Frankly HD - Dark Brotherhood

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Well, my latest retex had a pretty good reception, lot of enthusiasm so I went ahead and started another one. I'm liking this new iteration of leather, the specular is much more interesting but I'm still adjusting it. Might go back and update nightingale. The metal parts are work in progress, it's not going to have enviroment mapping because vanilla hasn't. Seeing a lot of the comments in the nightingale retex, I'm going to actively try to not require meshes. So, it can't be something shiny, black paint makes sense, kinda worn, spec and diffuse will probably be enough, it's not a lot of surface. So far I'm staying close to the original but feel free to suggest changes. I might do robes too.


  1. SH0R00P
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    just amazing !
  2. User_44595362
    • account closed
    • 0 kudos
    I would like to see from you - the retexture of chitinous armor, it looks so good but does not have enough personal highlight from you, because you know what the armor does not have:з
    sorry for the literacy, I'm Russian, helped by Google translator :0
  3. Mythos214
    • member
    • 84 kudos
    The original concept is fine, I would stick with that. Actually, I kind of like the semi shiny leather bits, it makes those parts seem a bit more substantial in terms of armor (like boiled leather plates or something). It might not be a bad idea to experiment with different color schemes too, maybe make a dark blue and black version and or a dark purple and black version, or black and grey, or black and brown as optional files.

    This is looking amazing either way, I like the realism. Makes me wonder what you're going to retexture after this.
    1. FrankFamily
      • premium
      • 3,729 kudos
      Oblivion did have some dark purple tones so there's precedent for that. Yeah, i'll do some experimenting with alternate color schemes. Next probably something not as leathery, even though thief guild is one I'd like to retex as well. Feel free to suggest a set you'd like me to do btw.
    2. Mythos214
      • member
      • 84 kudos
      I would really like to see a more detailed retexture of the Imperial armors, something along these lines . The changes look nice with the linked mod, but unfortunately the author stopped at the male version and the shield.

      A retexture of the thieves guild armor would be pretty cool too though.
  4. Bersark93
    • premium
    • 224 kudos
    Maybe make the ancient version a purple set to make it differ form the normal sets you get, it's looking great so far :)
  5. Grecia300
    • member
    • 10 kudos
    I really wouldn't wear the DB armor unless it was heavy or someone made a heavy armor version, but I think deeper colors would do the retex good. Darker shade of black and crimson would look nice. Cheers!
  6. ChrisKley
    • supporter
    • 115 kudos
    it would be cool if the armor had more "detail" like of belts or bandoliers. maybe some lockpicks attached to the belt? or maybe some rivets on the gauntlets? I really like the symbol on the stomach of the male version though, looks fantastic
  7. DeadXcorp
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Awesome work mate! Any other armors you’re looking to retex?
  8. bewareoblivionisathand
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    It's perfect !
    you want to retexture all vanilla armor?
    (The armor of General Tullius and the heavy imperial armor would be in need of being redone)
    your work is awesome ! congratulations ;o)
  9. TheFoxQueen
    • member
    • 15 kudos
    Looks great! I do have a suggestion, but it might be subjective: the male version of the DB armor looks unfinished IMO. In the neck area, the female version is colored red, but in the male version it's black with no details. See this mod for what I mean: .
    However, I can't see whether you've already done this or not, since the male cowl hides that part. If you have done this, all the better! If you decide not to do this because it's not in the original, that's alright! :)
    1. FrankFamily
      • premium
      • 3,729 kudos
      For now i've just extended the red pieces up to the neck instead of the abrupt end they have in vanilla. But adding more stuff, particulary to the back would be great, I'll see what I can do, thanks.
    2. TheFoxQueen
      • member
      • 15 kudos
      No problem, it's looking amazing so far!
  10. Yfr
    • member
    • 38 kudos
    Wow, awesome work on this.

    If you haven't already, I think the steel armors could be nice.
    They always seemed somewhat neglected to me.