
This guide is based on ogerboss' instructions for adjustingcustom races for Requiem, found here: click

So, you want to make your own patch to make a custom racecompatible with Requiem? That's great! Follow this guide and you'll have your patch in 10-15 minutes or less (depending how fast you can click).

What you'll need to have already installed:

-         Tes5Edit: here
-         Requiem
-         Your chosen custom race (I'll be using Battle Matera in this guide)

Start Tes5. It will greet you with a list of all your installed mods already checked. You will only have to check two (Requiem and your race), so, to uncheck them, right-click anywhere on the list and click »Select None«.

Now find Requiem and your race. Check them and click OK.

Tes5will load your chosen mods and all their masters – Skyrim.esm, Update.esm, Dawnguard.esm and usually RaceCompatibility.esm. Wait until it's finished loading. 

Now take a look at the left pane. This is where you should see all loaded esm/esp files. The right pane is where all the information will be shown and you will spend most of your time here.

Your race should be right at the bottom. Click a + sign next to it to expand it. You should see some expandable entries, but the only one you'll be interested in is the »Race« entry. If you expand it, you'll see some sub-entries – usually two, one for normal race and one for vampire. Right click on Race and click »Deep copy as override into…«.

At this point Tes5 will warn you that you are about to edit a module file and you should really think about it. Don't worry, you won't be editing the original file – what you are about to do is make a completely NEW esp file (with copied Race entry from the original) and edit THAT one. So you
can safely click Yes.

Tes5 will now show a list of possible files you cold copy Raceentry into. Check »<new file>« and click OK.

Name the new file something that makes sense – I usually go with »<Custom race> - Requiem«.

Tes5 will warn you that it has to add the original race and all its masters to your new esp as masters. That's needed, so click Yes.

You should now see your new file right at the bottom, and ifyou expand it, it will only have File Header and Race entries – Race should be identical to the one from the original. To check, expand Race entry in YOUR file and click on one of its entries. In the right pane you  should now see a table with a green background and three columns. The first column just tells you what all the rows are, the second is information from the original, and the last is information from your file.

WARNING: If your right pane remains blank, don't worry – you didn't do anything wrong. By default, Tes5 hides identical data. Just right click anywhere in the right pane and uncheck »Hide no conflict rows«.

Your screen should now look somewhat like this:

Now, you will need to add Requiem as a master to your file.If you don't do that, you won't be able to make a patch, because Tes5 won't allow you to copy certain Spells Requiem adds to all races.

It's easy. Just right-click on the name of your file and select»Add Masters…«.

Select Requiem and click OK.

You are now ready to finally make your patch!

Requiem adds certain Spells and Keywords to vanilla races in addition to tweaking their starting stats.

Spells will be added in your file to the row Actor Effects, and Keywords need to go KWDA-Keywords row. I'll show you shortly. But first you need to know what precisely will need to be added, right?

Spells/Actor Effects:

-         REQ_Ability_DisableHealthRegen (for non-vampire racesONLY)
-         REQ_Mechanics_Stress_MassPenalty_Base
-         REQ_Mechanics_NPCAdjustment_MassEffect

The first one stops your health regeneration and the other two deal with effects to your stamina regeneration/depletion. They are ALL needed and without them your patch simply won't work.


-         Req_DropsBloodKeyword (for non-vampire ONLY)
-         Req_MinorKnockdownImmunity (vampires ONLY)
-         Req_StrongStomach (ONLY if you have a beast race –you'll be able to eat raw food)

Keywords are not really needed and I couldn't getStrongStomach to affect my races even though Tes5 says it does, so decide for yourself whether you'll be adding them or not. All vanilla races in Requiem have them, though, but it really won't break your patch if you don't add them.

If you want to add keywords:

Expand Requiem and scroll down until you find Keyword entry. There are a bunch of sub-entries in it, and the keyword you need is somewhere between them. If you don't feel like reading every single entry (really, it's like finding a needle in a haystack), just write a part (or whole, if you want)
of the keyword you need in Editor ID textbox and hit Enter. Tes5 is case-insensitive, so you don't need to mind capital letters. After a little while it should throw you right on what you were searching for.

Click on the keyword (Req_DropsBlood in this case) and findits Form ID row. You will need to copy this.

Double-click on the Form ID and a new window will open. It will simply have the whole Form ID. You'll need to select it whole and copy it (Ctrl+C or right-click and Copy).

Now scroll back down to your file and select the race – non-vampire in this case. Find KWDA-Keywords row and right-click on it in YOUR column (the last one). Click »Add«.

Caution: Don't be too fast – »Remove« is placed right above »Add«and if you click it, it will remove ALL keywords that are already there without asking you.


You will see a new row added with yellow bacground and text NULL – Null Reference … It simply means there's nothing there – it's currently just a placeholder for your copied keyword.

Right-click that NULL and select »Edit«.

A little box will be shown with that NULL text inside it. Delete it and paste your copied keyword here, then click OK.

The result should look like this:

That's it, really. You'll add the keyword for vampires in exactly the same way, and you'll also be adding spells in that way.

This is how a vampire entry looks like:

Now let's go add a spell to disable health regeneration.

You will need to go back to Requiem, find Spells entry and search for the spell here. Otherwise, you'll do exactly the same as you did with the keywords.

Let the screenshots show you:

Now go back to your file again and select non-vampire entry. Find Actor Effects row, right-click on it and select »Add«.

You will again get a NULL row and will need to edit it.

Add the other two spells in the same way. Remember, when you're done with a normal race, you'll need to add spells to vampire race as well – but ONLY the last two. Vampires don't need disabled health regeneration – you will see why shortly.

This is it, when it comes to adding Requiem stuff. Your normal race should look like this now:

And your vampire race:

Tired already? Well, we're not quite done yet. You will need to edit starting stats for normal races.
If you go back up to Requiem, find Race entry and look for Nord Race for example, you will see Requiem edits starting Health, Magicka, Stamina, Carry weight, reneration rates and unarmed damage. You will need to do the same.

This screenshot shows Nord Race:

You will need to edit these values in your file. If you know which vanilla race your race is based off, you can just copy the files from vanilla race in Requiem (Race entry), or think up your own values.
Bear in mind, these values should be balanced.

-         Health varies somewhere 80-120 for vanilla races inRequiem
-         Stamina is around 80-120
-         Magicka 60(Orcs)-130(High Elves)
-         Carry weight  80-125

Regeneration rates are a bit different.

-         Health regeneration MUST be 0.2 (Don't ask why.Ogerboss says so and his word is law on      everything Requiem)
-         Stamina regen is somewhere 1.0-1.65
-         Magicka 1.0-1.5
-         Unarmed damage varies, but beast races should gethighest values (still no more than 20)

Decide for yourself, but keep it sensible.

How you edit? Just scroll down to your file, choose non-vampire race, find the appropriate rows, right-click on their values and type in your chosen values when Tes5 prompts you.

WARNING: You should change these only for non-vampire races.The only changes vampires get is this:

-         Health regeneration MUST be 0 (that's why they don't need DisableHealthRegen spell)
-         Halve carry weight

That's it. You're practically done now. The end results for non-vampires:

And vampires:

Now hit Ctrl+S to save your file.

It will generally be put in Skyrim's Data, unless you use Mod Organizer – then you'll find it in Overwrite directory.

When you next start up Skyrim, remember to check it in your plugins and run LOOT, or if you don't use LOOT, place it below Requiem and your custom race esp. Also, don't forget to rerun Requiem's SkyProc patcher!

You can check the file for errors and clean it but if you followed this guide, you shouldn't have to.

That's it. You're done!

Have fun playing with your newly balanced race!  J

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  1. Llounal
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Well, i was trying to make compatibility to these  race 
    Made all steps except I can not find
    -         REQ_Mechanics_Stress_MassPenalty_Base
    -         REQ_Mechanics_NPCAdjustment_MassEffect
    In requiem, to copy for race. Maybe they have different names this days? 

  2. MikeX760
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This helped out a ton however I used their page to get by in some
    since images on this thread cant be viewed on my pc for whatever reason but thanks.
  3. AndreBRbahia
    • BANNED
    • 1 kudos
    im noob at ssedit can somenone make a compatibilty between berserk race and requiem please?
  4. triptease
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    NM found out I was forgetting the keywords for the race
  5. killvader34
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hello fleshy mammals, I was wondering as to HOW i add the actor effects? I can see them, but cant move them.
  6. Javelinaut
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    hi I don't think Katia Managan race menu has a compatability patch for requiem and I'm not sure if I tripped up in the process of making a patch for Katia Managan race menu so it can work with Requiem using TES5T  can you try create a patch and out this mod and guide me how it would work? (heres the mod)->.
  7. jamstraz
    • supporter
    • 3 kudos
    I followed to the letter, and the issue with the Reqtificator persists :'(  Maybe the Succubus Race just can't be patched to work.
  8. WeissEX
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I followed your guide but skyproc Patchers says this 
    "        As it was imported from your load order, one of your custom races does not contain the mandatory changes made by Requiem.
    Affected record: CustomNordRace [170025A9 - *Banned User*Race.esp, last modified by *Banned User*Race.esp]

    This appears to be a playable custom race. To use this race with Requiem you will need to either find a patch for it or make a few changes yourself with Tes5Edit. A guide can be found at Adjusting Custom Races for Requiem.

    The Reqtificator will now terminate due to this critical error. Once you resolved this conflict, start the Reqtificator again to patch your fixed setup.     "
    what soul i do i did exactly what u said 
    edit : my fail  sry forgot that the mod had 3 custom race instead of 2
  9. Dragoth88
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    I made changes but patcher still pop's up an error that my race need a change (and it point to my newly made patch/mod as a last source of new race)
  10. skyrimmodder0606
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    uhh, after you said "you are finally ready to make your patch, does that mean the stuff below it is optional?