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This user's image description contains 4 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. Anarchy7591
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    There's a story somewhere in here...
    1. ColossusX13
      • premium
      • 26 kudos
      i need to know!
    2. vicioussarr
      • supporter
      • 300 kudos
      It's a simple story really. A tale as old as time....

      Boy meets girl. Boy offers to join girl in her quest to save a bunch of ungrateful Nords (who continually insult her for being an Imperial noble) from an ancient dragon. Boy grabs crossbow and heads off, leaving his bodyguard Fahrenheit in charge of the village in his absence. Girl and boy rack up a bunch of quests during their adventures and make a decent sum of money. Not that boy really needed any gold. He's the mayor afterall. Boy trains girl (who let's be honest, was not raised to be a brute) to sneak and fight, and enjoy fine mead at the local inns. Boy has made a decent warrior out of girl... but she'll never get past half a bottle of mead without falling over.

      They fight giants, wild beasts; boy eyes skooma in a den and gets excited, then spats disgust over encountering vampires. They also collect some rather obscure artifacts during their travels. Boy and girl have lots of fun. Boy really loves a good fight and wreaking havoc on bandits. But boy cringes everytime girl throws herself in the path of a dragon. Each fight could be her last. Boy also cringes everytime a new faction tries to recruit girl. So far girl has not disappointed him, but the thieves keep trying to woo her to their ranks. Boy also doesn't like the new Bard that keeps hanging around. Real talk: There's a bit of jealousy going there. Bard is a little too flirty, and isn't covered in scars. Boy is nervous by Bard's extensive knowledge of poetry, limericks, and flowery language. So boy is getting a little weary Bard may steal girl away.

      All in all, boy is just hoping to keep girl alive long enough to get past this silly prophecy so she can finally live her own life. Boy just wants to keep girl safe in his Ivarstead manor.

      The abridged version of that story is, I was just testing the textures of their matching outfits while in Ivarstead.