
big ole spoilers
Chamber of the Ancestors-

There are no keys in this room, and you will never be required to go back to it from here on out. Enter the complex from the building all the way to the left from where you walk in - Ruined Chambers

BOOKS: three, one on the altar in the center of the entrance to the village area with the light beam shining down on it, another in one of the ruined houses to the right of that facing the chapel, and one more on a small platform with a pillar in the square of that same area. Just some introductory context.

Ruined Chambers- 

This room is simple, to set an example of how things will be going forward. Kill the Miner and proceed to the second room on the left from the entrance. On a bookshelf to your right next to a bunch of misc items is the Crystal key that will unlock the first door on the left in that same room. Grab the bastion key on a table in that room and head to the last door on the right. 

AMETHYST FEATHERS: Enter the first door on the right. On the table, on the plate, are the amethyst feathers.
BOOKS: "Ten Wonders of Skyrim" 


You enter an old crypt of the elves. To your left, one of the crazed miners stands over the corpse of some poor adventurer across the bridge. The adventurer has a gem in his inventory - The Sanguine Amethyst.  It unlocks the first Gem Door he so nearly discovered - activate the Sanguine Ornament and proceed into the sealed crypt.

BOOKS: "Haesten's Journal"
LOOT: Sanguine Amethyst

Sealed Crypt-

Inside you find a sealed away falmer dragon priest (?), two chests, and an old elven sword on the ground next to a deceased falmer warrior. What happened here? There are no keys in this room, and there never will be behind a Gem Door. Only Loot. Proceed back out into the Mausoleum.

GARNET FEATHERS: On the same alcove as the book, to the left of the skeleton. 


Dont forget to grab the Amethyst back from the ornament. Proceed back across the bridge and down the hall just to your left. The only unlocked door in this section is on the wall to the left - enter the Sundered Bastion. 

Sundered Bastion-

Proceed up the stairs and dispatch the Miners. From the top of the stairs facing the throne, go right. There will be a door with another miner on the other side just to the right, inside a room with a forge. Enter that room, and on the right wall upon entering, is a small lever. Pull it. Proceed back out and go all the way across the room, passing the throne. Past the old nord table, on your right, is a gated off room with a waterfall in the back. On your left, a planter by the edge. Ahead a small room with a door - proceed into that room and look behind the barrels to the left. Pull the lever on the ground. A third lever is by the throne, around the corner by a dwarven chest. All three should be pulled, and the gate should be open. Enter the room and go up the small stairs immediately to your left. On an altar, you will find the next key. You will also find an alchemists room in this chamber. On a shelf in that room is a Jasper Bottle collectible. Go back to where you found the lever behind the barrels, and go through the nordic door that leads to the Chamber of the Ancients. 

BOOKS:"Hermorah's Locker"
LOOT:Jasper Bottle

Chamber of the Ancients- 

Go out along the walkway. As you walk along, keep looking to your right out at the town.  The bright golden-yellow Eye of Auri-El Topaz is sitting on a stone plinth just off the walkway. Grab it, and turn around to go back to the Sundered Bastion. 

LOOT: Eye of Auri-El 

Sundered Bastion-

You've already done everything you need to do in here. Proceed back out to the Mausoleum. From here you have three locked doors you could try - but the key name is a hint to where it goes. proceed back to the first room, the Ruined chambers. Now we get to see what's behind that locked door.

Ruined Chambers- 

From the entrance coming from the Mausoleum, proceed into the locked room immediately in front of you. Grab the Cloister Key on a dwarven cupboard to your left, and use the Eye of Auri- El to open the Gem door. Proceed into the Crystal Cave.

Crystal Cave- 

You appear to have found where the Elves got all those fancy crystals. On the wheeled crate just to your right is a wooden chest. Around the enormous pillar of crystals directly in front of you is a falmer chest. In the center of the room lay Varlafang. Grab what you want, ponder some crystals, and leave. Proceed back out into the mausoleum - you have the key to the cloister now. Proceed all the way to the back passed the Sundered Bastion, up the stairs, and through the door on the left. 

LOOT: "Varlafang"
Shadelight Cloister-

Proceed down the stairs and enter the door on your first right. A Calcite Bottle collectible is on the small shelf above the confession booth seat. go back out into the hallway and turn right. Enter the opposing hallway, across the open room (with the seated draugr) from you. In this hallway there is a door up a small flight of stairs and another on your immediate right. Enter the door to your right go around inside the confession booth, and next to the chair on a small ledge is the key to the Chapel. Take it. Turn around and go back out to the main room and take the next hallway to your right. There will be an alcove with shrines and some elven architecture. Fight the draugr in the hallway and proceed to the Chapel.

BOOKS: "Ruminations of Atmora"
LOOT: Calcite Bottle. An enchanted quill worth some money lay on a platform next to a book, just next to the main door which is still locked. 

Shadelight Chapel- 

Take a right over the bridge. At the end of the bridge to your right is an altar with a nordic statue. to the left and right of the statue are two small plinths: on the right are the Ruby Feathers. To the left is an expensive elven vase. Go down the stairs, fight the Wispmother -or dont- and proceed up to the small podium in the very center of the chapel. Inside the podium on a small shelf is the Abbey key. From here, proceed back to the cloister.


Shadelight Cloister-

Proceed from the entrance leading from the Chapel and go down the hallway directly in front of you across the room with the fireplace. In this room is a draugr on a table, and the entrance to the Abbey- the next location.

Forgotten Abbey-

From the entrance proceed down the left path. At the library, proceed left down the hall passed the meridia statue. At the end stands one of the Hag priestesses. She holds the key to the Maw. In front of her are the Annals of Shadelight Coven on the table. Proceed back down the hallway and enter one of the double doors in the center of the room. Inside is two more Hags and the door to the Maw. Exit this room and go down the hallway immediately to your left. Go all the way down - there is a wooden chest at the end under some hanging lanterns. Turn around - as you walk back down the hallway, look on the ground to your right by the candles - on a plate behind one of the clusters is the Eldergleam Amber that will open the third gem door. There is some extra reading material in the library, a Quartz Bottle collectable is near the library area. and the last Hag is down the other hallway standing near the deceased captive. From here go down the hallway adjacent to the hall with the beds in it, open the gem door and enter the Elven Labyrinth. 

BOOKS: "Annals of Shadelight Coven" "Scuttling Psalms" "Mambaboo (this is about my cat)" "Ruminations of Atmora" "Fragmentae Abbysum Hermeaus Mora" "The Onus of the Oghma" "Hermorah's Locker" "Ten Wonders of Skyrim"
LOOT: Eldergleam Amber, Quartz Bottle

The Elven Labyrinth- 

Hmm...It's awful quiet in here. Seems like bait (because it is). Proceed into the threatening mists and get ambushed by multiple whispmothers - at the back end of the room, if you walk straight ahead from where you enter the room, hit the wall, and go along it to your left, is Bleaksabre. It's in a little crate about waist high. There are also a couple elven chests scattered around the labyrinth.  Head back out, grab the Amber from the Ornament, and proceed into the Maw from the Abbey.

LOOT: "Bleaksabre"

The Scuttling Maw-

There is a note from Verenim to someone he is expecting immediately on the right by the lantern from where you walk in. Otherwise There is nothing to grab here. If you're having trouble with this, you have to manipulate your character while youre falling and aim for the center. If you dont pay attention right before the end, you are crab food :( If you've gotten this far you have all the keys needed to proceed forward - you wont be coming back to part 1 till the end of part 2.

Part 2

Ornament Sea-

Immediately next to you when you fall down is a large pile of objects which appeared to have also made the trip down. Swimming towards it, find the small entrance on the waterline. Just inside to the left is the Amethyst Bottle Collectable on a chair next to a skull. You will walk in a few feet and find stairs leading to the right. Go to the top of them - if you go to the left a little, there are the Sapphire Feathers on a dwarven shelf. Stop and go back a few paces to the stairs. look to the ground just to the right of the stairs - there is a mast leading out over the water. walk out on it and turn around. Hope across the pillars going back the direction you just came from and enter the hidden room in the trash pile. On a table to the right is the Nymph Crystal.  jump back out on the pillars, and look right towards the dwarven stone with a skeleton on it. Jump there. go up the ramp to the top of the pile. On top of the pile, proceed to the small camp on the other end and check the table. There is a note from verenim, and the Ornament key.  

In this cell is also the Effervescent Emerald, right out in the open, guarded by three more locked gates in one of the ruined buildings. You know what to do - find the three levers. From the locked gates facing the emerald, turn around and walk down the ruined hall. On the wall about head height to your left is the first lever. From there, head out into the main area and proceed passed the pirate's camp, and walk down the steps into the theater looking area. To the left is a vertical elven pillar with some old nord pottery on top. On that pillar, around the corner is the second lever. The third lever is in the trash pile where you got the Nymph Crystal, Sapphire Feathers, and Ornament Key. Starting from the waterline entrance to the trash pile, proceed up the stairs, go to the left, go down the stairs under the platform with the skeleton on it, and pull the last lever on the ground. The Effervescent Emerald is now open to you, and you may proceed through the Fourth Gem Door out by the Sea Nymphs, to the right just outside the bay. Once you active the Ornament, proceed through the ruins and take the Aegis of the Deep - there are also two ancient chests behind the emerald door. There is something else you need to get at this point - the Jade of Jephre. From the steps leading up to the akaviri structure from the water, enter the ruined brick building directly to the left. There is a doorway leading out to the boat wreckage, with a chest on the ground just outside the threshhold. If you go outside and to the left, around the chest, you'll find the Jade of Jephre sitting next to a gold goblet.  

There's still more you can get - swim out into the waters of the bay and enter the large lighthouse. At its peak is the Abalone Bottle collectable and the Sapphire Akaviri Katana, along with an ancient chest. From here, you need to get into the reliquary and deal with captain calico. Youll have to proceed back into the water, exactly where you originally entered the cell from. If you look out to the sea, to your left will be a waterfall with a statue of a face just barely peaking out. Swim up to that....and enter the Grotto. 

LOOT: Sapphire Feathers, Amethyst Bottle, Abalone Bottle, Nymph Crystal, Aegis of the deep, Sapphire Akaviri Katana, Jade of Jephre


Enter the room - The only door you can enter is the one on the right. Ignore the three ornaments for now - you wont have all three till right near the end. Go through the door on your left back out to the Ornament Sea.

Ornament Sea-

Just in front of the door atop the ruins, a small hole between the grating is visible. Drop a worthless object down into it, and the pressure plate will open. If you for some reason dropped your main weapon down there, you can pick it up through the grate down below. From here, drop down and enter the ruins with another grate and pressure stone visible, right across the gated off door. The gate should be open, walk up to it to press it, and the gate to the reliquary should open just outside

The Reliquary-


Enter this room and duel Captain Calico - be warned, he is dangerous. Take the locker key on his person. From here, you can go upstairs and out the door to the fifth gem door, but you can not open it yet. In here is all the loot this particular band of pirates have been stashing. Maybe this realm has served as the treasure stash of pirates and thieves since time began? Inside the large cubbyhole cupboards to the left of the fire, all the way on the bottom and to the left, behind three books, is the Rubiline Heart. Also in that same group of cupboards is the Emerald Bottle. Proceed back out to the Ornament Sea and go back to the small Bay of Refuse from which you dropped in - You will find a ruined ship and a green light emanating from within. Swim over to find a door to the Locker. Enter this door.

BOOKS: "Fragments of the White Records"
LOOT:"Endeavor," Emerald Bottle, Crystal Urn, Rubiline Heart, A bunch of Gold Treasures

The Locker-

 Proceed immediately out on the mast in front of you. near the end of it (but not the end, or you'll land on the other side of a wall), where it reaches the bow of the submerged ship,  jump down into the water on your left. facing now left from the entrance having jumped off the mast, there is a hole in the wall, underwater. It is around some barrels and clutter. Swim in, and navigate through the submerged wreck. Careful not to drown here. Youll have to swim all the way to the back and right of the vessel, and resurface above the water. Walk up the small grate and grab the Daedric Resin on to the left in the small box, next to a couple of loot chests. Proceed back out to the main area, standing on the same submerged boat with the mast that you jumped off. To your right is the giant anchor and entrance. to your left, a tower of barrels and nautical nonsense. Proceed along the mast again to your left. There is an entrance to the 'tower' on the waterline that goes nowhere - instead, dive into the water underneath the tower and find the way up inside it behind the barrel. About halfway up, the path will lead you outside the structure briefly, and a mast will be laid out towards a boat. Walk across, and jump down onto the lower deck of the vessel. Another fallen mast leads into a hole in the wall - walk up that and you will find the World Garden Key. Outside of that same hole, if you go right up the stairs, are the Emerald Feathers and a copy of Akavir Obscura. atop the stairs inside. from here you need to go back to the tower of nautical nonsense. Either jump back down into the water or walk along one of the ropes leading up that will provide access to the mast you jumped down from. Once you're back inside the tower structure, proceed all the way up the tower this time, and once you see the Donkey Kong reference at the top of the tower (chest of bananas), head out across the mast to the boat. In front of you is a door with two tiki statues. On your left, a mast leads to a small crows nest, from which a gangplank is laid out towards a boat wreck protruding from the ceiling. Proceed up that way. You will emerge out on top of the layer of barrels and things, a false roof - a well lit statue lies across the room from you. Navigating carefully around the holes, proceed to the statue and grab The Boss Key. (If you fall down one of the holes here and onto the boat suspended just beneath, there is a substantial treasure hoard) Then proceed back to the Tiki door, and go through.

BOOKS: "Akavir Obscura"
LOOT: Daedric Resin, Emerald Feathers

Ornament Sea-

You emerge on an old boat, upon which someone seems to have taken leisure with some rum. Grab the Oubliette key on the table. To your right is the Jade ornament - use the Jade of Jephre you obtained earlier, and this time, feel free to grab it as you walk through the gate, letting it trap you inside with the door. You wont need to come back this way. 

Mushtop Loft-

You've found the way to Mushtop Loft - everything in here is tagged as player owned and non respawning. Proceed down stairs, and through the back door to obtain the Mace of Magnus. There is also an enchanted quill inside the house on the desk upstairs. After you grab the mace, head back out to the Ornament Sea. If you left the Jade inside the ornament, you may want to go get that. If not, Head back to the boat where the door to the Mushroom walkway is, and walk up the stairs next to the door. Theres a gangplank laid out for you to jump all the way down into the water. From here, you should use the Daedric Resin you procured inside the locker to open the Fifth Gem door back in the Reliquary. 

LOOT: "Mace of Magnus" Daedric quill

Akaviri Hanging Gardens-

Proceed through the Hanging Gardens - some ideas never get old. At the top is the Ornament Sword, flanked by two ancient chests. From here, You've seen everything there is to see (except what is behind the triple gem door inside the grotto, of course. We still need one more gem for that). From this point, there is one more thing you can do before entering the Oubliette.

LOOT: "Ornament Sword"

Great Ornament Sapphire Riddle-

From the Tiki door leading to the upper part of the Ornament Sea from the Locker, proceed out along the boat (with the small table and rum, where you found the key to the Oubliette, next to the Jade Ornament) and walk out on the mast. Careful not to fall in the water, or youll have to go all the way back through the locker to get to this point. Standing on the mast, turn to your right, facing the boat with the Elven statue over it and the grate on its left side- Use Whirlwind sprint to jettison yourself out to the boat. Walk along it to find the door that will lead you to the Great Sapphire. There is also the Ceremonial Crystal Akaviri No-Dachi. Youll need to jettison
yourself out again, to land safely in the bay on the way out.

LOOT: Great Ornament Sapphire, "Crystal Akaviri No-Dachi"


Go up the stairs immediately on the right. On the altar by the stairs are the Diamond Feathers. 
head back down and proceed down the stairs to the left of the entrance. At the bottom, to the left and behind you, there is a door, leading to the Gibbeting Void. In there, there is only one unlocked door to the left. Take it to the Brooding Steep - at the bottom of the stairs, in a silver bowl in the candlelit alcove, is Peryite's Pearl. keep going to the Wailing Aerie. By the purple fire altar, there is a switch. The way to the Abyssal Pens back on the Gibbeting Void will be open. Proceed to the Gibbeting Void, and enter the newly unlocked door. Fight the Shade host, or run around them to the lever on the ground, to the left, by the cage at the back of the room. The Pit Warden is not like the shades - He's fully intelligent, and doesnt consider you a threat, despite being a foe to mortal races. You may choose whether or not to prove him wrong. the way forward to the World Garden will be open, back on the Gibbeting Void. 

LOOT: Peryites Pearl, Diamond Feathers

World Garden-

You seem to have reached some kind of Nexus world within Peryite's Pits, and countless realms sprout forth from gestating globules all around you. You can jump right back into the Ornament Sea if you missed a key (Or to access the triple Gem Door inside the grotto!) or you can proceed to the locked door on the left (you need the boss key for this) which will take you to a large onion shaped structure. It appears the residents of Shadelight have made it safely here, and are somewhere off in one of the countless worlds in front of you, beyond reach or care. Perhaps the world containing the city was in fact founded by the survivors of shadelight? We'll never know. Enter the Crows Nest to deal with the devious wizard Verenim. But real quick, we're gonna pretend you jumped back into the Ornament Sea to find out whats behind the Last Gem Door. Lucky for you, the entire Ornament Sea seems to be hanging from the tree right there up the crystal path. See what I did there? Ornament-ception. Everything's an ornament, you're an ornament. always has been. (yeah, merry Christmas).

Brood Chamber-

"Hope i'm not interrupting" you say, seconds before getting chopped in half and thrown on a grill. It appears this is an invite-only fire ceremony - and big momma is not pleased. No snoo snoo for you. Fight the Brood Mother and her cadre of guards for the Great Ornament Sword, The Daedric Opal, and Some Loot. There is a dibella statue and an ancient chest behind the large elven statue in the center of the room. From here, you'll have to backtrack all the way to the world garden. I know, it sucks. 

LOOT:Great Ornament Sword, Daedric Opal

Crows Nest-

Verenim will have the Shadelight Home key that leads you out. Take it from his knife-ear corpse (woah!), and proceed out to the World Garden, passed the locked door on your left, out on the walkway. There is the Captains Sword to your left, as well as the way back to Mundus. 


Mace of Magnus
Ornament Sword
Great Ornament Sword
Sapphire Akaviri Katana
Crystal Akaviri No-Dachi
Aegis of the deep
Coral Sword


Sanguine Amethyst
Eye of Auri-el
Eldergleam Amber
Effervescence Emerald
Jade of Jephre
Daedric Resin
Peryites Pearl
Nymph Resin
Rubiline Heart
Shadelight Stone
Daedric Opal
Great Ornament Sapphire



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