H4MG P02 - White River Cottage

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  1. StilwaterSaint
    • premium
    • 80 kudos
    I think I have said it to you before, it's quite impressive how you can bend the game to your own desires and taste, full credit to you !
    They must be the best looked after followers in Skyrim, and what a wonderful looking world for them to live in, too ! 
    1. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 150 kudos
      Thank you so much, my awesome friend! It is an ongoing project, as believe it or not... I am still adding followers! But I really appreciate your comments, as you totally get what I am doing, and why.

      In other bending my game to my will news... I may have accidentally learned how to do something today, that might solve one thing that bugs me about the followers having access to homes before I do. More on that later, if it works. But...

      Hahaha, I learned the new concept while researching how to immersively give Belethor a better chance of getting killed by vampires, by increasing the amount of time he spends wandering around Whiterun at night. Is that wrong?? Well... it is better than just killing him. In theory, with USLEEP, Ysolda will take over Belethor's store if Belethor dies. So I am doing this for her... yeah, that's it... not doing it for me... doing it for Ysolda! Haha, I really hate Belethor, but I do NOT want his store closed!

      If Ysolda doesn't take over his store during testing, I may just replace Belethor with another merchant follower I installed recently, and she is pending being merged in to my game. If I do that... guess who she will be... ... ... Belethor's Sister! Stay tuned!
    2. StilwaterSaint
      • premium
      • 80 kudos

      OMG that's a hilarious and brilliant idea - I wanna see it - I NEEDS to see it - lol !   Very best luck in achieving it
    3. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 150 kudos
      Hi! Just an overdue update.

      For testing purposes only, I killed Belethor with the console Kill command, and Ysolda did in fact take over his store! Again, that is something that USLEEP fixed. So I modified Belethor's AI so that he walks around Whiterun longer at night... and... I also added another condition so that for a few hours around midnight, he has a 30% chance of wandering around very close to the Whiterun gate, where the vampires spawn. So we will see what happens!

      However... I also realized I had a possible problem. I also have Run For Your Lives installed, which makes citizens, but not guards, flee from vampire or dragon attacks. So... I had to make a modification to that mod to add an exclusion list for NPCs I don't want to flee, which for now will just include Belethor. Haha, this still might not work... because I have some very strong potential followers that work at the forge at night, and also wander around Whiterun. So the odds of Belethor dying in a vampire attack might not be that great. But... hahaha... I still feel better knowing there is an increased chance of Belethor valiantly dying in a vampire attack while defending Whiterun now!

      I will let you know if it happens, and now I need to remember to go to Whiterun and do Ysolda's little quests, just to be sure they are done. I tried to do that earlier, but her quests were blocked until I found and returned a book to somebody in Solitude. The fantastic Elder Scrolls site UESP to the rescue once again, I thought my game was broken, but UESP said that there was a series of radiant quests, including Ysoldas, that were tied together so you could only do one at a time. Thank you UESP!
  2. Klaxoid
    • member
    • 193 kudos
    That is a lot of character living in one humble abode!

    I'm impressed you can get them all to cooperate long enough to take a screenshot
    1. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 150 kudos
      While they are all strong as individuals, together I really don't have to worry about them or their safety. And since they have routines to do things in different areas of the house, and to go to Riverwood, they can get away at times too.

      On the group screenshot, see my reply to RT (link to my reply in forum version of nexus, hope it works)
  3. godsp33d6
    • BANNED
    • 126 kudos
    This sure look interesting leave some for me.
    1. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 150 kudos
      Thanks! I only have around 320 followers installed, there are still some left over that I haven't installed... yet!
    2. godsp33d6
      • BANNED
      • 126 kudos
      That's alot of followers i got only 2 followers but  i don't use lol any.
  4. Darkbladewriter
    • premium
    • 75 kudos
    Thank you for the lovely tour of the house and the ladies.  Sure there isn't any bitchiness in there with that lot together?
    1. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 150 kudos
      Other than me grumbling a bit getting them all situated for the posed group images, things seem to be very peaceful there. It helps that it is a big house, and that most of the time around half of them are in town. While shooting this set, it did make me realize there is some room to make a few improvements to their routines. There is an outside area with a table that I could have a few of them use, at least on nice days. And I may also consider letting the girls from Vandfald Cottage (across the bridge and river) come over on weekends and use the pool area. Chloe has been begging me for that option, and what Chloe wants... Chloe will probably get!

      Also, keeping the peace in the house, is Princess Zelda. She is very wise and respected by all the girls. And if things ever really get out of hand, the girls are aware of Avril's dual wielding Daedric weapons capability. They know that Avril would never hurt them... but they are a bit scared of her so they really don't want to put that to the test. In reality, other than maybe Zelda, Avril is the sweetest one of the bunch, but don't tell her I said that... I am a bit scared (and in awe) of her too!
  5. skywolle
    • premium
    • 172 kudos
    Done brilliantly my friend, that is a wonderful job. It's nice to see that the pretty girls now have a home thanks to your efforts.

    1. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 150 kudos
      Thank you, my friend. Having the girls in their own house, but still able to move back and forth between the house and Riverwood, makes the town seem more real to me. And the girls say thanks to you, too.
  6. Dibthelegend
    • supporter
    • 309 kudos
    A few of the rooms feel a little modern for my tastes, but it's beautifully designed and quite expansive. That big hot tub room in particular looks like a fun place to shoot a set hehe.
    The girls should be grateful that you were willing to fork over such a hefty sum for them to bunk up together :p
    Fun showcase CMH :)
    1. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 150 kudos
      I don't completely disagree on the modern/immersive issues, but the layout and attention to detail are so worth it! And the hot tub room is awesome for me and my girls... although with your "hehe" I am thinking you might do things a little bit differently. I can't remember... but you might not even have to do anything to achieve the effect you might be looking for.
    2. Dibthelegend
      • supporter
      • 309 kudos
      Let's just say I don't run bikini mods in my game if y'know'w'm'sayin' ;)
  7. arghTease
    • premium
    • 207 kudos
    very cool home and neat lovely group shots of all your Cuties    how did you get them to all sit still and be quiet long enough to take while you are sitting on the couch and then the one of you posing behind them?   LOL 
    1. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 150 kudos
      Hey RT! Thanks! My "Cuties" are all smiling! I know you know how this is done, but... on the group shot, the difficult part was getting Lyla on the arm of the couch, and Alexina on the end table on the other end of the couch, into position and to stay put long enough for the console commands to lock them in place. But if you look carefully, in the image with me behind them at the end, Amanda has changed to the same pose I have, and Nata has a different pose too. I bumped one of them as I was getting in place, then in fixing her I accidentally changed their poses as I hit the wrong keys, and once on the wrong girl. Shhh... don't tell anyone, maybe they won't notice!
  8. Vlade717
    • supporter
    • 81 kudos
    White River Cottage is a lovely little home! Nice set and lovely gals!
    1. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 150 kudos
      I totally agree on White River Cottage. Thanks for your nice words on the images and the girls.
  9. thesarantis
    • premium
    • 200 kudos
    Hahaha! Very entertaining set my friend! So your red-haired char is considered a family-man? A lobbyist? A commune-ist? A philanthropist? A maharaja? Or a little bit of everything?
    Btw very nice shots and gorgeous girls!!!
    1. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 150 kudos
      Family Man - for sure! I will adopt 6 kids, and have another 12 at the Dragons Keep academy, and may figure out a way to have 6 additional kids at the school as well. A lobbyist? Well... maybe a lobbyist with swords and shouts! For sure a big "no" to communist or commune-ist, and I am too tired to look up the maharaja for details... but a Philanthropist? I really LIKE the sound of that! After all, how many houses do I need? So why not use my loot to buy houses for my girls as a gift to make their lives better. Since many of them help me gather the loot, it only seems fair.

      Thanks for the last comment, the girls and I appreciate it!
  10. gurleygirl
    • premium
    • 381 kudos
    It's a wonderful player home both for the player and a harem of followers as evidenced by your entourage of lovely ladies.
    Excellent feature set of the various rooms. 
    Spacious comfortable living room and I love the kitchen.
    Lots of books shelves and the follower bedroom has enough beds for all the girls.
    Really the entire layout of this home is great.
    Amazing closing group shot of the girls together on and around the couch.
    Beautifully done, Chickster.
    1. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 150 kudos
      Thanks Gurley! The thing that sold me on keeping White River Cottage in my game... was the chess set! I am sure I would have kept it anyway, but I love that feature. Seriously though... the kitchen is great, the living room is awesome, but the pool area was just perfect for all the girls. But there are also a lot of subtle little things that you don't notice right away. Like the forge area WITH ventilation - that is really immersive to me. (I never put a forge in the basement of the BYOH homes for that reason - no ventilation. )