Things are not always what they seem - Part 1

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  1. aok
    • premium
    • 151 kudos
    Excellent! So Rathe is on the Looooooong path of atonement.
    You would think having Darius as his envoy would be enough!
    Best line: "Gods. Why did She have to choose Darius to be Her envoy?"
    Ah, but the Princes are cruel
  2. pangallosr
    • member
    • 52 kudos
    wonderful addition to the chronicles of Rathe.
    Glad to see that he is given at least some chance to redeem himself and will have to be smart about it.
    Many new things he will have to learn in judging people. Innocents taken only adding to his term... great idea.. for sure he will have a few.
    Perhaps not immortal till his task is complete.. maybe if he dies... that's it.. game over and no chance to ever be with his Fleur again. I doubt it is a risk he would want to consider to find out.

    ever the great shots and writing.....
  3. AmadanBezerk
    • supporter
    • 40 kudos
    Mr. Broody hath returned! ^^

    For Kynareth to have Darius as Rathe's "mentor" instead of Fleur was just plain cruel on her part....I have a strong feeling that it's just a small part of the loooooooong "atonement" he's got to go through.

    Yet another Damsel in distress needs saving from a bunch of dastardly d-bags....
    Somehow, I've got a strange feeling that this coming night may be quiet....(REAL quiet if you catch my drift^^) but definitely NOT peaceful....for the thugs, that is. ^

    Thanks and cheers for this latest of Rathe's intriguing Sagas, dear!

  4. Liadys
    • premium
    • 252 kudos
    Rathe is backkkkkk!!!!! . Was quite the dark introduction to this new part, that poor girl being kidnapped and help captive...though she is old enough to understand what the man were talking about.

    I get the feeling that the real Pavos is very lively after that he had a meeting with that he knows that he can still kill in defense though Justice and deciding who is innocent and who isn't is not up to him...sure does make atoning more complicated...but then again..wouldn't be much of an atonement if it was too easy. The banter between Darius and Rathe was exquisite !

    Eager to see how this rescue is going to go ! Great work sweetie !
    1. deleted1123719
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      • 122 kudos
      Thanks hon! Thought you might get a kick out of seeing the old Broody back again

      Indeed things are going to be that much more complex for him as he tries to learn how he fits into the world and more importantly, into Kynareth's grand plan. But, with his ever helpful 'mentor' there to help him along i'm sure he'll work things out (provided he doesn't kill Darius' ghost in frustration! )

  5. cila81
    • supporter
    • 148 kudos
    Excellent start, Jess! I'm intrigued. You're such a great writer. Looking forward to more.
    1. deleted1123719
      • account closed
      • 122 kudos
      Thanks sweetie!
  6. Nataly1q2w3e4r5t
    • premium
    • 233 kudos
    Oh, wow, this is such great surprise! I have seen that you mentioned that you did work on something and I honestly did not expect to see Rathe's story continuation and it sure gave me great pleasure to see how his hard journey did continue from last part, I am so happy to see him! Wonderful shots too, so expressive and atmospheric. And I think noble costume does look very good on Rathe, so despite his dislike for nobleman, their clothes fir him well!

    Poor new, nameless (so far) girl... she is even younger then Fleur when Rathe found her and her fear and horror sure were depicted masterfully. I am afraid that with her gentle, fragile looks she would not last long in dark life that was awaiting her. And there is nothing worst then being a slave! So it sure was very cool to see Rathe posing as nobleman coming to rescue... I wonder where real noble is... hopefully rots somewhere or Rathe and girl might have a problem if real buyer will arrive.

    It sure was also surprising to see Darius of all people guiding Rathe! Seems like Kynareth sure has a sense of humor to see such two bitter lads to interact with each other, thus acting as a team. I was very glad to see Darius like this... I was always sad of how he died, having whole life ahead of him ad now it seem he has new purpose. Rathe is sure tough cookie to work with, so full if bitterness but I am sure he and Darius will somehow mane to get along, even if takes plenty of time!
    Besides the nature of mission sure did mot make Rathe happier, since the situation is practically the same he faced with saving both Regan and Fleur, who sadly fell victims to cruelty and violence... maybe saving this innocent soul might get some of modjo back to Rathe and make him see things differently. Maybe that is the plan of Kynareth along with saving beautiful, innocent soul. So far, so good, although complications can find heroes everywhere...
    I am so looking for continuation and thank you very much for sharing your awesome work!
    1. deleted1123719
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      • 122 kudos
      Thanks Nataly! I nearly gave in and PM'd you to say Rathe was coming back but I thought you'd like the surprise I was so thrilled to load up his game (and drool all over him) and I had fun sprucing him all up for his 'noble' look... he could nearly accompany Dannee to a fancy ball in those duds!

      Yes, the 'first soul' Kynareth has selected for Rathe is most certainly reminiscent of his own past (be that Regan, Fleur or even to a lesser extent, Jade). The goddess is out to test him and make him really earn that atonement (or maybe, just to earn the freedom to stop blaming himself for the misfortunes everyone is his life has come across that are out of his control). Makes me think, who's soul is She really trying to save? Nameless girl... or Rathe's own?

      Ah I had a great laugh bringing Darius back to be Rathe's guide (Jon says I'm wicked ) but like you, I feel sorry for the lad who lost his life prematurely and I can see an opportunity for he and Rathe to come to terms with one another (unlike in life where they were rivals for FLEURS affections and if not bitter enemies, most definitely not friends). Maybe in her grand plan, Kyne can also see Rathe - unlikely though it may seem - saving Darius' soul too.

      Poor Rathe.
  7. Kamikazekossori
    • supporter
    • 252 kudos
    You depicted that fear of the young girl very well, her having been stolen away in the night and now being imprisoned among the brutes and cruel sorts that are bandits. Her trying to stay brave if only to keep from panicking and drawing the attention of her captors, her breaking down into quiet tears at facing what one so innocent should not have to face.

    Seems Rathe and Darius can still really rile each other up even with him not longer among the realm of the living, he seems a bit of an odd choice as a messenger of Kynareth with the animosity between them, looks like dealing with him is part of his path to redemption along with the tasks given to him by the divine. Rathe did do well in countering some of his words.

    That Dolf seemed unsure what to think of Rathe as a noble especially when meeting the cold gaze of his eyes and as he noticed the tattoos on his face, he looks to be a little suspicious of him, it would be very dangerous for him to act on that suspicion, something I suspect he might learn. It is interesting to see Rathe on a very different mission from those he had in his many years as an assassin. A chapter very well weaved, Jess
    1. deleted1123719
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      • 122 kudos
      Thanks Alexi! It was nice for me to pull Mr Broody out of mothballs and it seems I can't write anymore unless i'm writing Rathe so short stories it is for now!!

      Indeed I think Darius' addition to the lineup is very much part of Rathe's atonement; Kyne either ha a wicked sense of humour or a method to her madness in pairing these two! No doubt Rathe thought he'd get a chance to spy Fleur a few more times during his long quest for redemption. Seems the Goddess has other ideas

      Yes, it's strange to see Rathe out there doing the stalking, tracking, espionage type thing... to NOT kill someone at the end! I wonder how he'll manage... probably with great difficulty !!
  8. wolfgrimdark
    • premium
    • 894 kudos
    This was a cool surprise although I knew you were working on something. Didn't know it would be like this though. You are a wicked lady for making Darius for Rathe. Perhaps Boethia's realm doesn't look so bad now. As Shelley said exchanging one set of puppet strings for another - aka Kyne. Gods do like to play with their followers, even the Aedra it seems. I was, at first, happy to see Darius again as I always liked him a lot and felt bad how he died. But now I wish he had remained ... well he is dead but perhaps sent to the dreamsleeve. He has gotten too cocky and arrogant for my taste - what I enjoyed so much about him was some of his innocence and a little bit of hero worship. Kept wishing Rathe would test that theory about ghosts being sent to the void twice.

    Neat idea with the slave girl. Might as well do the toughest battle first with Rathe then drag it out over the centuries. His biggest guilt is over not saving Fleur or Regan. So his very first trial? The same situation. Young female to be sold into slavery and most likely as a sex slave. Up to Rathe to fave his past fears and guilt and save her. If he fails ... well could be the end before it even starts. If he succeeds maybe it will help him get past his guilt finally and start him on the road to redemption.

    Really despicable cast you have here. I hate slavery in all forms, fantasy or real life (and sadly even in our civilized age slavery, especially sex slaves, are very much alive and fairly common in many countries. Have seen some documentaries on asian girls being sold in the US and other countries. There are very few things in this world worse than slavery. Add in rape and slavery and ... well lets say if Rathe doesn't kill them then Grim, Erik, and the rest of the Nightwolves will be eating well on Black Bastard flesh.

    Really well done pictures. Your break seems to have agreed with you and got you some new energy as this was an excellent chapter with a lot of meat to it. Enjoyed the length and all the details.
    1. deleted1123719
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      • 122 kudos
      Thanks hon!! You have yourself to congratulate / blame for my return! I was so not going to as I didn't / don't have the energy for anything epic, but your idea of short stories resonated with me. I thought, why not make short stories about Rathe's adventures? So it's all your fault

      Hahaha, Darius. I thought, I couldn't have Fleur be the one to keep popping in and guiding Rathe else his 'choice' would be meaningless (if he could see her at any time, why the big deal about atoning? ) so it had to be someone else. And Darius was always one of Kyne's creatures even if his father was an assassin (he was the healer and the one responsible for first connecting Fleur with Kyne so she could make her sacrifice for Rathe). But yes, he's come back quite arrogant but I suspect a lot of that is because of his death (or rather, sudden death). That will be addressed in subsequent chapters.

      Very on point observations about Rathe's first 'mission'. Indeed that's very much Kyne's thinking; challenge him in the deepest way possible at the outset. I think this is his make or break mission. And also the one where he either comes to terms being the hero or falls forever back into villainy. There's a reason why the title is 'Things are not always what they seem'.......

      Glad you enjoyed it and yep, I certainly was very inspired writing this. Though I was a bit worried about the length!! It got away from me a little!!
  9. Corfus
    • supporter
    • 288 kudos
    Lovely work Jess, it was a brilliant read. I did raise an eyebrow when I saw the noble, a good bit of writing there. I do feel sorry for the poor girl, she must be terrified but help is around the corner.
    I enjoyed the talk between Rathe and Darius, funny how literally he took the notion about killing people, its always OK to kill bad people, accept in the real world it would seem

    Wonderful shots to accompany the story, they really added to the atmosphere. Rathe is such a awesome character I look forward to more
    1. deleted1123719
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      • 122 kudos
      Thanks Corf!! Glad you enjoyed, and as a long time reader, you can appreciate the joke behind Kynareth bringing Darius (of all people) back to be Rathe's 'mentor'. Poor guy; I just can't stop torturing him!

      Yeah, the poor girl, she'd have certainly been in for a devastating life if the real Pavo had gotten his hands on her... but hopefully she only has a grumpy, ex-assassin to put up with

      Thanks my dear!! Your words of encouragement mean a lot to me!
  10. MsFrankenstein
    • supporter
    • 118 kudos
    I have to admit, AGAIN as you had me blurting out cheerful cries over your facebook chat;

    I was looking through the imagesection and I saw you published a story I was not familiar with, expecting it was a new entry on the dunmer siblings I opened it; only to be left completely gibbering like a highschool girl again as I saw RATHE being the noble bastard!

    So LO and BEHOLD!

    I am near crying tears of joy even if it might just be a short story!

    Oh an Darius, I didn't realise how much I've missed him until I read him here again.
    1. deleted1123719
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      • 122 kudos
      Thanks Jo!! I debated about telling you on FB to keep an eye out, but I really wasn't sure I'd end up posting this chapter (story) to Nexus. Didn't know if I wanted to get into 'writing' again and i'm still not sure... which is why this is a short story only. Three Parts.

      BUT it was nice to load up Broody again... I admit to spending a couple of hours just taking sexy screenshots of him. Tragic huh? And Darius, when I pulled up the 'boy' in game I had to have a laugh because as soon as he looked at Rathe he sneered!! Cracked me right up.

      Glad I gave you a thrill and your enthusiasm on seeing Broody again tickled me pink!