happy to be back

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This user's image description contains 3 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. Lycan777
    • member
    • 53 kudos
    Welcome back
    1. tgstyle24
      • supporter
      • 104 kudos
      Thank you... yes it's good to be back... oi... I sound like I was away for months
  2. PTC001
    • premium
    • 106 kudos
    Ah, at least you are still able to experiment some some expense...but hey, you are kicking and alive

    Friday night I got the office Christmas party, I played one game of pool, then my back*t, no more stunts for me Food was good though...

    Lovely little set, enjoy your come-back
    1. tgstyle24
      • supporter
      • 104 kudos
      thank you Luc, yeah I'm happy to be back
      haha a woman must do what a woman must do... and if she (me) wants to jump with her snowboard over a hillock, then she has to jump... but nobody was talking about the landing
      uhhh.... my imagination is showing me pictures of how you hurt your back... during a game of pool... at a christmas party...
      I hope you didn't dance drunken on the pool table and fell down
    2. PTC001
      • premium
      • 106 kudos
      - Hillock #1: "Here comes another one, this is going to be a long day...", sigh
      - Hillock #2: "Okay, I got her..."


      - Hillock #1: "...they always forget about gravity..."

      As for me, well, I had to declare forfeit on dancing after...Got the pain only by taking a shot, I have to see if we could declare pool as an extreme-sport
  3. SyddSpartan
    • supporter
    • 119 kudos
    And our lady's back! ^^ Really nice to see you again Tanja! Hope your trip was awesome. I'm really happy that I had the opportunity to get to know you as well, milady! Hope to see your work again, I really missed you.
    1. tgstyle24
      • supporter
      • 104 kudos
      Hey Josh, I missed you too, my friend my holiday was exactly what I expected... fun... a typical stupid little accident... and relaxing
      I recognized you didn't upload anything during the two weeks... are you working on your story? I'm looking forward to your next chapter
      I will upload the first small part of my story(s) on sunday...
    2. SyddSpartan
      • supporter
      • 119 kudos
      Yep. I'm approaching the final weeks of my semester. I've taken Finance, Economics, Business Statistics and Services Marketing this semester, all high level subjects.. Had a ton of assignments and a 4000 word essay in addition to a presentation and lots of small tests here and there. So essentially I'm finding it really difficult to get on skyrim and spend around 10 hours for taking screenshots. :/

      But enough of that, I'm glad you're back! Look forward to your set and hope the accident was minor.
    3. tgstyle24
      • supporter
      • 104 kudos
      oh... sounds like a lot of work, milord... but I'm sure you will handle it successfully
      Skyrim won't run away and your future is much more important

      nah... it wasn't so bad... only a broken finger and some bruises... I just surpassed myself... I'm no more 20 years old
  4. Excellentium
    • member
    • 354 kudos
    Marvellous "comeback" with both the main shot and the last of the elk deer as my favorites! They're both very moody and atmospheric as if they are giving promises of something wondeful to come...

    You already know, it's perfectly alright "not to be around" and comment on all my sets, but kind souls tend to give thanks and apologize for not being able to give words to each and every set they've missed regardless, so I'm just saying it...

    Your character here intrigues me! I might be wrong, but she reminds me quite a lot about the one you're using as an avatar, well except for the glasses of course. Is it by any chance the same and if so, who is she? Is she the one you're about to start your tale about?!
    1. tgstyle24
      • supporter
      • 104 kudos
      thank you my dear friend
      Kindness and courtesy are very important to me ... therefore it's very difficult for me to ignore stupid or rude comments, which could be a bit dangerous here
      Today I'll start my story... just a little introduction first... and I hope the chapters will follow week by week
      The character you see here is indeed the one from my avatar... it's me (I use contact lenses here, for battles a pair of glasses is only a hindrance ) this character is the storyteller, or the director... my main character with whom I travel through my Skyrim and do some landscape shots or some higher level adventures...
      bämm... right now I have a great idea... I'll send you a PM
  5. ista3
    • premium
    • 1,112 kudos
    Great to see you again Tanja, apart from the 'stunts' I hope you had a wonderful time awesome captures too as always
    1. tgstyle24
      • supporter
      • 104 kudos
      Thank you Izzy oh indeed I had a great time... it was a lot of fun and I could really relax but I'm also very happy to be back
    2. ista3
      • premium
      • 1,112 kudos
      get well soon
    3. tgstyle24
      • supporter
      • 104 kudos
      thank you, dear
  6. Kuschel-Drow
    • supporter
    • 97 kudos
    Willkommen zurück! *mal schnell die paar Minuten Verbindung missbrauch*
    Hoffe du hattest ne schöne Zeit.
    Ist eine ganze Mengezusammengekommen, während du weg warst, da hattest ordentlich was zu tun. Fleißig, fleißig.
    *Schiebt zur Entspannung eine Packung Irgendwas rüber*

    Ach ja, dann hast du ja meinen Fallout Ausflug gesehen. xD Ich hab mich dnan auch mal breitschlagen lassen. ^^ Jetzt weiß ich wieder nicht was ich spielen soll. Wobei Skyrim geht grad niht ich wart noch auf was und ohne Internet isses grad eh fürn Eimer. Man kommt ja an nix ran.
    Ich kann nicht mal was hochladen. *quengel* Ich WILL aber.
    1. tgstyle24
      • supporter
      • 104 kudos
      Danke Mika ich freu mich auch wieder bei euch zu sein
      wenn man nur endorsed, geht es eigentlich ganz schnell ich brauche halt immer ewig lang, wenn ich in englisch nen comment schreiben will (will ja keinen Mist schreiben)
      Ach ich kenn das... ich wollte heute auch ein SNC-Set hochladen, aber mit nem blöden Gips funktioniert das finetuning bei der Charaktererstellung leider nicht s gut, daher versuche ich mich jetzt im posing für meine story... was auch nicht so wirklich gut funktioniert
      ach egal, ich lad trotzdem morgen was hoch, egal, wie es aussieht... sonst werde ich nie damit anfangen
    2. Kuschel-Drow
      • supporter
      • 97 kudos
      Was hastn du schon wieder angestellt? *auf Gips deut*
      Hat sich erledigt, ich hab die Pn gelesen. xD
      Hab immer ANgst die shcmeißen mich iweder ausm Netz. ^^
  7. lesjones
    • premium
    • 158 kudos
    Hi Tanja, lovely images and it's great to have you back again! I hope you are feeling better every day!
    1. tgstyle24
      • supporter
      • 104 kudos
      Thank you for you kind words, Les It's good to be back to all this creative people here
      I have to say, I don't feel so bad, I mean it doesn't hurt... it only scratches like hell...and the plaster complicates things a bit... I'm glad when it's gone again

      I read your two story continuations... you are a brilliant writer my friend... normally I know after the first two chapters how the story will end, but you're surprising me every time again
  8. lidertz
    • supporter
    • 161 kudos
    Hey my SoulSis, I'm happy you back, and hope you had a great time, and relaxed a lot! ^^ I be honest, and miss you from here sooooo much! Not the same if you not here! These are beautiful images, and take my HugeHug for your kindess!
    1. tgstyle24
      • supporter
      • 104 kudos
      Hey SoulSis.. thank you so much... I really missed you too I relaxed the most time and the holiday was great, but I'm happy to be back
      A big Hug-back-attack to you my dear friend
  9. dragenella
    • supporter
    • 54 kudos
    Hallo Tanja, ein herzliches "nice to see you again"....auch ich kann ein Lied von einigen Knochenbrüchen singen, aber alles wird gut. Ein wunderschönes Set präsentierst Du uns wieder....und das Video hat mich fast vom Hocker gehauen. Man kann nichts dagegen tun, man muß einfach mitswingen....:-))) Und ich weiß nicht, ob diese Tanzakrobatik nicht auch Spuren hinterlassen hätte..:-)
    1. tgstyle24
      • supporter
      • 104 kudos
      Vielen Dank Petra ... na bei meinem Talent hätte ich mir bei den Tanzeinlagen höchstwahrscheinlich den Hals gebrochen (wobei ich Fred & Ginger wirklich unerreicht spitze finde) ... ja... ich bin der Ober-Troll was das angeht da ist dieser kleine Fingerbruch noch der harmloseste Unfall aber was solls, solange alles wieder verheilt
  10. frank213
    • premium
    • 823 kudos
    Hallo Tanja!
    Schön das Du wieder hier bist.
    Ich hoffe der Urlaub war trotzdem schön auch wenn Dir dieses Malheur passiert ist.
    Das nächste mal passte besser auf, damit sowas nicht wieder passiert.
    Jedenfalls ist Dein Set hier wieder aller erste Sahne.
    Ich wünsche Dir noch einen schönen 3. Advent, man liest sich.
    1. tgstyle24
      • supporter
      • 104 kudos
      Vielen Lieben Dank Frank, ich freu mich auch wieder bei euch zu sein
      Ach weißt du, mir passiert sowas ständig ich bin halt ein kleiner Schussel
      wünsche dir auch noch nen schönen 3. Advent... und da haben wir gleich noch was typisches... es ist schon fast Weihnachten und ich habe natürlich noch keine Geschenke besorgt