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Running around, drained as all hell, homelessness going on 10 months, found this in my MEGA hard drive backup. Taken while screenshotting Cyb's Remix Skin - Mature - Fair - Tetro Face, but never posted. It has a different ENB feel, so it's likely my tweaked version of Elder Blood ENB (grabbed some weather tweaks from WISH ENB when I was helping Rusey with it)

Just felt cool and the DoF being in made it very... proper screenshot-like.

I... have astigmatism so DoF messes with my head. Never really have it on in-game, so...

I run a blog (and a half-assed mod directory *cough*) over at Wordpress known as Ecliptic Orrery, and I actually just made an update, rather quickly here.

I don't post there consistently because I'm in a fog,  but I do have more detailed logs of me modding, and of my life. So if you're interested, click you a link!