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This user's image description contains 16 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. Deathneko11
    • member
    • 74 kudos
    wow. I have a feeling that such a project will bring about any system but the very high end ones to their knees performance wise.

    looking forward to seeing more work!
    1. DragonDude1029
      • member
      • 163 kudos
      The area the screenshots were taken in kills even the best PCs (hence no ENB). I've scrapped that area, it was more of a testing grounds. The new areas look a lot better (like a lot) and are barely drop framerate (and yet it is still dense forest)!! A good magician never reveals his tricks though! I will say this though: It will run well even on not high end computers!
    2. Hectasword
      • premium
      • 39 kudos
      Occlusion planes?
  2. Darkstorne
    • supporter
    • 47 kudos
    Have you checked out Beyond Skyrim? They're a huge collaboration of talented modders dedicated to creating the other provinces of Tamriel, including Valenwood. They all work from the same forum, and from the same 100% accurate, Skyrim-scaled heightmap of Tamriel. It ensures that their provinces are all compatible with each other, all scaled correctly, all match up at the right points, they can share assets where needed (northern border of Valenwood might use some Cyrodiil assets, while the eastern border could integrate Elsweyr assets, like flora, creatures, architecture, etc), and they all encourage one another and pool their lore/technical knowledge for modding.

    Most province mods for Oblivion had these issues. They were scaled differently, some in separate worldspaces, those that shared the same world space glitched where they joined and had huge land tears, there were no region blends, there were duplicate items used by multiple provinces, etc. Beyond Skyrim was set up to avoid those issues with Skyrim.

    You don't have to join up, but it might well be worth checking out to see if you like the idea. The Valenwood team is small at the moment (High Rock and Cyrodiil are the busiest provinces right now), but there's a lot of lore discussion going on, and some incredibly talented musicians are putting together a Valenwood soundtrack. If you join, you'd get to work from a completed and perfectly accurate heightmap that's ready to go, and they'd love to have you on board. They're all really friendly.

    Link here:

    Beyond Skryim: Valenwood Concept Art

  3. StanlyChris95
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Keep it up! I'm excited to see more.
  4. FalqonOne
    • member
    • 33 kudos
    Looking promising!
  5. musegravemind
    • account closed
    • 0 kudos
    I hope to see more soon!
    1. DragonDude1029
      • member
      • 163 kudos
      More and better!
  6. VonDarkness
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Some excerpts from the Valenwood wiki page:

    "The coasts of Valenwood are dominated by mangrove swamps and tropical rain forests, while heavy rainfalls nurture the temperate inland rain forests..."
    "Much of the region is impenetrable mangrove and coastal rain forest, with few grasslands or glade areas until further north..."
    "Domica Redwort is a herb grown by many residents of Valenwood for their beautiful and showy flowers"
    "Valenwood is noteworthy in that it has no cities or townships built by the Wood Elves themselves"

    -I assume you're doing a temperate forest (inland forest) then? I've looked at some images of IRL ones and the types of trees in them vary widely. I assume if you don't have them or can make them, you could try finding somebody to do some more variations for you. Valenwood has very few roads and the ones they do have are currently heavily used by the Thalmor. Also the Domica Redwort was in Oblivion, so you may be able to find someone to improve that model to make it updated... If I were you, I'd ask Vurt to lend you some of his plants from floral overhaul.

    Looks great though!
    1. DragonDude1029
      • member
      • 163 kudos
      Yup, inland area, based off real forests There is actually a lot more to it than these images, they were more of a testing grounds. I have some variety of trees (GKB), but my lesser plants (groundcover) resources are quite lacking. Thanks for this info, I'll be using it to make this the best it can be!
  7. 43deadwood
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    At last a realistic looking forest - looking forward to this being released!
    1. DragonDude1029
      • member
      • 163 kudos
      Looks a lot better in my version (I've changes a lot). The ground cover in the images is sorta bad.
  8. JobVanDam
    • premium
    • 60 kudos
    Kick ass bro!
    1. DragonDude1029
      • member
      • 163 kudos
      Hell yesh!
  9. Halendia
    • supporter
    • 133 kudos
    More roots and taller trees imho, else, beautiful I'm excited!
    1. DragonDude1029
      • member
      • 163 kudos
      That's the plan I haven't done the ground cover yet, so I still have to put in shrubs, roots, ferns, and so on. And ya, like I said I rushed it and made the trees really spindly. The trees are actually very tall, the canopy is a good 60 feet, but the trees don't look all that big around. Also there are a lot of jungle aspen, which are tiny thin trees, and they are distracting from the big ones that are there. Thanks for the suggestion and compliment
  10. renthal311
    • premium
    • 1,244 kudos
    promises to be interesting, I think that, in the light of the Sun will look fantastic!
    1. DragonDude1029
      • member
      • 163 kudos
      That's what I'm hoping Thanks for the encouragement!