DragonBone Mashup

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Haven't posted anything in a while it seems, but I recently got hooked on this mashup and thought I would share. 


  1. Handicraft
    • premium
    • 74 kudos
    Nice Mashup !
    Can you tell me from which mod are the skirt !???
    1. esmm40
      • premium
      • 81 kudos
      The skirt is Lady Arcana, with custom textures
      The Top is Josef Anthony's version of remodeled by MAK
      and the arms and legs are the Barbarian set
      I also managed to get HDT to work on the chest without clipping though the bone piece which is solid like bone should be. Its actually pretty nice.
      All of it had to be converted to UUNP though which was probably the toughest part for the skirt since that's actually Lady Body