I Want A Better Life - Amalina's Story part 126

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  1. r131
    • member
    • 27 kudos

    For a second, I was afraid you would throw Erik into the fire.

    I'm glad you let him out of it. She needs a trained warrior at her side.
    I've forgotten which hold  would give you a male huscarl, but that would be a better choice.
    1. Darkbladewriter
      • premium
      • 75 kudos
      Ha ha no, Amalina isn't that callous.  Yes Dawnstar is one where you have a male huscarl.
  2. chickmetalhead
    • supporter
    • 143 kudos
    This was a great chapter, with insight into Amalina's character, humor in her potentially disastrous comment to the innkeeper. Most would have gone for his reaction, but you went with her internal... chastisement to herself for almost causing the conversation to go off track. Haha, somehow... I can related to that. Strong willed people sometimes speak out loud what should be only thought. Your narration of her story and thoughts, and the varied language you use to describe things is fantastic, as always, and really keeps things interesting.
    1. Darkbladewriter
      • premium
      • 75 kudos
      Thanks tons for that :)  I am told that dialogue is one of my particular strengths and I must admit I tend to have a lot in my novels.  I do like to give my characters quirks and flaws, to make them seem more lifelike.  Sort of antithesis to the Hollywood blue-eyed square-jawed good guys who are whiter than white and too good to be true because they are.
  3. Langzamt
    • member
    • 13 kudos
    If Amalina is thinking about the company of a strong and experienced partner, then what about Inigo?  JJLEoyD.jpg

    Maybe the Amalina's ideal man is looks something like this:

    And the Inigo's ideal of a Khajiit women is looks something like this:

    But Inigo is interesting and charismatic personality. 
    Given his talkativeness and intelligence, she will not be bored with him, he can even dance:

    Please think about it Tony  ,
    if this Khajiit goes down in your history, at least for a while - I think you will not regret it!
    And Amalina too! 
    1. Darkbladewriter
      • premium
      • 75 kudos
      Inigo has been suggested a few times as a companion.  I do follow other people's tales at times and one or two have Inigo.  He would be an interesting character.  We shall see what happens in the near future as far as Amalina is concerned.... 
  4. StarShowMaster
    • member
    • 64 kudos
    Poke the sleeping bear, aka Jarl Balgruuf?
    That's bold!
    1. Darkbladewriter
      • premium
      • 75 kudos
      Heh heh he might be annoyed until he opens his eyes and sees a rather fetching Bosmer lass stood by his bed.
    2. StarShowMaster
      • member
      • 64 kudos
      You may have a point.
    3. Yellowbird11
      • premium
      • 95 kudos
      Though she must be rather desperate if she'd choose the old man.

      But I agree on the company-part: If not for the bedroll at least she'll need someone to watch her back.
    4. Darkbladewriter
      • premium
      • 75 kudos
      Ha ha indeed!  Doubt the Jarl would leave Dragonsreach even for the charms of a comely female.  Agreed she'll need someone to watch her back.