Rathes tales - update

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Hi friends, just a quick note to let you know i'm in the process of converting Rathe's tales from the Nexus into PDF chapters on my Tumblr page.

Due to some 'techincal' difficulties, the best way to access my Tublr page is to manually paste this into your browserhttp://heroicjdog.tumblr.com/

For SOME reason, if I embed the link into code it only links back to Nexus... not that i'm suggesting any funny business...........


  1. deleted1123719
    • account closed
    • 122 kudos
    Also, a quick note to everyone: HI!!! I miss you all!! I've been caught up playing Witcher 3, but I will let you know that a new story is on the backburner and if / when I write it, I MAY post to Nexus... take care my dears!!
  2. Corfus
    • supporter
    • 288 kudos
    Hi Wess hope your well, another image I totally missed, great to see those two again. Take care and maybe we'll see a bit more of you here
  3. derek98
    • member
    • 101 kudos
    Nice to see "Old Grumpy" still going strong Jess!

    I've finally returned to the Skyrim fold, having played DAI to death!!
  4. wolfgrimdark
    • premium
    • 893 kudos
    Nice to see a post by you Jess and a nice shot and your Tumblr page looks great!
  5. Nataly1q2w3e4r5t
    • premium
    • 233 kudos
    Great to hear again from you and I missed your too! I found the link to your Tublr earlier, on Flikcr and thank you for posting it hear! It would be great to see Rathe stories in book format and I would look forward to his new story if you will write it!
  6. wadelycan
    • premium
    • 79 kudos
    What do we have here

    Good to see that you're still around
  7. Isleen
    • supporter
    • 126 kudos
    Hey Hon MISS YOU TOO.
    Hope to see you back on the Nexus.

    Link is working - will download and read it all
  8. gucky2010
    • premium
    • 361 kudos
    Great to see new from Rathe again dear Jess

    follow your great Work and Rathe's Tales on tumblr too
  9. ForgottenB
    • member
    • 217 kudos
    Hey Jess, glad to see you posting this! Hope you are well!
    Link went to my bookmarks toolbar
  10. 0nelazyBattlemaga
    • premium
    • 248 kudos
    Hi Jess, nice to see a post. Have you checked your link. It does not work for me.
  11. Anataron
    • premium
    • 196 kudos
    something new to add to the list of fav. sites for sure!(as I still am a "social media" outcast .. don't have any of the 'r's apart from flickr) and great to see him and fleur and you again!