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  1. Nataly1q2w3e4r5t
    • premium
    • 233 kudos
    Great shots! Falvalyn looks stunning and she has beautiful warpaint!
  2. Queenieangel
    • premium
    • 465 kudos
    What a beauty, my dear!!
    1. cila81
      • supporter
      • 148 kudos
      Thanks a lot, sweetie
  3. User_6005213
    • account closed
    • 200 kudos
    I'm currently tracking almsot 130 persons, but I forget some priorities..
    She 's amazing Cecilie, it's the first time I see you use paints for bodies They fit her so well, wonderful !
    1. cila81
      • supporter
      • 148 kudos
      I know the feeling. I've been terrible keeping track of my friends work lately, I feel bad.

      Thank you so much! I'm happy you like her
  4. Eiskristall7
    • supporter
    • 54 kudos
    Never enough great dunmer characters. <3
    1. cila81
      • supporter
      • 148 kudos
      Thanks a lot! And yes, I would love to see more of them
  5. wolfgrimdark
    • premium
    • 894 kudos
    Considering my talent (lack of) in making female characters I can only be amazed at what you have created here ... or re-created! She looks damn amazing and very unique with the paint, tats, and colors you choose.
    1. cila81
      • supporter
      • 148 kudos
      Thank you so much, Jon! You're very kind. Your talent in screenarchering makes up for any lack of making female characters. I'm sure you could do that too if you set your mind to it, your work is always flawless.

    2. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 894 kudos
      Hehe thanks Cila, much appreciated. I suspect part of it is simply that passion is a key ingredient (IMO) to any form of art :-)

      I know my writing always tends to be at its best when I am very hyped and excited about the subject and what I am doing.
    3. cila81
      • supporter
      • 148 kudos
      I completely agree. You have to have passion for what you're doing. Even what you usually love to do can feel like a chore if you don't.
  6. Kamikazekossori
    • supporter
    • 252 kudos
    She does have quite the striking look with those bright crimson eyes among those swirls of purple framed by long dark hair, there is something intriguing about her gaze
    1. cila81
      • supporter
      • 148 kudos
      So happy to hear you find her intriguing, Alexi. Thank you so much, my friend
  7. trg1894
    • premium
    • 102 kudos
    Awesome set of Falvalyn.......in the main scene the focus for me is on the face and especially her eyes and she becomes totally captivating.....very very nice.......
    Each day that you post your incredible work makes a better day for me..... Mahalo.......
    1. cila81
      • supporter
      • 148 kudos
      Thank you so much for your kind comment. It certainly made my day better
  8. Corfus
    • supporter
    • 288 kudos
    I understand how hard it can be recreating a character, I just cannot get my Racemenu Elvina to Look as good as the ECE version.

    Your character looks very good mind, and I love her violet face paint and make up
    1. cila81
      • supporter
      • 148 kudos
      I know what you mean. I tried to save her face preset but no matter what I did I got a blue body when I loaded her preset. I gave up and tried to make her all over again. Still not a 100% happy but it's as close as I get...

      Thank you!
  9. frank213
    • premium
    • 828 kudos
    enchanting as all your wonderful ladys m0112.gift45004.gif
    1. cila81
      • supporter
      • 148 kudos
      Thank you, my friend
  10. Slowair6
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    She look great
    1. cila81
      • supporter
      • 148 kudos
      Many thanks!