A quiet moment

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  1. frank213
    • premium
    • 828 kudos
    That looks fantastic
    The view across the stairs to the fantastic night sky is brilliantm0117.gif

    1. JamesTParker
      • premium
      • 76 kudos
      Thank you!
  2. michaelspicer16
    • supporter
    • 38 kudos
    Hey nice shot James! may I recommend using vivid weathers on full saturation and bloom? It may help make your shots look a little more "Interesting"

    Edit: also dynavision is a huge asset to any screenshoter!
    1. JamesTParker
      • premium
      • 76 kudos
      Thanks! I don't really plan on taking screenshots regularly. So I am not really sure I need mods to make my screenshots more interesting. This was just a nice moment I took a screenshot of on a whim. I will defiantly check out vivid weather though for personal use. Thank you for the recommendation.
    2. michaelspicer16
      • supporter
      • 38 kudos
      I completely understand! And you should personally vivid weather is one of if not the best weather mod on the nexus! Good luck out there!