

You can turn all SoulGems and "SoulGem fragments" into Dust to be reformed
into any SoulGem you need. Provided you have Enchanting at level Adept (50) or more.

the conversion table is:

Black SoulGem = 4 portions of SoulGem Dust (The conversion is due to size not power)
Grand SoulGem = 6 portions of SoulGem Dust
Greater SoulGem = 5 portions of SoulGem Dust
Common SoulGem = 4 portions of SoulGem Dust
Lesser SoulGem = 3 portions of SoulGem Dust
Petty SoulGem = 2 portions of SoulGem Dust
SoulGem Fragment = 1 portion of SoulGem Dust

Keep in mind that to create a Black SoulGem you need:

4 Soulgem Dust Portions
2 Bonemeal
1 Azure Plasm

ALL of this is explained in a new book you can find in your room.


- Set of Coldharbour Daedric Armor 
(You can forge it with azure plasm and materials. It glows blue, otherwise is identical to vanilla Daedric Armor. 
The recipe doesn't require a dremora's heart though)

- Set of Coldharbour Daedric Weapons
The blades are lighter than daedric swords.
Coldharbour Grand Blade
Coldharbour Blade
Coldharbour Dagger

(As with the Armor the recipes use azure plasm instead of a dremora's heart.)
- 4 new soul exchange recipes for the "Altar of Molag Bal"

2 Filled Black Soulgems (and materials): Piece of Coldharobur Daedric Armor (Boots, Gauntlets, Helm & Cuirass) 
(Crafting it this way you don't need to have the "Daedric smithing" Perk)

2 Filled Black Soulgems (and materials): Coldharbour Daedric Weapon (Grand Blade, Blade and Dagger)
(Crafting it this way you don't need to have the "Daedric smithing" Perk)

3 Filled Black SoulGems: Dremora Servant Ring
One of each Filled SoulGems (7 types in total): Molkhun Dra Staff

- Dremora Servant Exclusive Rings
You can now create 4 different enchanted rings, that you can give to your Dremora Servant
(or any other follower you have).

The rings only work on NPC's. 
You can wear them, but they grant you no benefits.
Each ring reflects the attributes of the creature they are named after.

Ring of The Harvester: Enhances Speed, Magicka and magicka regeneration (ideal for mages).
Ring of Grievous Twilight: Enhances Health,  Magicka and magic resistance (ideal for battle mages).
Ring of Daedroth: Enhances Health, stamina and Heavy Armor (ideal for Two handed warriors).
Ring of Clannfear: Enhances Speed, stamina and Light Armor (ideal for archers and One handed warriors ).

All rings also grant some QOL extras: 
Waterbreathing (so your follower doesn't surface for air when underwater)
Muffle (that way your follower wont alert enemies when sneaking)
Fortified Carry Weight (give them more stuff to carry) 
- The Molkhun Dra Staff
The ultimate necromancer staff.

10 points of Magic Damage.
Soultrap 60 seconds.
Reanimate anything for 120 seconds. 

The damage is set so you can technically kill without using another weapon or spell.

- Amulet of Molag Bal
The amulet is endgame gear, some of the enchantments won't show until you master certain skills
when you do, it will unlock it's true potential. 

The amulet grants:
At Level 10: 100% Magicka Regeneration. 
At Level 20: 100% Stamina Regeneration.
At Level 40: 100% Health Regeneration.
At Level 80: 30% Resist Magic.
Frotify all schools of magic by 25% (if you have 100% on that school, it tracks them separately)
Fortify Archery, One-Handed and Two-Handed by 25% (if you have 100% on that skill, it tracks them separately)

It can only be used by the player, it won't work on followers or other npc's.
You can find the Amulet and a letter that explains how it works on your bedroom, on top of the desk.

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