Redguard Rhythms

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I got to Kynesgrove... not much of a town in my experience. There were a couple of small farms if you can call them that. There was a mine there that produced a mineral we call Malachite that is used in the making of the Elven style 'glass' armor and weapons that are uncommonly encountered. I've seen half a dozen weapons and one very ceremonial suit of armor made from this stuff.

If a smith really knows what they're doing, they can make blades and plates that are almost transparent. I'm told that this is particularly tricky to accomplish as it is almost as brittle as regular glass if not tempered correctly, even if it is beautiful. Usually it's a translucent pale green and that's what the weapons I've seen made from it were like.

Well, the ceremonial armor? It was made for a female bodyguard and was of the transparent sort. Sadly the bodyguard didn't have a body to do it proper justice, but such is the way of the world. It's not vanity to say I would have looked far better in it, even if I don' have large enough breasts to fill the damn thing. Blazes, not many women would come to think on it... at least those with a figure small enough to fit the waist of that particular armor...

At any rate, I took lodgings there after finding that the informant I wanted to meet was an itinerant merchant of some stripe and made this one of his regular stops. To while away some time I chose to play my drum for them. They listened mostly politely, and their was a little bit of toe tapping but nothing more.

After that, being the wanton female that I admit I am, and still in need of ready coin, I took a couple of the men there to bed and showed them some of the Thousand and One Manners. It was profitable enough and all of us enjoyed it.