FranklyHD Dragonbone coming soon

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  1. Garinov
    • member
    • 13 kudos
    Because I love hearing from the mind of a content creator. Now that you've finished this impressive project, what's your next project? Or after this hard work do you plan to take it easy, relax and wait till the moment strikes you that'll inspire you to retexture another armor set?
    1. FrankFamily
      • premium
      • 3,734 kudos
      I don't know yet, I have a lot of projects started, I need to think in what order to tackle them.
    2. Garinov
      • member
      • 13 kudos
      Ahh that's even worse so to speak, so much to do and don't know where to start. If you're comfortable sharing, could we get a hint of what's to come in the future?
    3. FrankFamily
      • premium
      • 3,734 kudos
      The closer stuff would be:

      There's the artifacts of nocturnal that I'd like to remake the quest, perhaps add some more artifacts to it and release in SSE, I'm not very happy with it's current state. The one called Nedhegoth also is in a similar state.

      Then, the completely new stuff. I have some images of that uploaded as usual. The next mod in the artifact series, about umbra.
      I also started a collection of historical weapons a while ago, it's about half-way through development. I'd like to finish it.

      And more retexture in there somewhere, glass has been suggested below, it's definitely a possibility.
  2. FrankFamily
    • premium
    • 3,734 kudos
    Releasing this tomorrow. in the meantime dragon bones retex: [Oldrim] [SSE]

    Thanks for the comments and continued support, hope you like it.
  3. graywinds
    • member
    • 34 kudos
    i'm looking forward to seeing this !!
    absolutly in love with your mods ,please consider glass armor after this :D
  4. guidethisonekalaheria
    • premium
    • 936 kudos
    Thanks for all your hard work your textures are all awesome! I can't wait it look's amazing
  5. Nerevairine
    • premium
    • 15 kudos
    Looks awesome as always. Good job