Artifacts - Paladin update

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As part of the update I've reworked the textures and done a couple alternative looks. I still have to decide how I'm going to release them. One possibility is having all 3 variants available ingame, since I have the armor stand, that framework could be used for the swapping. The downside is the filesize would increase, about 50mb per extra variant if I can get away with just changing the diffuse maps, if to get that look ingame I need to adjust the specular map of each variant then it's 150mb per variant (for the 4k version), that for people on Xbox1 could be a concern (On I'm usually uploading an optimal mix of 4k and 2k so it would be less on second thought)

The alternative is downloadable optionals only available on the nexus with the main variant being either white or shiny, the downside being 2 texture variants in 4k/2k in oldrim and sse is a ton of files to upload and a pain to manage, though I could make a single package with a fomod installer so you guys can choose variant and resolution, it would certainly be less painful for me.

If I can get a decent translation from this render to ingame with just different diffuse maps I think I'll go the ingame route so Xbox1 users can also get them.

Anyway, feel free to tell me your thoughts, which variant do you prefer? Which should be the main/default one, white or shiny? would you rather have them all ingame or decide at the time of installation?


  1. cr1m50nph0en1x
    • premium
    • 4 kudos
    Is this update going to be for new textures and bug fixes only? I was wondering if any there will be any new content other than textures for the already existing Paladin artifacts. I'm asking out of curiosity because I have been wondering if you are still going to release the snow elven bow you made? If so, which of your artifact mods that are remaining for redux/update are you thinking of possibly including it in?

    P.S. Keep up the awesome work!
    1. FrankFamily
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      Good question, I have considered making amulets for the new shrines or making crests for the great helm ( so you can choose a shrine and have it a crest, ideally not the shrine itself but a specifically modeled crest fitting the deity in question. And lastly I've considered a cloak. But all these would mean modelling new stuff, and as you've pointed out I have several models started* and I think it would be better at this point to finish stuff before starting more.

      Not having discarded the above, is there something among what I've made that fits the mod? I'm not sure, any ideas?
      The model I made for Skullcrusher fits aesthetically and it's not atributted to any deity in particular, so it's possible it got there in some manner. I could retex and include that one in here instead of among the bosmer weapons that probably make more sense on their own.

      There's no enemy on this mod, I've thought I could add a necromancer as an antagonist and he could have some artifacts. I made a staff, a warlock ring and the Spelldrinker amulet a while ago. That mod (the ck work only) was lost and it has remained in the limbo since, didn't feel like doing the same thing again, so I'd have to think of something else to do with those models.

      Perhaps, if making amulets for the breton gods is too much I could finish the spelldrinker amulet and add it here. Though with the Paladin it fits to wear amulets of the divines even if it's the vanilla ones. Or maybe just the antagonist with the ring and staff.

      *I get that often, the are you going to release X kind of question, so not just directed at you. Note "finish" would be more accurate than "release" in my understanding of both words, it's not "made" yet. In a lot of work in progress images I upload it's usually the highpoly model with some basic materials to get an idea, from there to the model ingame there's a few more steps, there's making the optimized lowpoly, which can be more or less time consuming, depends on the specific model and how I made the highpoly; there's UV mapping and texturing it, if it's an armor there's rigging it; getting it ingame... My point being it's not that I'm keeping all this stuff for myself not releasing it, it's that I need time to finish the stuff and I need prioritize things and days are rather short.
    2. cr1m50nph0en1x
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      • 4 kudos
      Very detailed response! Cool questions to consider too! Skullcrusher was with the Bosmer artifacts originally, but it did feel out of place there. Maybe do the snow elven bow with either the Bosmer artifacts or the Grey Fox artifacts and move Skullcrusher to the Paladin Artifacts. I think I would put the snow elven bow with the Grey Fox Artifacts as a highly valuable artifact that was stolen by the Grey Fox or a thief with high renown at some point. Also, originally I know you made it so that Chrysamere and the shield in the Paladin Artifacts protect against fire/magic. So perhaps the spell drinker amulet would fit in well with that combo! I also looked at the helmet crests link you included, and I like the horned crest example. Maybe include a horned daedra helmet for the black set of armor? Also, I noticed the last helmet that had the swan crest was cool looking on its own (not with the swan crest, lol).
    3. DragonbornFromVault111
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      • 2 kudos
      spelldrinker amulet will perfectly fit the set
  2. Novem99
    • member
    • 41 kudos
    Hello FrankFamily,

    all variants look amazing but personally I like the version on the far left the most
    1. FrankFamily
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      Hi, yeah, me too, I'm particulary happy with how the steel ended up this time, I've done some experiments with a few cubemaps ingame and it feels pretty natural imo.

      Anyway, the update is pretty much ready, doing final testing, probably uploading tomorrow. I've ended up making a new workbench in which you can use the pieces of the main armor (left variant, normal steel) to craft the variants with ebony/moonstone as was suggested, you can also go back to the normal afterwards with dwarven oil and chaurus eggs as some sort of coating removal mixture... A degree of customization is cool imo and the filesize is within reason.
  3. XIIICaesar
    • supporter
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    What about those of us that ported the Oldrim version to SSE for personal use/gameplay? How will uninstalling it and using your uploaded SSE version affect our playthrough?
    1. XIIICaesar
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      Or shopuld we just keep playing with our self ported version on current playthrough? Btw, the optional textures look great!
    2. FrankFamily
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      Most likely all will be fine, the update is basically new textures, improvements to meshes (particulary less distorsion on the female version) and several fixes and improvements on the quest. I wouldnt recommend updating in the middle of the quest though, just finish it in the old version and then update if you started it.
    3. XIIICaesar
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      Yeah. I've already started the quest. Just gotta go to the rest of your quest shrines. So once I do the shrines, and the trials, & get to the armor/weapons I should be good to update (uninstall Oldrim port & install SSE version)?
    4. FrankFamily
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      • 3,734 kudos
      Yes, i'd say that will be safe.
    5. XIIICaesar
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      Cool & thnx. I'll let you know how that goes when the time comes.
    6. XIIICaesar
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      Hey dude is there any chance you could do something for vampires? Like a small quest with ESO style vampire armor like you did with this armor? It looks very close to ESO Breton armor.
  4. Geranimo94
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Holy s#*!, yes. The white armor is perfect for a paladin character with the Breton helmet and the black texture with the templar helmet reminds me of the Black Knight from Monty Python
    1. FrankFamily
      • premium
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      Well thanks, pretty divided opinions overall, which yeah diversity is good: most prefer the normal steel as expected; some praise to the black version; a couple particulary like the white one, a couple hate it too, I believe the word cartoon and power ranger was used, so i'ts most likely going to be all 3 ingame in some manner, steel being the main one and two "upgrade" (still have to decide if it should impact enchantment or just a cosmetic change) paths with moonstone/ebony for white/black as evgirunslaad suggested below which is a nice idea.
  5. cr1m50nph0en1x
    • premium
    • 4 kudos
    I prefer the original shiny/steel variant.
  6. Reiestus
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    Personally I adore all three and would like to see them all be implemented into the game simultaneously. However if I'd have to choose only one I'd go with the white/middle variant.
  7. Eiries
    • premium
    • 483 kudos
    Totally dig the steel variant on the left. It's also screaming "throw a bunch of different cubemaps on me for great results" if you know what I mean. Nice work FF
    1. FrankFamily
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      • 3,734 kudos
      yeah i do have to find the right cubemap, hopefully i will manage to get it close to the render
  8. liemertha
    • supporter
    • 95 kudos
    I personally like the fomod option to choose the color option you like, also since there are 3 variants, are you going to make the variants for the shield too? Seems like they share the same materials too.

    Also oot, are you going to make another armor like this in the future?
    1. FrankFamily
      • premium
      • 3,734 kudos
      Yes, the shield has the same variants.

      Armors take a very significant time so cant really tell.
  9. bits01
    • premium
    • 192 kudos
    The one on the left for sure: true steel.
  10. taepal77
    • member
    • 134 kudos
    This is the true Knights of the Nine's armor.