
When setting your keyboard hotkeys in your various mod MCMs and also when you come to set the links in the Gamepad++ MCM you will need to disable your controller for the keyboard key presses to register.  Ne0's input mode toggle from the old version may make a return at some point, just not for now.

Do not assign any of your Gamepad++ keys as hotkeys in any other mod MCM.  If you do you will end up with both the Gamepad++ actions and those from the other mod triggering at the same time.  The only exception to this is if you are using iEquip, in which case both mods will guide you to the correct setup (but you already knew that because you have already watched the video above, right...).

Make sure you are pressing the button combos in the correct order (combo key first then the action key) otherwise they will not work.  RB+X is not the same as X+RB!

If you are loading this on an existing game and you find some of the buttons or combos not working as advertised open the main game settings/controls panel and Reset Defaults.  Also make sure you do not have Controlmap_Custom.txt in your main Skyrim folder.

If you choose to enable the fourth Combo Key then make sure whichever key you choose does not have a single press action which will conflict (ie draw/sheath weapon, sneak, etc).  I personally use A for this but only use the A+ combos for things I'm not going to need in situations where I'd normally be pressing A for something else (opening/activating/charging spellsword and so on) so for things like Build Campfire, Toggle Actions (remove helmet, god mode, etc).

The zoom in/zoom out feature from the old version has been removed.  For far better functionality we highly recommend you spend one of your hotkey combos on
 A Closer Look by fadingsignal.

DPad Up/Down actions are now blocked if QuickLoot Loot Menu is showing, allowing you to navigate without triggering anything else.

You may find when navigating the ENB config panel with the mouse you can use the wheel adjusters no problem, but single mouse clicks don't register so to expand subsections simply hover over the header with the mouse and use the right/left arrows on your keyboard to expand/close them.

DO NOT MERGE if you are using Gamepad++ with iEquip.  However if you are NOT using Gamepad++ with iEquip (WHY NOT!) it should be completely safe to merge

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