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About this mod

Fixes the annoying bug where Dualsense stops working.

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If you've played the game with a Dualsense you should have noticed that haptics & adaptive triggers stop working after 2 minutes or if you open up your map for more than 10 seconds.

This can be solved by Alt Tabbing or moving your mouse a bit. I found this painfully annoying that I installed this software that moves your mouse every 30 seconds so you never have to worry about your haptics or adaptive triggers disappearing again.


1) Download and extract the mod.

2) Run AutoMouseMover.exe as admin and tick "Start Mouse Cursor Movement with App Startup

3) Set number of pixels to Move to 1. Set Move Mouse Cursor at 5 seconds.

4) Click on Save & Hide to System Tray.


1) You can just nevermind this mod, download Move Mouse from windows store here: https://apps.microsoft.com/detail/9nq4ql59xlbf?hl=en-US&gl=US

2) Run as admin (REALLY IMPORTANT!!)

3) Set Direction to UpandDown, Distance to 5, Speed to Fast and in Behavior tab Repeat every 10 seconds.

4) Launch game.

And you're all set! You have to run this software everytime you run the game and no mouse movement doesn't move cutscenes or shooting at all in the game, you basically don't feel it.