Vampiric Ring - Morrowind Artifact

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The Vampiric Ring from Morrowind. I finally tried my luck at creating an original model for my next mod. Think it came out pretty well, and fitting to this evil artifact.

Screenshot from Maya


  1. Isrophel
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    I didn't play Morrowind that much. What sort of enchantment does it have?
    1. Fegveh
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      In Morrowind the enchantment was absorb health and stamina 20-30 points for 10 seconds. You should try Morrowind, the graphics are outdated but there is an overhaul ( ). Sorry for my bad english, I'm portuguese.
  2. ChristGrinderAvenue
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    This looks awesome! You truly have talent.
  3. RonnieMagnum
    • premium
    • 684 kudos
    Awesome as always! Are you going to make a Morrowind rings pack for Skyrim? This would be really great.
    1. PrivateEye
      • premium
      • 852 kudos
      That's indeed the plan! 4 new rings, and the Ring of Khajiit that Bethesda created but never put in game.
  4. Duskwitch
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    The jewels should be a bit shinier/glossier imho but other than that it looks pretty good. I like the metal texture on the ring.
    1. PrivateEye
      • premium
      • 852 kudos
      Yes, I was hoping to get the glossines for the jewels right with the shader and spec maps. Still experimenting.
  5. deleted1308005
    • account closed
    • 73 kudos
    Stop right there you criminal scum! You've violated the law of the imperium by making too much awesome stuff!
    1. PrivateEye
      • premium
      • 852 kudos
      Ok, I'll quit if you want:p