Live Forever - A Rathe Decanius Tribute

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  1. Bowsong
    • supporter
    • 73 kudos
    Love the last image. It's how I'll remember these two... together!
  2. gucky2010
    • premium
    • 361 kudos
    Lovely and Romantic.Lovely Work dear Jess
    1. deleted1123719
      • account closed
      • 122 kudos
      Thanks Kai!
  3. aok
    • premium
    • 151 kudos
    Oh dammit, did I leave the window open again? This dust blows in my eyes and ***SNIFF*** yeah that's it. Damn dust! ***sniff***
    Beautiful work hon.
    1. deleted1123719
      • account closed
      • 122 kudos
      Hehehe, thanks!
  4. wolfgrimdark
    • premium
    • 894 kudos
    Daw that was so sweet without being too syrupy. I loved the song and glad you wrote the words out as they are easier to understand that way. Like the last verse a lot - seems very much like Rathe and the fire references are a tie in to Fleurs own fire skill.

    This post also echoes the sense of hope - what both of them have to look forward to in the future, as long as Rathe can just stay the course. Hopefully at moments of doubt Fleur will be there at his side with a gentle touch and a soothing word.
    1. deleted1123719
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      • 122 kudos
      Thanks Jon. I first heard this song when I was only about a quarter of a way through Rathe's tale and in many ways it guided me towards his ultimate end. Without this song, I might not have had him and Fleur reunite (well insofar as they will reunite one day). I also wasn't going to post this piece of music (well, no, I actually wanted to use it behind the chapter when Fleur whisks him off to her realm, but instead went with that piece of music 'The Truth' ) but when I was trying to shoot that set, I first tried the location seen above (on top of a mountain) but it didn't work. I still had these shots left over so decided to make a bonus set. Think it works well and gives a glimpse of what might be for these two, many years into the future.

      Anyway, glad you enjoyed it!
  5. AmadanBezerk
    • supporter
    • 40 kudos
    That last shot is how they deserve to be....together, sweetly in each other's arms....enjoying the breathtaking view atop their very own lofty Tower.

    Warm thanks and cheers, dear!

    BTW: Why does Rathe's armour suddenly make me think of Assassin's Creed for some strange reason?? ^^
    1. deleted1123719
      • account closed
      • 122 kudos
      Thanks hon. Yes, I like to think that one day they'll get their happily ever after.

      True about the armour, it's the Royal Huntsman (I think! ) armour and I'm pretty sure it was inspired by assassins creed. Awesome armour one way or another!
  6. frank213
    • premium
    • 828 kudos
    what a romantic Main.
    awesome Jess
    1. deleted1123719
      • account closed
      • 122 kudos
      Thanks Frank!
  7. Nataly1q2w3e4r5t
    • premium
    • 233 kudos
    Very beautiful and romantic piece! The most happy ending for me was that alternative reality set where Rathe and Fleur that you did where they got married and had a kid... maybe it still be possible for them, like in other life and place.
    1. deleted1123719
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      • 122 kudos
      Thanks Nataly! Yes I loved that alternate reality ending too, but this is more realistic knowing Rathe's story, plus it's kinda happy! Maybe in a few hundred years they can both be reborn into the world and have their second chance on land.
  8. papp263
    • supporter
    • 159 kudos
    I still have some catching up to do on the story, but have endorsed the one's I have seen so far.

    Great work my friend.
    1. deleted1123719
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      • 122 kudos
      Thanks Papp! Nice to see you again!
  9. Liadys
    • premium
    • 252 kudos
    Beautiful set and song to go along with it ! May they finally find some peace together !
    1. deleted1123719
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      • 122 kudos
      I think they will.... one day
  10. Heaventhere
    • premium
    • 277 kudos
    Simply put ............. finally .......... beautiful words and song to go with a wonderful shot of the two of them....... may peace and happiness find them always when the time is right
    1. deleted1123719
      • account closed
      • 122 kudos
      Thank hon. I like to imagine this is them in the future. Sometime, far away from now, together forever.