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This user's image description contains 5 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. cila81
    • supporter
    • 148 kudos
    Thank you so much for all your positive comments and support, my friends. Happy you like the new girl. She's just an experiment at the moment but she might stay around.
  2. Nataly1q2w3e4r5t
    • premium
    • 233 kudos
    Awesome images with very beautiful and unique looking character!
  3. wolfgrimdark
    • premium
    • 894 kudos
    A unique looking character (as well as lighting) that has your style but with a bit of a twist from the looks of it. A nice enjoyable post Cila :-)
  4. Kamikazekossori
    • supporter
    • 252 kudos
    She does looks the dangerous one with intense gaze among shadowy locks of hair, the gleam of her eyes like that of the daggers she wields
  5. renthal311
    • premium
    • 1,295 kudos
    The last image does not fit, but 2,4,5 are beautiful!)
  6. trg1894
    • premium
    • 102 kudos
    A very beautiful female......stunning and very enjoyable images of her.....very realistic......
  7. Bushhog
    • premium
    • 6 kudos
    Very nice how the face tattoo seems to come out of her dark eyes, if you were going for sinister, she could be its poster girl! Great character.
  8. zjamz
    • member
    • 93 kudos
    Ah, she is indeed very beautiful Cila. I love how the darkness can bestow upon us so much information, giving us further understanding of ones history and near perfect comprehension of ones personality. A truly beautiful character in not only appearance, but personality as you can tell from the style of images. A beautiful woman , and superb set. Bravo my friend!
  9. frank213
    • premium
    • 828 kudos
    What a stunning Lady
    it is a real eye-catcher Cecilie m0112.gif
    1. gucky2010
      • premium
      • 361 kudos
      I fully agree with you Frank
  10. RatherWindy
    • account closed
    • 162 kudos
    Although the title is darkness and she looks like an assasin, she comes across as a rahter balanced character,.. and not dark in nature,.. but that may just be me,...