WIP Archer Armour

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About this image

This was originally a request for a funny for a WIP Archer Armour by Patobek and was Male only at the time. However, it is now uploaded as a mod and Crimson Ranger Armor offers a lore friendly set with some great details for male and female characters.
For Script to translate, see the first comment below.

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  1. zeroxee
    • supporter
    • 140 kudos
  2. Reimar67
    • premium
    • 249 kudos
    This was originally a request for a funny for a WIP Archer Armour by Patobek and was Male only at the time. However, it is now uploaded as a mod and Crimson Ranger Armor offers a lore friendly set with some great details for male and female characters.
  3. Beba
    • supporter
    • 127 kudos
  4. Carah
    • premium
    • 163 kudos
    heh... cute. Great picture.
    I personally love the Ancient Nord Armour. It's bad ass, sexy... and vanilla.
  5. Malachi Delacot
    Malachi Delacot
    • premium
    • 225 kudos
    O.o ....real armour.....woooo....who would have thought it existed....
  6. Reimar67
    • premium
    • 249 kudos
    @ Kamikazekossori - cheers for that. As it happens my beautiful outfit (which took hours to enchant) really was deemed at illegal on Nexus. Which was a bit of a blow, as all the funnies I had ready to roll out had the idiot elf dressed up in it. So things will be a bit quiet from me while I try and rebuild a stock. At the same time, I had the request to do a funny by the author of the Archer armour. So really the humour here was borne out of coincidence. Every cloud as they say.
  7. Reimar67
    • premium
    • 249 kudos
    @ lsinsocal - Much to my shame I've just had to open the game to remember what she's actually called. Poor Rhinia is just always the Idiot Elf to me too now.

    As for the Archer Armour - I think there will be a female version and I hope that it's out in next few days.

    @ scraggyjohn - Lydia is wearing Eisen Platte Armor
  8. lsinsocal
    • premium
    • 88 kudos
    Well... maybe he'll make a female set. Idiot Elf can't wear male clothing!

    Btw- is that actually her name in game?! I only ever see you refer to her as such. >.<
  9. Kamikazekossori
    • supporter
    • 252 kudos
    You have such a amusingly unique way of promoting mods Reimar
  10. scraggyjohn
    • supporter
    • 4 kudos
    What armor is Lydia wearing?