The Tools of Kagrenac Promo Poster 4 - The Tools

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As you may know today is 11-11-13, which means Skyrim was released today 2 years ago!
Enough reason for something special!

So, I created a few posters for the upcoming Tools of Kagrenac mod to give everybody a nice little teaser of what's to come. There's 4 of them. Hope you guys like what you see!

Btw, we're entering testing phase real soon. Let me know if anybody is interested in helping us out!:)


  1. Earrindo
    • premium
    • 167 kudos
    Any word on this? I would kill for a mod to obtain Sunder and Wraithguard ^_^
  2. captain-ultima
    • premium
    • 462 kudos
    Since the mod is dead could you possibly consider releasing Sunder and possibly other assets as Modder's Recource?

    It would be such a waste if such a nice model was lost to the void along with the mod.
  3. Heroic Mark
    Heroic Mark
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    So is this mod dead?
    1. PrivateEye
      • premium
      • 853 kudos
      The programmer walked out and the mod is just simply broken in it's current state.
      I tried to fix it for weeks but I couldn't get the thing to work if my life depended on it.
  4. PrivateEye
    • premium
    • 853 kudos
    The mod is on a pause at the moment because the team is quite busy with other stuff at the moment. But if all goes well we should be able to get this mod out in May!
    1. emieri00
      • member
      • 27 kudos

      So close~
    2. EthanShivman
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      May!? Z whole month?? I don't think I can wait that long!
    3. PrivateEye
      • premium
      • 853 kudos
      So it's May now and the mod is not out yet. Hope you guys are still hanging in there
    4. pllm
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      We will be there PrivateEye, don't be afraid, we will be there...
  5. ElAmericano
    • supporter
    • 6 kudos
    would love to help testing, this mod looks very promising indeed !
  6. YamiMarik1994
    • member
    • 13 kudos
    Is this mod not being worked on anymore, or are you guys still going strong? I really like the idea of this mod quite a bit.
  7. Brummond
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I would love to test this mod, big fan of the lore behind the dwemer and ALMSIVI If I get to take part in the beta, anything specific you want me to look for or just want it tested in general(Compatibility, bugs, etc)?
  8. emieri00
    • member
    • 27 kudos
    OOH, YEEEEEAH!! Great that i didn't start to play yet! This will be a sure addition to my game!

    Glad to see you got the gauntlet working TIME TO RESEARCH THE DWEMER, WOOSH! /o/
    1. emieri00
      • member
      • 27 kudos
      Oh right, i'd like to beta test too! :o
  9. greenalchemist
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Been waiting for a good wraithguard mod to come out and glad to see there is quest involved with it. I would also be interested in testing out the mod if it is still in the testing phase.

    I have one question though. Out of curiosity, why did you go for a lightly armored leather glove for the left hand model instead of making it similar to the right hand gauntlet as previous wraithguard mods made for Oblivion have done?
    1. PrivateEye
      • premium
      • 853 kudos
      I'll contact you about the testing. We can always use people

      As for the glove:
      The original model for Wraithguard model wasn't made by me. I continued and finished a model and just went with the parts that were already there because I liked them. Wraithguard is only one gauntlet, so the second gauntlet/glove shouldn't look to similar to it but also not to different. In my opinion the glove model did just that, so I sticked with it.
  10. themusician6
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    This looks awesome! I can only imagine how cool this mod is going to be. Can't believe this all started from a simple armor mod hahahaha