
Version 1.1 is out and with it, I have added two alternative versions of this mod for download.

Version 1.1 has seen some changes to how the mannequins are arranged in the display rooms meant for armor and clothing. The rooms themselves have not been increased in size, but the mannequin groups at the center of the room have been rotated 90°, so that they face to the sides of the room, instead of the front and back, as they used to. This allows for more room in front of the mannequins. They groupings have also been moved closer together.

Similar changes have been made to the Ranged Weapon Gallery. The racks in the center used double the width in 1.0, than they use in 1.1. This caused the sides to have too little space. In 1.1 the room has also been slightly lengthened and a few more racks and plaques added to make use of that space.

One of the alternative versions has the beast races removed from the pool of available mannequins, for those who do not like them. The Argonians have been replaced with Bretons and the Khajiit have been replaced with Redguards.

The other alternative is one where there are no "fleshy" mannequins. They have been replaced with the default player house mannequins in Skyrim. This allows for more flexibility with other mods that change the default mannequins, like Female Mannequins by Thepal.

If you are updating from version 1.0, read the update instructions if you do not wish to lose the equipment you have put on display.

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