What a dramatic thing to say! But I don't think anyone is surprised by this point.

After how many times I've tried and failed to revive this project, it's become sort of a running joke. I think it's about time to finally let it rest in peace. For good this time. Pinky promise no more necromancy.

  • Wait, that's it? What happened to 3.0? What have you been doing the entire past year? WHAT WHAT WHAT?

The answer is... quite a lot actually. None of it related to VT unfortunately. I've been part of the core Devious Devices team and that's been my priority as far as Skyrim modding goes. But what really consumes most of my attention these days is Stellaris.
I've been working together with Nessa (of New Vegas TypeN fame) on several major mods that ended up becoming quite popular, and we have a few more projects in the works that will probably keep us busy for a long time. If you're curious, here's my Stellaris portfolio so far.

  • STELLARIS? But... But... Bethesda games! Wutface BibleThump BabyRage

To tell the truth, I was tired of Skyrim years ago. The only thing that kept me in it was, year by year, every PAX, every E3, a small glimmer of hope in my heart that Bethesda would announce TES 6 and I'd have something NEW to look forward to again, something that would reignite my interest in Elder Scrolls!

And then they announced... a Skyrim re-release. Followed by another 10 of them. For every conceivable platform because that's a thing right? Everybody loves playing the same silly game with no additional content for the sixth year in a row? RIGHT?

My interest in creating content for Skyrim evaporated that instant. All that's left now is fatigue. The only thing my brain associates with the word "Skyrim" is the feeling of tiredness, boredom and repetition.

So... yah. Stellaris! Isn't it great when a game you're modding has a future? When there's a patch every couple of weeks, a new expansion is being developed as we speak and a few years from now, it will have a list of content as long as any other Paradox game? Isn't NEW stuff great in general?

  • Does it mean no more Vampiric Thirst? No more independent Skyrim mods from Miss Leeches?

The short answer is: at this time, yes.

It would be dishonest to lead you on alluding that maybe there's still hope for a VT revival in the future. VT, as we know it, is finished. I can promise that it will no longer receive updates, it will not ported over to SSE or consoles and the once-promised 3.0 rework will not happen.

  • Ohhh I see what you did there, Miss Never-Give-A-Definitive-Answer, you. So will you NEVER release Skyrim mods on your own again? Is there no hope at all for maybe a different vampirism overhaul, much smaller in scope but better in quality? Why is this hypothetical question so oddly specific?

I admit that when I decided to lay VT to rest, the thought of starting over from scratch, free from the structure and expectations of the VT brand, did cross my mind. But that's all it did. I currently have no plans regarding any new Skyrim projects. As I mentioned, Skyrim leaves me tired and unmotivated. I'd much rather be modding a game that makes me happy and excited for the future.


I'm sorry that I couldn't deliver what I promised. From the beginning VT was a far more ambitious project than I could handle on my own. As my free time and motivation started slipping away I could no longer reconcile my objectives with my capabilities. For the last couple of years, this has been a constant drain on my self-esteem, a merciless thorn in my OCD and a huge embarrassment to me as a modder.

Out of all my reasons for dropping it, the main one is really very selfish: I want to move on, as a modder and as a person, even if it means that I have to leave a thing unfinished and accept that I did.

So... this is it I guess. Vampiric Thirst is officially resting in peace. It will not be disturbed again.

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  1. ivanroca
    • supporter
    • 12 kudos
    Thank youuu! you are a booosss !! :)))
  2. Phelan42
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Thank you, both for all the work you put into VT (even the attempt at 3.0) as well as this update. Your reasons are all too understandable, and yeah, modders can only keep a game alive and interesting for so long, especially when Bethesda are so... weird?
    Well, stuff like this is meant to be fun, if you're not having fun (at least in looking forward to a finished mod), then abandonining it is the thing to do
  3. PhantomofSkyrim
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    Bit of a shame we won't get a Special Edition version, but I understand where you're coming from Leeches. Real Life unfortunately does interfere far too often.
    I wish you the best of luck, and I will continue using this mod regularly for some of my characters so I can wreak a bit of havoc and tear out some throats.
  4. Oathblivion
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Completely understandable. The intervals between my own playthroughs have grown longer and longer as well, and playing the game is a long way away from staring at code and "WHY DIS NO WORK??" comments.

    However, VT was (and probably will still be) my favorite vampirism overhaul. There's no need at all for it to be a drain on your self esteem. You did a good thing. o7
  5. Klogus2222
    • account closed
    • 1 kudos
    No, this is not selfish, you have the right to do what you wanted. You are not a slave for the mod-user and forced to satisfied us. Live the life you want, go ahead !
  6. patchling
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    Thank-you for letting us know. And thank-you for updating your permissions.

    "This mod is abandoned. You have permission to freely use and modify this mod for personal use. You do not need my permission to publish derivative works based on it but I would be grateful if you mentioned me in the credits."

    That sounds like an ambitious modder can try to make VT 3.0. Would you be willing to make your notes for VT 3.0 available? All the changes to design and codding that you took notes for, those notes.
  7. squidhm3
    • premium
    • 6 kudos
    I will miss this, as it was my favorite vampire overhaul, but I completely concur with your rationale. I'll have to investigate that other game, I've never heard of it!