Agents of Shield 04 - Adelaisa Vendicci

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  1. Nataly1q2w3e4r5t
    • premium
    • 232 kudos
    This was great bio of beautiful, fierce and wise Adelaisa! She has very interesting background story. She went a long way from being into loveless arranged to moving away from such life and finding a new purpose. It was very intriguing that she offered the whole idea of Shield to Perek and it is definitely a wise decision to form organization that can help people in Tamriel. I don’t blame Adelaisa for having feelings for Teldryn, he is very attractive! Maybe one day she can confess her feelings and hear his answer.
    1. thesarantis
      • premium
      • 199 kudos
      And she surely will confess her feelings some day! I was determined to make an interesting story out of a such neglected(by most) character! Many thanks my dear Nataly!
  2. Scorn02
    • member
    • 18 kudos
    Another great bio, I like what she's become !
    Good toon, but that video still freaks me out !
    1. thesarantis
      • premium
      • 199 kudos
      Hahahaha! It is freaky indeed! But great song! Thanks!
  3. chickmetalhead
    • supporter
    • 143 kudos
    Great background information for the 4th member of the group. And I really like the first image in the description area!
    1. thesarantis
      • premium
      • 199 kudos
      Many thanks my friend! I think 2 of the Shield agents could be a pleasant surprise for you in the near future!
    2. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 143 kudos
      Hmm... looking forward to seeing what you mean.

      But just so you know, I have the supporter area of Nexus blocked on my computer, so nothing there or I won't see it. Nothing against anybody that wants to post or view images there, but it isn't my thing. And with kids and/or other family members around occasionally, I have to be extra careful about what I might call up on the computer... sometimes without realizing it! So I have the supporter area blocked so I don't accidentally call up a set from a notification when others are around.

      For me and my girls in my game, they are all completely wholesome and sweet and good. Okay... maybe not. But I don't ever show them in anything too sexy or naked on Nexus. For example, in my game most of the girls sleep in some kind of sleepwear, except for those that sleep in common areas... those still sleep in clothes or armor. But all the girls I have placed in homes all over Skyrim, they have several random choices of lingerie to sleep in... or for some of my more special girls, they have specific limited choices that they (or I) really like. Some of the sleepwear is very sexy! But when I show them in my image sets, I keep them in their more wholesome options. Haha, that is one of the reasons I haven't done my next Homes for my Girls image sets yet, because I need to update my sleepwear script to force them all into the more modest versions if I have a Global set, or wait for them all to put something safe on. With 6 girls in a room, that can take a while... because at least one of them is always in the mood to go super skimpy for me!

      I know that all may seem very weird, especially with what goes on in images on Nexus. But I like to show my girls the respect they deserve when showing images. Now... that doesn't mean that the girls never get naked. They just might do that... and Sofia seems to show up that way occasionally for reasons I haven't figured out yet... but then, Sofia is... Sofia! But those images are only for me. And my girls love me for that!
  4. serkethetyt
    • premium
    • 442 kudos
    Adelaisa's background is really interesting and it is clear the motivation that led her to propose to Perek that they create Shield. It is a big step forward for Skyrim and Tamriel to have an organization that takes care of this kind of thing, since to f@#%ck with everything there are countless people really committed to this and few heroes who are strategically trained and organized.
    And oh, I can't blame Adelaisa for put her eyes in Teldryn!
    Excellent shots of her too, I really like her with this armor!
    1. thesarantis
      • premium
      • 199 kudos
      Thank you my dear Larys! I was always imagining that a mature woman with an armor(even the imperial vanilla) would have some interesting background!
      She is so modest that she couldn't have unbosomed herself to anyone about her love for Teldryn! 
  5. Alenzar1
    • supporter
    • 109 kudos
    This is an interesting backstory for Adelaisa and I like the fact that you wrote that her skills became better with Perek's help, because her class and skills in the Vanilla game as fas as I know, are from a citizen so she is not very useful in combat. 

    And damn she looks great with that black armor... And that lingerie, uff!
    1. thesarantis
      • premium
      • 199 kudos
      Thanks a lot Manuel! I usually ignore many things vanilla Skyrim has to offer because the modding community offer so much more! As for backstories it's a pleasure to fill certain plot-holes to make it more interesting not only to ourselves but to others too! As a famous imp once said: "What unites people? Armies? Gold? Flags? Stories!! There's nothing in the world more powerful than a good story! Nothing can stop it! No enemy can defeat it."
    2. Yellowbird11
      • premium
      • 95 kudos
      Oh, I like that idea of stories uniting people - our little community here is proof of that after all.

      And I agree with Manuel, very well fleshed out background. Adelaisa is kind of an underdog in the vanilla game and a lot of players might not even know about her existence. So it's really nice to read about her family and how she became the person she is today, also because of Perek.
    3. thesarantis
      • premium
      • 199 kudos
      Thank you my friend! This was a quote said by Tyrion Lannister proposing Bran Stark as king at the last episode of GoT, and i couldn't agree more!

      As i said to another very dear friend here in Nexus yesterday, imagine some good CGI engineers, 10-15 of the best writers here in Nexus, some illustrators and some good vocal-actors making an animated TV-Series based on TES! I strongly believe it would make an immediate impact and worldwide success!
    4. Alenzar1
      • supporter
      • 109 kudos
      Oh! It would be a truly success if it's directed correctly, and it would be great to see the tv shows more than a movie, as the lore that composes this fantasy world is extensive and it could be explored deeply, like the rise of St. Alessia as empress with her right hand, the minotaur son of Kynareth and seeing Pelinal Whitestrike butchering elves in the White-Gold Tower would be a delight (I despise Thalmor but the Ayleids are the worst). Hopefully maybe that idea could be a possibility in the future, meanwhile let's just expand this multiverse that is being created and expanded here in the nexus with out comic, graphics novels and manga... If the manga that was being published here continues :l

      And when I say it needs to be directly correctly is for the fact about what happen with one of those mods that came out for Fallout: New Vegas; the polemic Frontier. It has a lot of talented people working on it and most of them did a nice job, but without having a strong hand leading everyone, the fact that a few plots were done freely without thinking about what was being shown, it could end in a mess, not that it is wrong to share some stuff, but needs limits and a cold head that leads everything without losing the control of it (I also say it for the witcher tv series or the final season of got, I love those shows and they were a success, but some changes are just... it could be done better; I am talking to you inexistent adaptation of "Shards of Ice", I really wanted to see that short story adapted from the witcher books, at least the polish shows adapted it in a way.)
    5. thesarantis
      • premium
      • 199 kudos
      You've got a strong point there Manuel about directing and i fully agree! What matters most i think (outside personal beliefs and points of view) is the total love about TES lore! After all multiple directings under a solid lore and guidance became quite common in TV-Series nowadays. I would surely like to watch such stories and tales with the quality of TES Online trailers!

      Only the mention of Pelinal and Morihaus gives me chills of pleasure! 

      It's not an easy task but it's not impossible either given the amounts of talent i encountered here! The only thing that worries me in an indefinite way is what Bethesda's(Microsoft) claims and interventions could occur not regarding the commercial part but the artistic-creational one.

      For the moment we can just dream...(?) of it
  6. skywolle
    • premium
    • 172 kudos
    My compliment, really nice work, Michael. 

    1. thesarantis
      • premium
      • 199 kudos
      Thank you my dear friend!
  7. AnnaMary
    • member
    • 210 kudos
    Wow... Other Amazing representation of Outstanding character!!! Chic screenshots and Wonderful description!!! ($v$)

    1. thesarantis
      • premium
      • 199 kudos
      Thanks a lot Marianna! I thought Adelaisa deserved to be more prestigious!
    2. thesarantis
      • premium
      • 199 kudos
      Now that i look closer to the images you posted above, i realize how suitable they are for Adelaisa's story! Trully remarkable! Thanks again!
  8. Darkbladewriter
    • premium
    • 75 kudos
    Nice pen story of the fourth member.  Like her poise with the sword.
    1. thesarantis
      • premium
      • 199 kudos
      Thank you my friend!!!!
  9. Astra2000
    • premium
    • 156 kudos
    1. thesarantis
      • premium
      • 199 kudos
      Thanks Frank!