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  • Ariane Signalis SURS reskin mod

    A thorough reskin of Elsters files to reflect that of Ariane!!! :3

    I hope you all enjoy this quirky little mod....

  • How to Enable Mod

    After Installing the .ZIP folder your going to want to extract the files within into the MelonLoader Mod folder created by the MelonLoader autosetup.
    From here your going to want to load into Signalis.

    Once loaded into a scene where Elster physically exists, one can hit either the 
    F1 Key->First Person Camera
    F2 Key->3rd Person Over the Shoulder Camera
    + Key-> DMC/Drone Perspective Camera

    Before using please enable Tank Mode in settings and Simple Enemy Rendering, these will make sure that controls are correct and that enemies actually appear....

  • MelonLoader Install

    In order to load this mod you must have MelonLoader PreInstalled to do this follow these steps. 

    To Install MelonLoader one can use the following Link, 
    However do not use the newest version currently (and for likely quite some time) all of my mods and the Signalis' Communities Mods use Melonloader Version 5.7, so install this version. To do so select on Melonloader settings, disable install only newest build, and be sure to select the 5.7 build when continuing set up. 
    When installing this version select the Signalis.Exe file and  fill  in any info you need for MelonLoader,
    When this is done a mods folder will be created and any mods that use Melonloader will be .dll files you can place into the m...

  • How to Enable Mod

    After Installing the .ZIP folder your going to want to extract the files within into the MelonLoader Mod folder created by the MelonLoader autosetup.
    From here your going to want to load into Signalis.
    Once loaded in on the Pen_Wreck scene (The start of the game) your going to want to hit "F11" this will activate the mod and restore the beta content...

  • MelonLoader Install

    In order to load this mod you must have MelonLoader PreInstalled to do this follow these steps. 

    So you will need to install Melon Loaders Automatic Installer a link to which ill have below and then run that from here you want to select the Signalis.Exe file that will fill  in any info you need for MelonLoader, when this is done a mods folder will be created and any mods that use Melonloader will be .dll files you can place into the mods folder.

  • Installing the Save File

    To Install and use this mod follow the following steps

    Find your game on your PC localized files, if you are on steam do this by clicking the cog then Properties then Local Files then Browse.
    Open the "Signalis_Data" Folder
    Open the save folder
    Make sure you do not have a 05 Save Folder, if you do then you need to free this spot. This can be done by either deleting the 05 Folder and losing your profile 5 save, or by deleting another profile save and renaming the 05 folder the number of the deleted save (if profile 3 was deleted then 03) 
    Extract the attached folder into the Signalis_Data/Saves folder, it should extract as a folder named "05" if it does not rename it to 05

    Open your game and load profile 5, this profile will now contain the ...