Memory Lane

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This user's image description contains 23 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. deleted1123719
    • account closed
    • 122 kudos
    Thanks all!!
  2. aok
    • premium
    • 151 kudos

    Fun little trip.
    But they were all great characters!
  3. pangallosr
    • member
    • 52 kudos
    lol...... its only been almost 4 yrs Jess..... losing it girl. But you have gone on to make some very memorable characters as well, ones who's names will be remembered for many more years. So if you need some help sometimes.... just ask us.
  4. RONALD15
    • member
    • 66 kudos
    Your character on the main shot is very beautiful, but the rest are awesome too.
  5. AmadanBezerk
    • supporter
    • 40 kudos
    Your first Assassin character: that Dunmer lass with the curly red hair looks lovely, and that gleam in her eye gives her a distinctly lethal look as well. ^^

    Warm thanks and cheers, dear!
  6. wolfgrimdark
    • premium
    • 894 kudos
    Early Rathe was rather handsome although I usually prefer darker hair (Signar is an exception - it works very well for him). Third shot up from the bottom - she is gorgeous, really made her a knock-out.

    Fun to see all your various iterations. I don't save too many old shots - clean out between characters. Grim is the first character I did not delete games or images ever. Shows how much I like the big guy. I have some of his old iterations on Flickr but don't think have any on my HD.

    Memory lane was rather fun. Sweet nostalgia.
  7. Farvat
    • premium
    • 302 kudos
    A great sotry of your wonderful creativity! Very interesting set Jess!
  8. Corfus
    • supporter
    • 288 kudos
    Wonderful images I really like the pretty girl in the 3rd from bottom shot When I did my latest reinstall I actually took several shots with out and mods or enb's and they weren't that bad. I'll maybe add one or two to a Nexus Gallery since iIll only add rare sets to the Nexus now. I plan to conclude Elvina's story but It won't really be about her, you'll understand if you see the character promo set I will release soon though the story will be along way off.
  9. Nataly1q2w3e4r5t
    • premium
    • 233 kudos
    Great journey of memory lane and to see your earlier characters! Also it is awesome to finally see Fleur's inspiration, although I think that the Red Head who was featured in main image has few similar traits with Fleur too...
    1. Heaventhere
      • premium
      • 277 kudos

      I have to agree with Nataly, its always fun to remember what we have done and the earlier chars we have made.......but was so nice to see Fleurs inspiration.......
  10. Liadys
    • premium
    • 252 kudos
    Oohh that was so nice to go down memory lane and see where the inspiration for Fleur and some others came from !
    1. gucky2010
      • premium
      • 361 kudos
      I agree with Lia
  11. papp263
    • supporter
    • 159 kudos

    It's good to see how we evolve in how we make character's, and sometime's they pretty much look the same from one new character, to the next...