Three Kings

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Three kings so proud and strong,
tyrannical and mighty
wearing golden crowns.
Rulers of kingdoms where their fame belong,
gruesome and powerful
holding land and towns.

The first one a warrior
brutal and grim.
His fists covered in iron
while controlled by his whim.
Slashing his foes down
wherever he went.
A blood-soaked sword,
his constant torment.

The second a wizard
mad and insane.
His mind a labyrint
filled with terrifying pain.
Using spells and the darker arts
from his throne of bones.
A sadistic trophy
made while the dying moans.

The third one a trickster
cunning and sly.
With a love for cruelty
and a wailing cry.
Poisonous potions
and then the agony begins.
Given to the unwary
while the king grins.

One queen with ruby lips and raven-black hair
almighty and a widow
sitting in her lonely hall.
Wanted by the three as they find her so fair,
now slumbering in her castle
slayed by the queen all.


  1. andrathesavage
    • member
    • 30 kudos
    Really brilliant work!!! I have no words to express all of my pure delight to your just prodigious personal talent and art-labor....
    despite the fact that I'm is not close to the theme of death and darkness in any games.    
    1. Excellentium
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      • 354 kudos
      I'm very glad to hear you like it, Andra!

      I do poems every now and then, and many of them are based upon stories or historical events from my own written fantasy world. I write a lot and I have a dream of being published one day, so it's really cool to see my writing is appreciated and liked among some of you wonderful people here...

      Truly thank you!
  2. lesjones
    • premium
    • 159 kudos
    That amazing poem, the stunningly perfect image of the trophy-skulls, and Vittrad (by one of my favourite groups) combine together to create a masterpiece, Rick!

    In my humble opinion, this is one of your best, best ever, old I said, a masterpiece.

    I have also taken a copy of your brilliant poem....I hope you don't mind

    Now I really, really want to see this terrible and beautiful queen that brought these kings to their end!
    1. Excellentium
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      • 354 kudos
      You humble me, my friend! Thank you so much for all the praise!

      It's so great to hear my writing is captivating. When doing poems, I usually choose a rather plain shot with not much about it, because I want the writing to transform that image into something more. It seems I succeeded with this one...

      I should do more poems I suppose. I do a lot of them connected to my own fantasy world, because I believe it's a great way to showcase the history and the legends of the land.

      Of course you can copy my poem and keep it nearby if it means so much for you, Les. If I can inspire you in anyway, well then, there's the real treasure. And inspire you I did, since I have read your PM...
    2. lesjones
      • premium
      • 159 kudos
      Nothing to be humble about, old friend, every word is deserved!

      Yes, we need to see more of your poems, I think!
  3. PatrickTheDM
    • premium
    • 175 kudos
    Very cool Rick, I can see the whole story you could create from this poem.
    1. Excellentium
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      • 354 kudos
      Thank you, Patrick!

      That's very nice to hear, because a story it is, so I'm glad it was captivating and easy enough to follow...
  4. friendrg
    • member
    • 26 kudos
    wow.. just wow.
    Have you already done the queen? I want to see her as well. Poor men, she must be very attractive

    [ oh, and this song reminds me of the Pandemonium game
    oh dang, right in the childhood ; -; ]
    1. Excellentium
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      • 354 kudos
      Thank you kindly!

      I should make the queen then, eh?

      Well, maybe I will! I do like making a lot of characters! We'll see if I can find someone regal and royal enough, although she will not be the first in line. I have a few more new ones to make before it happens.

      Very nice to hear you like the writing as well as the music bringing back some memories to you...
  5. ista3
    • premium
    • 1,115 kudos
    Great verse and capture Rick
    1. Excellentium
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      • 354 kudos
      Thank you very much, Izzy!
  6. marmotte
    • premium
    • 357 kudos
    Nice poen Excel. It's good to wrtite them and upload them here. I like a lot
    1. Excellentium
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      • 354 kudos
      Thank you kindly!

      Well, I do love writing and I've done so for a much longer time than playing PC games, so it's pretty cool to combine these two interests of mine. I also intend to do a bit more writing, if time permits it...
  7. BlackMaid
    • premium
    • 330 kudos
    Wow, what a great start into the weekend....fantastic poem to this are a master of poetry
    The music os hreat for she had fun to seduce and to kill them
    My fantasy goes along with yout words
    1. Excellentium
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      • 354 kudos
      Thank you kindly, my lady!

      Since I have't been able to play as much this week, I figured I should open with some words to compensate for the lack of images. I do have lots of shots still, but most of them are still meant for a few travel sets.

      I'm glad you liked the poem as well - it's always so very heart-warming to hear my writing works for you as well. I wouldn't say master - English isn't even my natural language - but I do enjoy building "poetic stories"...

      ...and I believe you're absolutely right, my dear. I'm quite certain she had fun while doing her seductive death play with the kings. It seems our fantasies and minds are entwined...
  8. Strahlimeier
    • premium
    • 90 kudos
    Lovely poetry, I wish I could come up with such verses. Love it!
    1. Excellentium
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      • 354 kudos
      Thank you very much!

      I've had many doubts before about my poetry - or writing for that matter - but often the hardest criticism is given by yourself, so have a go and try at least. If you love words and have a vivid imagination, that's really all you need...
  9. RatherWindy
    • account closed
    • 162 kudos
    He Rik,.. welcome back, and a great shot and poetry this is,.. a very fitting text for this great shot. It's like micheal says,.. knowing their history makes you look at the picture differently,..
    1. Excellentium
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      • 354 kudos
      Hello there, Erwin!

      Thanks for the warm welcome back!

      It's been a looong week and I have barely been able to play Skyrim at all, so I have a bit of catching up to do - both with playing, screenshooting and going through the Image share here at Nexus.

      I had this "story" in my head, so when I saw these skulls it was just a perfect match. I'm glad you look at the image differently - it means the poem is actually adding something and that's really the whole idea...
  10. zzmaguszz
    • supporter
    • 65 kudos
    Hi Rick, I thought at first, cool dark pic of skulls, but the poetry was awesome, knowing the history of their fate made this image very enjoyable, perfect!!
    1. Excellentium
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      • 354 kudos
      Thank you, Michael!

      I'm glad you find the "story" fitting to the image. I kind of saw it before me the moment I noticed these three skulls on a shelf inside a dungeon. The pic itself is very simple, but I too find it rather enjoyable with some dark history behind it...