Armor WIP Render

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This will be the final render of the armor until it is released. Probably there will be some minor changes but this is how the armor will look in-game. Also help me choose a suitable name for this set.
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P.s here you can take a look at the model with normal maps ON but you will have to wait some time for them to load depending on your internet



  1. patobek
    • member
    • 172 kudos
    As I promised I released The Armor here
    Enjoy, Comment and Endorse!

    1. EtemSoru
      • member
      • 4 kudos

      Could you provide a link from here once it's done?
    2. patobek
      • member
      • 172 kudos
      Yes, of course.
    3. nightangel141
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      nice job about this set but can i ask you to try to make armour of that archer from eso trailer
    4. ramakgaming
      • premium
      • 41 kudos
      It's already being worked on, that armor you're requesting. Check the Nexus in January, you should see it eventually. It is going to be released.
  2. Fenrir02
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    in lines with the idea that this is an imperial themed armor, I believe the Penitus Oculatus would likely be the faction using it. Perhaps for high ranked inquisitors, I have a few ideas for names there. 1. " Oculatus Penance Gear" 2 "Oculatus Inquisitors Raiment"Or perhaps a imperial commissioned bounty hunter/vigilant themed character? I could very much so imagine a hunter sent from the imperial family to deal out judgement on undead/daedra/insurrection. Probably called something like "Imperial Stalker Gear". That's my two cents at least c:
    1. arigon
      • premium
      • 10 kudos
      I agree with this
  3. GreyWarlock905
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    • 1 kudos
  4. arigon
    • premium
    • 10 kudos
    I don't why, but I get an Imperial Secret Agent sort of feel from it, perhaps something along those lines, or maybe some sort of Imperial Battlemage themed name?
  5. dan11219
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    How about 'Valkyrie's Blessing' ? It ties in with skyrim-like norse mythology.

    "In Norse mythology, a valkyrie (from Old Norse valkyrja "chooser of the slain") is one of a host of female figures who decide which soldiers die in battle and which live. Selecting among half of those who die in battle (the other half go to the goddess Freyja's afterlife field Fólkvangr)" From wikipedia

    It could be a blessed peice of armour from the gods to protect its wearer in battle?
  6. luddemann
    • supporter
    • 84 kudos
    Increadible work, my friend. I have a little bit of critique though

    In my opinion, there is a little too much going on in the chest area. Especially compared to his skirt. I would consider removing the stick, the roche straps and the skyrim badge. They really arent necessary.

    Further more, I think the textures on the chestpiece should be tweaked so that it looks like its a whole robe instead a skirt. I am talking about the part below the leather vest. Add a seam to the back like it is on the skirt and make the front match the skirt as well. This will also help so that they front dont look too chaotic. I can do the re texturing if you want.

    Dont get me wrong though, this is the best armor piece I have ever seen for skyrim. Again, incredible work.
    1. luddemann
      • supporter
      • 84 kudos
      Also, how about "Raiment of Boethia"?

      Lastly, where is the hood and skirt from?
    2. patobek
      • member
      • 172 kudos
      Hmm, maybe you are right, maybe there is too much going on that chest.
      But first I want to get in to the game. Then we will see how it looks and remove some stuff if the chest looks too "overworked".
      About the retexturing you mean that chain part to be retextured?

      Well thank you ^^ You also do much and incredible work too I just downloaded your Armory, really like that Falmer mage

      Hmm a good name, will think about it.
      The hood and the skirt comes from TERA.
      PM me if you want the entire TERA model because I cut those parts from an robe.

    3. luddemann
      • supporter
      • 84 kudos
      Ah. TERA... ingenious. I thought about using them, but I thought they all looked too cartoonish. Did you retexture this heavily? Thought I went through them all

      Yes, the chainmail part. I think it would be really cool that he has a robe, a leather vest and just a belt around. And you can see the robe between the vest and the belt.

      Thanks for compliments on my work. After seeing this (and viewing your other work again) I thought that I need some more details on my armors. I added a couple of pouches and stuff to the thief for instance
    4. patobek
      • member
      • 172 kudos
      Yeah they look kinda cartoonish. Nope no heavily retextures were done, just some overlays in Photoshop
      If you want the model where the skirt and the hood were taken from PM me.

      Hmm, I will try to give it a retexture once I get it into the game.

      Yeah,The Thief, that's a very simple and very nicely done Armor. But know something the more stuff you attach to the Armor the harder is to rig it without cliping. Few of the people from Nexus know how to rig such "complex" Armors and one of them is L0rd0fWar
    5. luddemann
      • supporter
      • 84 kudos
      Yes, please send the Tera armor. And as for the thief, I posted a new version for the elite thieves. I added some more details there. A key ring for instance. I bet that'll be hard to rig
    6. patobek
      • member
      • 172 kudos
      Check your PM's.
      Yea I saw that thief looks more detailed. And now he has where to store the coins he will steal
  7. EtemSoru
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    I'm in agreeance with Ludderman. There's probably way too much stuff tied to his chest. Belts and pouches are great but the torch, bolts, game logo and those two things that resemble sheathed canes are bit over the top.

    Those gloves and boots are very impressive, though.
    "Abaddon Vestments"
    1. patobek
      • member
      • 172 kudos
      All those things will be optional. For example the satchel with all the things in it will not be tied to the armor, you can remove it from your inventory.

      Thank you!
    2. EtemSoru
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      So awesome.

      So incredibly excited for this. You've done some top notch work here.
  8. rosestorm
    • premium
    • 38 kudos
    Great to hear that it will be seeing release. Have you settled on a name?
    1. patobek
      • member
      • 172 kudos
      No not yet. I still have time. I need also to release my female version for my Crimson Ranger Armor.
  9. rosestorm
    • premium
    • 38 kudos
    I would suggest either Arcane Shadow Armor or Arcane Wanderer Armor.

    How much is left to do before the armor sees release?
    1. patobek
      • member
      • 172 kudos
      Only the rigging left and maybe add some more attachements. But I don not know anything about the ETA because I'm not going to rig it.
    2. rosestorm
      • premium
      • 38 kudos
      Do you already have someone to rig it? I'm sure natterforme would probably do it.
    3. patobek
      • member
      • 172 kudos
      L0rd0fWar will rig it, I spoke to him
  10. Don Salus
    Don Salus
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    it's light or heavy ?
    1. patobek
      • member
      • 172 kudos
      For now light only.
  11. TheAnger123
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Witch Hunter Armor
    1. patobek
      • member
      • 172 kudos
      Hmm not bad