WIP Mercenary Armor

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WIP of the next armor


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  1. roboroller
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    I'm kind of getting a bit of a "Road Warrior" feel from this. I like it.
  2. 8bitelement
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    For the left arm, I'd say keep the leather look but turn in around so that the thicker part is on the under forearm. Like a bow string guard you see archer's and bowmen wearing to protect their under forearm from the bowstring after launching an arrow.
    That way you can keep the leather look, which I like, but give it 'purpose' and allow it to match (I think thats what the last guy was saying) as it would justify having one leather gauntlet and one steel gauntlet.
    Its looking great, keep it up.
  3. Gerith
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    The "skirt" looks really flat (but, I'm not sure if you can do anything about that), and to me the hood and left arm don't really seem to fit the look of the rest of the armor (the hood seems like its a different color) and the armor on the arm doesn't seem attached at the shoulder. Otherwise, really cool.