Body Paint

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Found time to integrate the body paint overlays into RaceMenu, currently there is only 3 because that's what it's configured to for the SKSE plugin, you can raise this value up to 128 but I highly recommend against that as I'm not sure of the performance impact.

There is also options for Hand and Foot paint. You can see the purple fingernails in the screenshot.


  1. Seren4XX
    • supporter
    • 372 kudos
    Awesome work, Expired. Your mods have really improved my game experience, and they're all very reliable. Thanks for them!
  2. expired6978
    • premium
    • 2,900 kudos
    Yes, it's already controlled by script, you could just use one of the unused layers. Currently I have a top-most layer used for glowing spell overlays, but I could make another layer atop that for dirt I guess. It's really just template nif nodes that will mimic the geometry of the skin and you can change the textures of it, alpha included.

    The primary script makes use of my NetImmerse Override Plugin's functions:

    The overlays don't apply to the head, only armors with skin attached. You'd have to use the SKSE tintMask functions for changing dirt on the face.
  3. Wast1980
    • premium
    • 265 kudos
    This could also make a DirtSystem possible or am I wrong? I mean different dirt tintmasks for body and face, controlled by a script.
  4. brian376
    • member
    • 26 kudos
    Cant wait for this its been needed for so long.