Dibthelegend
    • supporter
    • 309 kudos
    As I was reading the troubleshoot paragraph VRAM came to mind before you even said it lol. sometimes a game will play nice and just run with your DRAM at like 1 FPS but it usually just crashes when that happens.
    She's perfect for this armor though so I hope that you can keep using it. I love the blue version myself :)
    1. Alenzar1
      • supporter
      • 109 kudos
      Well, I have an explantion for that issue as a little theory of how hardware works plus some of the things I learned in secondary... So I will apologize if the next paragraph in the spoiler frame is too large and it's extremly enthusiastic as I enjoy talking about that stuff.

      When a machine is exhausting its resources it enters in a safety mode meant to reset the usage of RAM or VRAM and be able to have the computer usable again, like when the cpu is overheated and its clock speed needs to be slowered automatically in order to cooldown, but lowering the performance and making the pc unusable when the heat absurd; mostly for the usage of energy that needs a pc while rendering the whole damn lot of 3D stuff on handleing the cache, calculations and scripts that need to be processed... Actually it wasn't that large

      Oh! And I will keep the armor in my game... Now that my characters can use it. And the blue version is really good, nonetheless I like both 
  7. Yellowbird11
    • premium
    • 97 kudos
    Yes, all of Kozakowy's works are taxing on the system, but they are totally worth it.

    Love the new hairsstyle, like a true nord warrior. Will there be an update for the follower too?

    And of course a nice set of pictures.
    1. Alenzar1
      • supporter
      • 109 kudos
      True, they are worth every single megabite to be admire, even if they burn the machine

      And it took a while but I finally found the nord-like hair style for her, I will do an update changing the hair but not yet, I will think about other things to add at the same time plus also update Vittoria.

      And I am glad you liked the pictures bro
  8. serkethetyt
    • premium
    • 449 kudos
    I am very happy to see that this little tip helped you to get the armor in the latest version of retexture and also that the lighting mods are working well for you! ELE-Lite is a great mod, thanks for the recommendation of Astra2000 (Frank) who always recommends me great mods.

    I can't even choose which version of Falka Armor Sofie looks the best, but she looks stunning with the red retex and I really like the new hair!

    About Familiar Faces, my shieldbrother tylermcpotter sent me this mod here today, which looks very promising and much more useful than the FF. I haven't tested it yet, but if it works, it can be of great help to all of us as it avoids messing with the CK.
    1. Alenzar1
      • supporter
      • 109 kudos
      Yeah, your tip certanly helped a lot. And I am enjoying ELE-Lite, I actually used in the past Relighting Skyrim because I though ELE-Lite was the one that hits in the liver of performance, but is Relighting skyrim the one htat hits in the liver of my pc.

      And don't be shy to choose which one is the best lookng armor for her, pick both!

      Oh! That new mod is already downloaded in my folder, but I haven't test it because yesterday had like 4 uptades in a row, but from what I saw in the videos is really usefull to edit npcs faces and other stuff, like giving the character a overlay of tears in their faces ingame (Something that I did with FF making the original save have that overlay and updating the alcove, extremely tedious I have to add). But this mod will do it easier.. Sorry FF you were a good companion but I have to let you go. also directors tool, you can go to hell too
  9. rcreaper2
    • supporter
    • 101 kudos
    Looking great. Very nice work Manuel  
    1. Alenzar1
      • supporter
      • 109 kudos
      Thanks a lot Bruno!
  10. Dovahkiinathay
    • premium
    • 772 kudos
    This armor fits her so well! A beautiful character!
    1. Alenzar1
      • supporter
      • 109 kudos
      Yeah, when I made this character a few months ago I did her appearance so it could fit with this armor. And I am glad you liked her appearance