Frankly HD Imperial Armor and Weapons WIP 2

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  1. FrankFamily
    • premium
    • 3,734 kudos
    For people concerned about how different it's going to look ingame when compared with this renders here which are from a physically based renderer, here's a comparison. From left to right: 1) PBR renderer, 2) Skyrim with enviroment mapping, 3) Skyrim without enviroment mapping, i.e. vanilla meshes. 4) Vanilla.

    I've done some improvements to the way I convert textures from pbr to skyrim, particulary when metals are concerned. Skyrim cannot be treated as a pbr renderer because it's not, so once I've accepted that and baked lighting into the texture it makes all the difference. I know some of my previous mods there's a very significant difference or "downgrade" to skyrim. In my opinion in this case it's pretty f***ing close. I'm actually happy enough with how it looks without enviroment mapping to say that the mod will be perfectly compatible with mesh replacers. Does it look better with my tweaked shaders? Yeah, specular is weak in vanilla, more natural in my update in my opinion and it employs a subtle enviroment mapping that might not be very noticiable in this static shot but when moving ingame makes it look a lot more interactive with it's enviroment and realistic.

    It's not identical, leather and fur are quite glossier since gloss in skyrim is per mesh not per pixel with a glossiness map, so if I adjust glossiness (think spread of highlight) for metal then leather and fur are more glossy than they should be, if i do it the other way around steel looks boring and not very metallic. I might use a value more in a middle ground than what is shown here.

    There's the matter of different metals on the same mesh like steel and gold, which happens on tullius and carius. In those cases my meshes could be a lot more "required" and making it compatible with mesh replacers could be more complex.

    In any case, feel free to leave your thoughts. The mod will be ready to release quite soon btw.
  2. Geranimo94
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Hey Frank, just wondering if you are still working on your Skyrim mods or if you're done with Skyrim?
    1. FrankFamily
      • premium
      • 3,734 kudos
      Not done, just busy with university so haven't had time to put into modding. Like I want to sit a good 4 hours and do stuff not 15 minutes in a hurry.
    2. Geranimo94
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Oh alright, that's cool. Definitely take your time man. Good luck with university.
  3. MalicN7
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    im looking forward to using this mod.
  4. Bacate
    • member
    • 9 kudos
    I do not know how to get better, awesome, as always!
    Look, I think environmental mapping is important because it gives more life to reflective surfaces, it's a good option, especially in weapons and armor.
    1. FrankFamily
      • premium
      • 3,734 kudos
      "Look, I think environment mapping is important because it gives more life to reflective surfaces, it's a good option, especially in weapons and armor."

      I haven't argued against enviroment mapping and I'll be releasing meshes for this with enviroment mapping. What I've said is that it actually looks pretty good without it, which cannot be said of metals in some of my previous retextures. It does look better with it.
    2. Bacate
      • member
      • 9 kudos
  5. Suburbia7
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Gracias por ocuparte de esta armadura en particular, ya era hora de que alguien crease una buena textura para ella, además está en mejor sintonía con la versión que Cabal hizo para la armadura ligera que el resto de los pocos mods que hay por ahí.
    Admiro tu trabajo y me he llevado una alegría al ver las imágenes. Estoy impaciente por verla "en vivo"!
    1. FrankFamily
      • premium
      • 3,734 kudos
      Tambien incluire las armaduras ligeras y armas y tal, en esta imagen solo puse las pesadas porque las otras estaban menos acabadas. Lo aclaro por si acaso.
    2. Suburbia7
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Pedazo de curro, entonces ;D
      Hace un tiempo dediqué bastantes horas a medio adecentar el set imperial por mi cuenta, porque cuando me topaba con ellos parecía que fuesen de plástico y nada amenazadores... me gusta en especial tu versión en negro de los penitus oculatus, ahora SÍ imponen respeto.
      Doblemente contenta de que incluyas armadura ligera y armas, así todo tiene mejor consistencia. Mil gracias de nuevo!
  6. Garinov
    • member
    • 13 kudos
    I just had a wild idea feel free to shoot it down, I'm just speaking my mind. But what if... For the heavy armor, you replace the red with purple and make the mowhawk thing purple as well, this would give the heavy armor have this Morrowind era vibe to it.
    1. FrankFamily
      • premium
      • 3,734 kudos
      Purple is going to be exclusive for carius where the morrowind vibe fits. In skyrim the primary color used for everything imperial, from banners to armors is red. I don't think it would look good to change that to purple just for the armors, it would end up looking very inconsistent. And i'm not going to retexture everything related to imperials anytime soon.
  7. liemertha
    • supporter
    • 95 kudos
    Will you consider the full imperial helmet to have red fur instead of black one? You know, to match the clothes color lol
    Thanks for the update ~!
    1. FrankFamily
      • premium
      • 3,734 kudos
      Followed vanilla a bit blindly there, I will try red.
    2. FrankFamily
      • premium
      • 3,734 kudos
      It kind of seems less threatening in red, if that makes sense. I'm not sure. Maybe the red is just a bit weak and with higher saturation it would look impressive.

    3. liemertha
      • supporter
      • 95 kudos
      Hmm you are right, it looks "soft" compared to the black one, well whatever you do I'll still take it because we know you always deliver quality stuff, thanks for the reply Frank and good luck !
    4. Garinov
      • member
      • 13 kudos
      Perhaps it's the rendering? Your work does look ALOT different when it's in-game, especially when an ENB is being used.
    5. FrankFamily
      • premium
      • 3,734 kudos
      Well yeah, skyrim is not a PBR renderer and everyone's enbs are greatly different leading to completely inconsistent results. That's inevitable. The goal I have in any case is make it look good in pbr (which is what I truly care about) and then do the translation to skyrim as accurately as possible. To what degree that goal is reached is another matter.
    6. Garinov
      • member
      • 13 kudos
      Personally in my opinion, I say keep that mohawk thing black/brown, comes off as more threatening and reminds me of the Imperial watch back in Oblivion.
  8. DragonbornFromVault111
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    hey frank back when you made the dawnguard armor you told us that you will made thief and imperial armor and here they are, have you though about what next ? i think blade armor and sword will be a good idea or my maybe wolf armor to complete all the faction armors xD
  9. Nerevairine
    • premium
    • 15 kudos
    In my opinion carius' armor would look better with a basic imperial helmet instead of an officer's one.
    1. DragonbornFromVault111
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      carius was a captain back in morrowind so .....
  10. taepal77
    • member
    • 134 kudos
    It's amazing! My dream was fulfilled.

    I used the thieves guild, dawnguard armor re-textures yesterday.

    It's really cool.

    We look forward to this work.
  11. diablos2525
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Fantastic work, any chance you will release your re-textures as a pack on
    1. FrankFamily
      • premium
      • 3,734 kudos
      Maybe after I release this one I'll start uploading stuff to bethnet, I want to do some improvements to nightingale and shrouded. Perhaps it would make sense tp make thematic packs, nightingale + thieves for instance. And all-in-one not yet.
    2. diablos2525
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Yeah I agree, thematic packs would be cool. Maybe you could do guard armors+imperial+stormcloak if you get around to it. Console doesn't have amidianborn for armors, we do have old kingdom armor overhaul which incorporates your guard textures and is how I found out about you, it's one of the most popular mods that came out later, but some of the re-textures don't mesh well together since there are so many different authors and some are too far from vanilla for my taste, don't get me wrong it's a fantastic mod much better than vanilla but I prefer your style more. (Then there's some armors like leather which the only good re-texture on nexus that I've found is also amidianborn so the one used in old kingdom is meh ). Also there are still a few minor bugs/conflict with it due to some mesh changes. I'd love to have a FrankFamily armor re-texture collection or packs at some point. Heck I'd even use 20 mod slots or whatever though I think some other console users might not want want to.