Shadowbane - Part 5

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  1. pangallosr
    • member
    • 52 kudos
    Stragon is quite proud to know of such noble characters that will help in the cleansing of the land...
  2. Corfus
    • supporter
    • 288 kudos
    Nice foundations set for some really interesting characters if you pursue their full story. Nice to see those gorgeous Synergy images. A shame only a few of us are lucky enough to work with. I wish JP would come back and update or release it & just hope he's OK all his accounts are very silent.
  3. User_6005213
    • account closed
    • 200 kudos
    Wonderful images and words, espacially at the end !
    It would be nice to see your words in my images from time to time, too, it's really missed
  4. Heaventhere
    • premium
    • 277 kudos
    Oh what a great set and ending to their back story. Look out monsters of Skyrim you end is near......... wondrous shot Jess ...... look forward if you decide to write about them when they get to Skyrim will be very interesting I am sure
    1. deleted1123719
      • account closed
      • 122 kudos
      Thanks shelley! Keep an eye on this space. I may just do it
  5. MsFrankenstein
    • supporter
    • 118 kudos

    This is intriguing!
    1. deleted1123719
      • account closed
      • 122 kudos
      Thanks sweets!
  6. AmadanBezerk
    • supporter
    • 40 kudos
    I loved this story!
    The twins will honour their Alpha Sera's most painful but necessary, posthumous gift to them by becoming very powerful avengers of the innocent. ^^

    Speaking of which:
    What happened to their first quest to rid House Telvanni of their Vampire infiltrators and their Alpha Sera's murderers, thus gaining themselves their greatly-desired vengeance?
    You probably vaguely alluded to that part in the Twins' narrative introduction to this chapter:
    "And we hunt Vampires.... oh yes." ^^

    I really appreciate their powerful and unwavering sense of justice in hunting various breeds of evil scum, but having played a Vampire and having had a liking for that particular Race, I'm a bit leery on the Twins' idea to exterminate ALL Vamps, instead of just most. ^^

    After all, there are SOME few good Vampires to be found ^^....rare for sure, but they DO exist....who knows, the Twins might even suddenly find themselves in an uneasy but vital alliance with some....^^

    Warm thanks and cheers, dear!
    1. deleted1123719
      • account closed
      • 122 kudos
      Thanks hon! I myself am a massive vampire fan; until skyrim, if I had a choice of playing a vampire or were it would be hands down vamp every time. But I really didn't like how they made vamps in skyrim so I've been playing weres quite a bit and have really enjoyed them. I'm afraid the twins are going to be those fanatics out there that see race first and individual second (meaning in their eyes, if you're a vamp, you're evil. Hands down).

      BUT that's not to say that during their adventures they won't meet any vampires who challenge this notion......

  7. Kamikazekossori
    • supporter
    • 252 kudos
    That stranger sure had a great impact on the twins, them honoring his sacrifice for their sake, fighting those dark sorts along the paths the walked across Tamriel, continuing their sera's life work. He also taught them skills that both make the more effective hunters of those who prey on others and will help them survive some tough situations, his care for them remaining after his death. With the skills they were thought and their mighty form they are sure to show many the cost of their cruel actions. You really created a fantastic backstory for them, my friend, I do hope to see some of their wanderings in the lands of Skyrim
    1. deleted1123719
      • account closed
      • 122 kudos
      Thanks Alexi. Well you never know, I'm still enjoying playing them and I've tried retiring from writing in the past and found it doesn't really Sui me so you may yet see more of the twins
  8. wolfgrimdark
    • premium
    • 894 kudos
    Great wrap up for their back-story with a good solid reason for heading to Skyrim and the Dawnguard. They have purpose and motivation for hating Vampires (as if any reason is really needed to hunt those scum anyhow) as well as having gotten a painful but valuable gift from Sera. Nicely done!
    1. deleted1123719
      • account closed
      • 122 kudos
      Thanks Jon. Yep, this backstory was a pretty transparent attempt to setup these antiheroes. Maybe went a little too heavy on the 'obvious' but it doesn't hurt sometimes to have really clear motivations laid out. Plus, I've so far only written about them as a unit; Shadowbane. Writing about them as individuals will be quite a different ball game!
  9. Liadys
    • premium
    • 252 kudos
    Awesome backstory dear ! Loved how the twins don't plan on letting Sera gift of life go to waste..the motivation his sacrifice gave them to hunt down vampires but slavers as well and other scum. A painful gift he gave them..but a very valuable one. I'm excited to see where their adventure will take them !
    1. deleted1123719
      • account closed
      • 122 kudos
      Thanks hon. They are now the quintessential monster hunting force; powerful, vengeance driven and with their own dark secret (that they themselves are monsters). Be interesting if they come across any Vigilants!
  10. wadelycan
    • premium
    • 79 kudos
    This is just perfect! Though they had to suffer the tragedy of the narrator's death, they found their motivation to continue on as a pair of evil slaying were's. Very cool prologue as they are traveling the roads of Skyrim to seek out the Dawnguard. That will be interesting, as at the start Isran is very closed minded of many things but he would be a fool to not accept the help of two so well trained....and kill vampires.

    1. deleted1123719
      • account closed
      • 122 kudos
      Thanks wade! Every good anti-hero avenger needs a backstory steeped in tragedy and either vengeance or redemption. I think the twins most definitely have vengeance in mind and perhaps to redeem that they were used as pawns in the narrators war (albeit willing pawns). There's sure to be some dead vamps stacking up in skyrim now!